Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta Orgânico Bella Terra – 60ml – Elixir Prensado a Frio, Rico em Vitaminas A, C
✔️ [Radiância Dourada]: Deleite-se com a beleza natural do Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta Orgânico, rico em Vitaminas A, C e ácidos graxos essenciais para uma pele radiante.
✔️ [Elixir Facial]: Descubra o segredo para uma tez luminosa com nosso Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta, um aliado perfeito para sua rotina de cuidados faciais.
✔️ [Puro Prazer]: Abraçe a revolução dos ingredientes únicos com o Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta, livre de aditivos e substâncias sintéticas.
✔️ [De Volta à Natureza]: Aceite o Desafio da Rosa Mosqueta: substitua produtos fabricados em laboratório por este puro e potente óleo carreador para uma jornada transformadora.
✔️ [Satisfação e Confiança]: Empresa de Pequeno Porte de Propriedade de Veteranos dedicada à excelência. A satisfação do cliente é nossa prioridade máxima, oferecendo reembolso total se não estiver satisfeito com o produto.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- ✔️ Hidratação Profunda: O Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta é conhecido por sua capacidade de hidratar profundamente a pele, deixando-a macia e suave.
- ✔️ Combate aos Sinais de Envelhecimento: Com suas propriedades antioxidantes, o Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta ajuda a reduzir rugas, linhas finas e manchas, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem.
- ✔️ Regeneração da Pele: Graças à sua alta concentração de vitamina A, o Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta auxilia na regeneração celular, ajudando a melhorar a aparência de cicatrizes e estrias.
- ✔️ Proteção contra Danos Ambientais: As vitaminas C e E presentes no Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta ajudam a proteger a pele dos danos causados pelos radicais livres e pela exposição ao sol.
- ✔️ Versatilidade: Além de ser um ótimo hidratante facial, o Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta também pode ser usado no corpo e nos cabelos, proporcionando benefícios para todo o seu corpo.
O Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta Orgânico Bella Terra oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados pessoais. Primeiramente, sua capacidade de hidratação profunda garante que a pele fique macia e suave, combatendo a secura e o ressecamento. Em segundo lugar, suas propriedades antioxidantes são eficazes na redução de sinais de envelhecimento, como rugas e manchas, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem e saudável. Além disso, a regeneração celular proporcionada pela vitamina A ajuda a melhorar a aparência de cicatrizes e estrias, tornando-o ideal para quem busca uma pele mais uniforme. A proteção contra danos ambientais é outro ponto forte, já que as vitaminas C e E atuam como barreiras contra os radicais livres. Por fim, sua versatilidade permite que seja utilizado em diversas partes do corpo, incluindo cabelos, oferecendo um tratamento completo e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique algumas gotas do Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta Orgânico Bella Terra na pele limpa e massageie suavemente até a completa absorção. Utilize diariamente, de manhã e à noite, como parte de sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Para uso no cabelo, aplique uma pequena quantidade nas pontas para hidratação e brilho. Evite o contato com os olhos. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar suas propriedades.
D. Dubey –
I’ve only been using this oil for about two weeks, and it’s my first bottle of rosehip seed oil ever. So I can’t exactly speak for the long-term effects, but I can say that the rosehip seed oil I received seems to be of pretty good quality. The color is a yellowish amber, and it has a sort of warm nutty smell. It also sinks really quickly into my skin, which I knew it was supposed to, but was actually pretty surprised at. All in all, I’m glad I took a chance on Bella Terra.
Marilyn Hutton –
Great moisturizer for face. Also, reduces any scars one might have.
Amazon Customer –
I love this rosehip oil! Use it on my face at night after cleansing and I always wake up with my face still moisturized. It’s so soothing! The 4oz bottle has lasted me up to 6 months and I still have less than half a bottle left!
This is does wonders for dry skin but especially older skin. Feels great and it’s a all natural way to get natural retinol!
I have used this oil for yrs and look at least 10 yrs younger!
I also mix it with my other lotions etc to give it a more emollient and moisturizing.
Great for the scalp and hair!! I use this olive literally head to toe!
I’m undedcided about this product. I’ve been using it for approximately 10 days so far.
I only use it on my face after it’s been cleaned. I tend to leave my facial skin slightly damp so that oils will “soak” into it. However, I found that with this particular oil it just doesn’t feel good when I do so. It’s like having two different — its difficult to explain. Sort of like the oil doesn’t spread easily on my face when the skin is just a tad damp. I find that when I completely dry my facial skin the oil does spread better and without so much effort. Yet it doesn’t really feel moisturized.
I’ve finally figured out what this oil smells like to me. Bitter green tea leaves. That’s the closest to what I can cone up with for the aroma of the oil. It doesn’t linger too long. After about 10 min or so it begins to fade.
The oil comes in a dark glass bottle. It’s a goldish/yellowish colour. The texture of the oil feels thick. No where near castor oil, yet not as light as almond oil or grape seed oil texture wise.
Not sure of the quality of this oil. I will probably head to an “organic/natural” store to buy another one and compare it to this one.
I took a picture of the packaging in which the product came in. 0% Satisfaction Guaranteed! That gave me a chuckle… Hopefully it’s not true.
Joshua U. –
I am convinced that this is the best cartier oil you could (and definitely should use if intended for topical use on the skin.
Ohhhh I’ll explain: being dubbed as a carrier oil means its purpose is to serve as a dilution within which a much more potent (or more fragrant oil should be added to this carrier at something like a 1:5 ratio on order to dilute the more powerful oil. I the case of the oils involved being intended for aromatic purposes only (ex: eucalyptus), this is something different completely. However, I would have to find it peculiar if an oil more prolific for its benefits on skin than aromatherapy would even be considered to use as a carrier in aromatherapy (it’s be a great waste to be frank). Thank said, primrose has been celebrated for more than a century for its irrefutably salubrious effects on topical skin application, with a non-offensive smell, optimal absorption, and moisturizing texture. That said, I personally use this primrose oil as the carrier for a more potent oil which is similarly renowned for its youth-endorsing effects on the skin – Helichrysum Essential Oil, which is extremely concentrated and powerful, and this needs to be suspended in a carrier oil. before facial and other skin application. This creates a powerhouse essential oil fountain of use. I’ve been using it for 2 months now and visible scar fade has been observed. I highly recommend primrose oil for topical use. CO2 extracted oils are the ultimate in purity, but exceedingly difficult to find and highly expensive. The Bella Terra is high quality and an incredibly price for the volumes they provide and the quality you can smell, see, and feel. Also try their Green Coffee Bean oil – a tiny drop under each eye in the morning will bring your face to life (and rob you of the bags under your eyes)!
Kat S –
I’m pleased with this product. At first I didn’t like the smell, but as soon as you put it on the smell goes away. It’s not too bad anyway, kind of reminds me of green tea that has steeped a while. It does a great job sealing in moisture when I put it on immediately after showering, and keeps my rosacea from flaring due to the dry winter air. It lasts a long time and feels soothing.
Hannah –
It worked nicely.