Óleo de Rícino Orgânico para Cílios e Cabelos – Marca: Vitaminer Shop
O Óleo de Rícino Orgânico para Cílios e Cabelos da Vitaminer Shop é um produto excepcional que combina a pureza dos ingredientes orgânicos com a eficácia comprovada do óleo de rícino. Extraído de forma sustentável das sementes da planta de rícino, este óleo é prensado a frio, garantindo que suas propriedades benéficas sejam preservadas ao máximo. Com uma fórmula livre de aditivos sintéticos, o óleo é ideal para quem busca um tratamento natural e seguro para fortalecer e revitalizar cílios, sobrancelhas e cabelos.
O óleo de rícino é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades hidratantes e nutritivas. Ele atua profundamente nos fios, promovendo a hidratação necessária para prevenir a quebra e o ressecamento, além de estimular o crescimento saudável. Com o uso regular, você notará cílios mais longos e volumosos, sobrancelhas mais cheias e cabelos com aparência saudável e brilhante. O produto é certificado como orgânico, não transgênico e verificado pela EWG, o que assegura sua qualidade e segurança.
Além disso, ao adquirir o Óleo de Rícino Orgânico da Vitaminer Shop, você recebe um kit de cílios gratuito, que inclui uma escova de máscara, um pincel delineador e um funil, facilitando a aplicação e o reabastecimento do óleo. Este kit é uma adição prática que torna o uso do produto ainda mais eficiente e agradável.
1. Kit de Cílios Incluso: Facilita a aplicação do óleo com ferramentas práticas.
2. Certificado Orgânico e Verificado: Garante um produto de alta qualidade, livre de aditivos sintéticos.
3. Fortalecimento e Reparação: Melhora a saúde de cabelos, cílios e sobrancelhas, prevenindo danos.
4. Sustentabilidade: Produzido de forma responsável, respeitando o meio ambiente.
5. Cruelty-Free e Vegan: Produto ético, sem testes em animais, ideal para consumidores conscientes.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Óleo de Rícino Orgânico para Cílios e Cabelos, aplique uma pequena quantidade do óleo nas pontas dos dedos. Massageie suavemente nos cílios, sobrancelhas e nas pontas dos cabelos. Para um tratamento mais eficaz, deixe o óleo agir por pelo menos 30 minutos ou, preferencialmente, durante a noite. Após o período de ação, lave com água morna e um shampoo suave. Utilize regularmente para maximizar os benefícios e conquistar cílios mais longos, sobrancelhas mais cheias e cabelos saudáveis.
[0xNeutronFluxLabs] –
I bought this to help with psoriasis on my eyelids. It gives great moisture and lubrication that eases discomfort but the brush to apply the oil on my eyelids is pretty useless. The brush holds way too much oil even after scraping off as much as possible and the oil simply pools up on the end of my eyelashes, which requires me to use my finger to rub it in. I will continue using though as it does provide some relief. I haven’t noticed my eyelashes really growing back in but my husband says he notices a difference. Will likely continue buying.
Mark B –
This castor oil seems to be good quality.
The kit comes with some great extras such as a small funnel, and two brushes in their own portable tubes which is great! Unfortunately, the bristles on the mascara applicator are too stiff and hurt a bit to try to use to add castor oil to my eyelashes..
The little funnel works well and keeps the mess down a bit when filling the accessory tubes.
Kerri Bazzell –
I can’t tell yet if it is working. The kit is very nice. It comes with two small containers the size of mascara containers. There is a mascara wand in one and a tiny liner brush in the other. There is also a little funnel to make it easier to fill them. You can fill them using the dropper. It only took a few minutes to get both of them filled.
The wand and brush are very easy to use. You have to make sure to let them drip back into the container a bit so there is not too much oil on them. I have been using the tiny brush for my lashes and the wand for my eyebrows. I tried the wand for my lashes and it gets too much oil on them.
The oil is comfortable and doesn’t smell unpleasant. I hope it works!
These are so moisturizing. They work very well at helping my eyelashes grow fuller and look healthier.
Tiffany –
This SOULSATION Organic Castor Oil is high quality and very moisturizing. I like that the oil is cold pressed, organic and non-gmo. The kit comes with a funnel, mascara and eyeliner tubes to make application on eyelashes easier. I filled the mascara tube with the oil bottle eye dropper, but the funnel is nice to have anyway.
The effects of the Castor oil are what really earns five stars. My skin has been very dry lately and lotion just didn’t seem to help, so I applied this oil to my entire face and eyelashes. The oil is thick, but still easy to spread and feels great. It absorbed into my face relatively quickly and my skin looked noticeably better within an hour of applying the oil. The oil was very moisturizing, but it also helped to even out my skin tone and made my fine lines far less noticeable. I was worried about the oil causing blemishes, but so far I haven’t had any negative effects from using it.
Overall I highly recommend this Castor oil kit for use on face and eyelashes. The oil is effective and very reasonably priced, and I will order it again.
greg –
I ordered for my wife due to her wanting to try castor oil. My wife stated that it is easy to use and great for skin, eyebrows, and hair. My wife recommends purchasing if wanting to try.
Rocman –
This is a nice kit that comes with the necessary tubes and brushes for applying to your eyelashes. I am not sure if it’s working after two weeks, but the oil at least is pleasant smelling and easy to apply.
Heidi –
I don’t know if this really makes your lashes grow longer, etc. I haven’t noticed any significant change. However, I do like using castor oil for my face since it won’t cause breakouts like other oils will and this seems to work well.