COMPRE O AUTÊNTICO ÓLEO DE RÍCINO PURO DA ANCIENT HEALTH REMEDIES é uma maneira saudável, natural e acessível de tratar TODOS OS TIPOS DE PELE, CABELO E CORPO. Não-OGM e altamente estável, possui inúmeras aplicações para versatilidade cosmética, tornando-o ideal como aditivo ou uso independente. Mais comumente usado para promover cabelos e pele mais macios, além de crescimento de cílios, unhas e cabelos.
100% Puro, VEGANO E PRONTO PARA USO para uso tópico no corpo, unhas ou cabelos, ou como ingrediente rico em receitas caseiras de manteiga corporal. Ideal para produtos de cuidados com o bebê, manteigas corporais caseiras, cremes orgânicos para a pele, loções de massagem, hidratação da pele e cabelo e fabricação de sabão. Ou como um óleo independente.
TRADIÇÃO CENTENÁRIA EM TERAPIA DA PELE E CUIDADOS COM A BELEZA. Civilizações antigas que remontam aos egípcios antigos usavam óleo de rícino, que é extraído do feijão da planta de mamona (ricinus communis), nativa da Ásia, África e Índia. Produzido a partir dos feijões, pode ser usado para melhorar e tratar a pele com acne, psoríase, queimaduras solares e pele ressecada. Também pode fortalecer e promover o crescimento de cílios, cabelos e unhas. Também é usado para estimular o crescimento capilar em pessoas que estão sofrendo com afinamento ou perda de cabelo.
DIRETO DA ANCIENT HEALTH REMEDIES, inclui uma garrafa PET azul de fácil despejo e selada 3 vezes com uma tampa interna vermelha e envolvida em plástico termoencolhível externamente para preservar os máximos benefícios curativos e manter a frescura. Continuamos a revolucionar as contribuições para a indústria de cuidados com a pele e cabelo orgânicos com anos de pesquisa e soluções de embalagem amigáveis ao consumidor.
FONTES ÉTICAS QUE PROPORCIONAM EMPODERAMENTO FINANCEIRO PARA FAMÍLIAS NA ÍNDIA – Nossos feijões de mamona são coletados de forma justa de agricultores e tribos locais, proporcionando sustentabilidade econômica em comunidades agrícolas pobres.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Promove cabelos e pele mais macios
- Estimula o crescimento de cílios, unhas e cabelos
- Tratamento eficaz para acne, psoríase e queimaduras solares
- Ingrediente versátil para receitas caseiras de cuidados com o corpo
- Contribui para o crescimento capilar em casos de afinamento ou perda de cabelo
Karen Andrews –
We gave tried several brands of casserole oil for topical use. This brand is the best. It doesn’t have an odor and it absorbs very well.
MRS1400-Nette –
I used this Castor Oil with the Castor Oil wrap and just by itself on my skin. It has a light pea nutty scent to me, which I can appreciate. It’s thick so a little goes along way. You would think that it would be greasy but it’s not. It absorbs well. My skin is already soft but this Castor Oil just made it even softer. Velvety if you can imagine. I did use it as a detox and for the first day or two I had a slight headache. But it went away. I also placed in my navel. Then a week later I’ve been rubbing all over my body. My husband likes it too. A great deal and works as described.
Jessica Ann Maes –
I am very impressed with this oil. Used this to grow my eyebrows in just a week I saw results. I put it in my hair a couple of hours before washing, after my hair feels very soft and voluminous. I also use it in my bellybutton to sleep at night and my sleeping has improved in just a few weeks.
Amazon Customer –
I started doing some extensive research on Castor oil and it’s health benefits. A couple of the main things when it comes to Castor oil is organic, cold press and in a dark glass bottle (which I was slightly disappointed that the bottle is plastic and not glass it looks like glass from the picture and it did specify one way or the other).
I have been using this oil on a daily basis for a couple of week on belly and joint pain and I gotta say it has made a huge improve on my quality of life. I have used it for neck pain, knee pain, foot pain, and shoulder pain (it’s heck getting old).
Pros: Organic and cold press
Cons: Plastic bottle (but at least it’s not a clear bottle)
Overall I am impress with the results of using this product and I would recommend it.
Danielle –
Castor oil, it’s the buzz word, trending everywhere (check out my tiktok video;)
There isn’t much smell to this and the consistency is on the thicker side. I have used it on my skin and it has really moisturized it! I live in CO and I need all the hydration I can get.
I was putting a tiny amount in my belly button for about a week, didn’t feel much and decided to go balls out and fill that sucker up! With my belly button pool of castor oil, I started massaging it in for 5 min. I went to sleep and woke up fine the next morning, I was fine until 9ish when I felt like I got hit by a truck! Dizzy, nauseous, chills…. I thought, OMG I’m getting sick 😫 I pounded water the whole day and started feeling better arond 6. That’s when it hit me, I got too crazy and was detoxing! So definitely, start slow!!!
mary woods –
First off the bottle is not blue, it’s brown.
Also I can’t even read how to use it because they put stickers over all the directions!
The product is good tho, just frustrating.
Michelle –
I use this oil on my feet at night. It works wonderfully haven’t had dry cracked heels since I’ve started using it. One thing I really appreciate about the packaging is the plastic insert under the cap. It keeps oil from accidentally spilling if the bottle gets tipped over.
PrayingMantis –
I specifically typed castor oil, glass container. I chose the first one Amazon showed me certain it was glass. Carrier oils need to be in glass. I’m very disappointed. Carrier oils absorb the chemicals in the container.
I have not tried the product yet. I’m sure I’ll be able to use it for something, just not on the skin care regime. Carrier oils draw chemicals from plastic into the oil. Worth repeating.
This was more an Amazon thing- you specifically ask for a product and they ignore your request and show you look-a-likes. Amazon should simply say we don’t have it. That would be more honest and save customers a lot of time.
I gave the product a 4 so as not to hurt the producer-company. I could not give a 5 in clear conscience bc the maker should know the product. But I give Amazon a zero, once again, for wasting my money and time.
The platic bottle is beautiful, but plastic and Carrier oilscdont go together- especially when mailed out during 90° weather.