O Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta Essano para o Rosto é um produto orgânico prensado a frio, ideal para cuidados com a pele. Este óleo de beleza, disponível em frascos de 30ml, é extraído de forma sustentável da região intocada da Patagônia Austral, no Chile. Com uma fórmula rica em polifenóis, ácidos graxos essenciais e vitaminas, o óleo de rosa mosqueta oferece uma série de benefícios que transformam a rotina de cuidados com a pele. Suas propriedades hidratantes, regeneradoras e antioxidantes ajudam a reduzir rugas, cicatrizes e manchas, deixando a pele mais suave, radiante e saudável.
A leveza e a rápida absorção do óleo garantem uma sensação sedosa, sem deixar a pele oleosa. Vencedor do prêmio de Melhores Óleos Faciais no Verve Beauty Awards de 2020, o Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta Essano é livre de crueldade animal e produzido com ingredientes naturais na Nova Zelândia, refletindo o compromisso da marca com a ética e a sustentabilidade.
1. Hidratação Profunda: Proporciona uma hidratação intensa, deixando a pele macia e radiante.
2. Redução de Linhas Finas e Rugas: Ajuda a suavizar a aparência de linhas finas e rugas, promovendo uma pele mais jovem.
3. Melhora da Elasticidade da Pele: Aumenta a firmeza e tonificação da pele, melhorando sua elasticidade.
4. Uniformização do Tom da Pele: Reduz manchas e imperfeições, promovendo um aspecto mais uniforme.
5. Ingredientes Naturais e Livre de Crueldade: Escolha ética e de alta qualidade, com compromisso ambiental.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique algumas gotas do Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta Essano no rosto, pescoço ou corpo, focando em áreas problemáticas, cicatrizes ou danos na pele. Utilize pela manhã e à noite, integrando-o à sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Durante o dia, aplique após o hidratante e antes do protetor solar. À noite, use após o hidratante. Antes da aplicação, recomenda-se realizar um teste de sensibilidade, aplicando uma pequena quantidade do produto em uma área discreta da pele e aguardando 24 horas para verificar possíveis reações adversas.
Yvonne A –
I have dry sensitive skin and this product really nourished my skin. One application lasts for many hours.
Ms. J. Goodman –
I love this oil, as does my skin, which instantly perks up and glows. Unlike other reviewers I don’t think there is a smell to it and nor do I expect one: Rosehip oil doesn’t have a scent. I sometimes add a few drops of geranium or frankincense essential oil to it, in the palm of my hand, and mix before applying. Both are good for maturing skins. When I visit my daughter in NZ I can buy this for a lot less in the supermarket there, so I stock up. Love it!
Vana Dia –
I use this product all over my body all year round. It does what it says it can do.
My dark spots and acne are fading out, my skin feels and look well balanced. My partner enjoys the feel of my skin; its a pleasure using this product.
Yes, I would recommend this product to anyone who is looking for an oil to help the appearance of trouble skin. Consistency is key as well as drinking plenty of water and staying away from junk.
Rachel Scott –
Wow! I love this. I had read a bit about rosehip, this is really affordable plus the pink packaging is cute so thought I would give it a go. Had to read the back of the box to know when to use it etc (basically like a serum) but that was all well explained and their website has lots of answers too. Result…..my skin is literaly glowing! It’s soft and smooth, really nice. u only need a few drops, i’ve been using it morning and night and after only a few days I noticed a difference. I LOVE that this is organic and natural, my girlfriend is pregnant and this will be awesome for her to escape getting stretch marks – am going to buy her some for her baby shower. Love it – definitely give it a go!
Teddy –
This rosehip oil has made literally all the difference with my skin. I have combination skin and suffer from occasional hormonal acne, and this balances out my oily sections and moisturizes my dry ones. I also apply it to my upper lip after getting it waxed, and I’ve noticed a drastic reduction in ingrown hairs. It’s just an amazing product, and I am now a faithful devotee.
CMF410 –
As someone who enjoys all levels of beauty care products, I feel this is an excellent product. Initially , I received a bottle of this from a friend who received it a a health and beauty convention. After a week of use I saw an improvement in my skin tone and fine lines. When I saw it was available on amazon, I sent a bottle to a friend and also reorders first myself when it was out.
I would recommend .
Mariarosa Sclauzero –
Since I discover this product, I love it. Smooth skin, and with a light cream on top I go through the day feeling good. It gives a glow and smells good. Worth it.
Eve Jerome –
I received an old product. The oil was rusty all over the lid, and the lid was hard to open.
Amazon Customer –
When I first used it, the product had a slightly woody smell in the bottle, but it does not have a scent when applied to your skin. I patch-tested it on my skin before using to make sure I wouldn’t have a reaction. I love this product and use it every day as my moisturizer throughout out the year! My skin looks amazing, smooth, and glowing when I use it. I definitely recommend this product.
Olga –
Very average product for high price