Óleo de Rícino Haitiano OKAY Black 118ml
Conheça o incrível Óleo de Mamona Haitiano OKAY BLACK 118ml, um verdadeiro milagre para todos os tipos de cabelo e pele. Este óleo é perfeito para promover o crescimento capilar em todas as áreas, incluindo cabeça, cílios e sobrancelhas. Além disso, ele também é eficaz no tratamento de condições de pele, como acne, manchas de idade, descoloração da pele, inflamação e queimaduras solares.
Este óleo é rico em vitamina E, minerais, proteínas e ácidos graxos ômega 6 e 9 benéficos. O que o torna ainda mais especial é o fato de que nenhum outro óleo possui de 80% a 90% de ácido ricinoleico, que é a chave para sua capacidade de curar e hidratar cabelos, pele e corpo.
O ácido ricinoleico presente no óleo de mamona carrega os ácidos graxos ômega 6 e 9 até o couro cabeludo, acelerando a circulação sanguínea e estimulando o crescimento capilar. Além disso, suas propriedades antibacterianas combatem infecções no couro cabeludo e ajudam a combater o estresse oxidativo.
O Óleo de Mamona Haitiano é um umectante natural que hidrata a pele e o corpo, atraindo a umidade do vapor de água. O ácido ricinoleico presente no óleo também ajuda a combater a acne, reduzir dores nas articulações e promover uma pele saudável.
Este óleo milagroso é feito a partir de 100% de Óleo de Mamona Haitiano Puro, também conhecido como L’huile Maskriti ou Óleo de Palma Christi. Sua pureza e qualidade garantem resultados incríveis para seus cabelos e pele.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Promove o crescimento capilar em todas as áreas, incluindo cabeça, cílios e sobrancelhas
- Trata eficazmente condições de pele, como acne, manchas de idade, descoloração da pele, inflamação e queimaduras solares
- Rico em vitamina E, minerais, proteínas e ácidos graxos ômega 6 e 9 benéficos
- Ácido ricinoleico acelera a circulação sanguínea no couro cabeludo e estimula o crescimento capilar
- Propriedades antibacterianas combatem infecções no couro cabeludo e ajudam a combater o estresse oxidativo
O Óleo de Rícino Haitiano OKAY Black oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados pessoais. Entre os principais, destacam-se: 1) Estímulo ao crescimento saudável dos cabelos, cílios e sobrancelhas; 2) Tratamento eficaz de acne e outras condições de pele; 3) Hidratação profunda que combate a ressecamento; 4) Fortalecimento das unhas, prevenindo quebras; 5) Propriedades antibacterianas que mantêm o couro cabeludo saudável e livre de infecções. Esses benefícios não apenas melhoram a aparência, mas também promovem a saúde geral dos cabelos e da pele, facilitando a vida cotidiana.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Óleo de Mamona Haitiano OKAY BLACK diretamente no couro cabeludo, cílios, sobrancelhas ou áreas afetadas da pele. Massageie suavemente para garantir a absorção adequada. Para uso capilar, deixe o óleo agir por pelo menos 30 minutos antes de lavar o cabelo. Para uso na pele, aplique diariamente ou conforme necessário. A consistência na aplicação maximiza os benefícios e promove resultados visíveis ao longo do tempo.
Eniale Eehgcm –
Size too small for the price
Should make bigger bottles
It does everything it says it does but you’ll be buying it often
I’d rather not
Already bought it too many times
Celaena –
If you are consistent, this works. I went to the dermatologist and had a biopsy and was advised that the huge 3 inches by 1.5 inches bald spot in the center of my head was due to over processing (chemical such as relaxers and coloring). I didn’t believe him because I was balding all over my body, spots on my legs, arms, etc. So I have a lil hair grow now and then, but never like this. It’s been a little over 1 month and I have hair growing. You can actually comb it. It’s patchy especially where they did the biopsy, not much hair there, but when it grows it will surely be a million times better than what was not there before. Everyone from the hair dresser to the nutritionist blamed the fact that I had diabetes, but I still have diabetes and my hair is growing thanks to the Okay Castor Oil. I put on my edges, eyebrows, and eyelashes. All thicker and growing but my edges are growing much slower. I believe it’s because I wear a wig which is probably pulling on my edges more. But with 3 turnaround successes out of 4, I’m really thankful!!! Also, I use it on my moles the last month and they are drying up and getting smaller (smaller ones are gone and the bigger ones are smaller). The oil is thick but in the morning it is absorbed into your skin. I also noticed last night that when I missed rubbing the castor oil on my eyelids, I had trouble falling to sleep. So it has been a natural sleep aid for me too. I can’t say it will work for you that way but to someone who used to have a lot of sleepless nights, I am thankful!!! Be consistent and in a month or sooner, you will see a difference!!!
rose parks –
Liked, used for hair and scalp
PublicName –
I’m sure this is a fine oil for other purposes but if you are looking for authentic Haitian Lwil Maskreti this ain’t it. Keep looking. This smells pleasant and nothing like the real thing.
Amazon Customer –
I like the quality it’s very moisture
Alexander Andre –
Good replacement for the original from the motherland
banoo –
Livraison assez longue mais le paquet est arrivé dans les délais les produits sont soignés . J’ai trouvé le prix intéressant pour cette huile qui n’est pas facilement disponible en France À des prix raisonnables.
Amazon Customer –
I’m enjoying this castor oil. A bit thick to massage smoothly but I love it. No scent
fitnessforlife –
I refuse to believe that this stuff was not in the Garden of Eden. This stuff is a miracle worker. I originally purchase this castor oil based of a video that I found on YouTube on how to get rid of a corn on your toe. The lady spoke about this specific brand of castor oil so I thought I would give it a try. As I discovered while researching castor oil I realize that it healed a lot of discoloration on your skin so I thought that I would give it a try on other parts of my body. I wear my hair really short and I bleach my hair blonde. During this process my edges thinned out and the top of my forehead usually gets darker to the point to where I have to wear concealer around the edges of my forehead although I do not wear makeup on the rest of my face. So I thought that I would use this castor oil to try to get rid of the discoloration on my hairline. Along with that I found out that castor oil also helps you grow your edges back I have been without edges for a long time and had gotten used to not having any. Needless to say this castor oil has helped grow back my edges nicely , even out my skin around my hair line and on the back of my head where the clippers had caused darkening on the nap of my neck .
After I seen that this castor oil did so well on my edges and on my hairline I decided to use it on my feet. I do have dry skin on my feet and each summer I have to find something new to use on my feet so that I can wear my pretty high heel sandals. This castor oil has given me the prettiest feet and has even even out the discoloring around the side of my feet I am not ashamed to show my feet now. I love looking at my feet now.
All in all originally I got this for the corn on my feet it has helped with the color around the corn so the corn doesn’t look as obvious. I am sold on this product and will continue to purchase it I just wish they had a larger bottle