Conheça o Óleo de Mamona GreenIVe, um produto de alta qualidade e pureza, perfeito para cuidar dos seus cabelos, cílios, sobrancelhas e pele. Com uma fórmula 100% pura e prensada a frio, este óleo é extraído de sementes de mamona cultivadas organicamente, garantindo a integridade e a pureza do produto.
QUALIDADE: O Óleo de Mamona GreenIVe é 100% puro, prensado a frio e livre de hexano. Sem adição de enchimentos ou aditivos, este óleo mantém todas as suas propriedades naturais, proporcionando benefícios reais para o seu cabelo e pele.
CABELO: Rico em vitaminas e ácidos graxos, o Óleo de Mamona GreenIVe é excelente para o cabelo. Ele auxilia no crescimento e fortalecimento dos fios, além de nutrir o couro cabeludo. Basta massagear o óleo nas raízes e espalhar pelo comprimento dos fios. Também pode ser usado nos cílios para estimular o crescimento e fortalecimento.
PELE: O Óleo de Mamona é ótimo para todos os tipos de pele e pode ajudar a restaurar o brilho natural. Sua fórmula suave e hidratante penetra profundamente na pele, proporcionando uma hidratação intensa e duradoura. Além disso, o óleo de mamona possui propriedades desintoxicantes, ajudando a remover impurezas e promovendo uma pele mais saudável.
PUREZA: A extração do óleo é feita por prensagem a frio, preservando a integridade e a pureza do produto. As sementes de mamona utilizadas são cultivadas de forma sustentável, garantindo a qualidade e a procedência do óleo.
GARANTIA: O Óleo de Mamona GreenIVe é respaldado pela garantia de 30 dias da marca. Se você não estiver satisfeito, entre em contato conosco e faremos o possível para resolver qualquer problema. Por favor, observe que a forma do frasco pode variar.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Cabelos mais fortes e saudáveis
- Crescimento e fortalecimento dos cílios e sobrancelhas
- Pele hidratada e com brilho natural
- Produto 100% puro e prensado a frio
- Garantia de satisfação de 30 dias
– Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Óleo de Mamona GreenIVe diretamente no couro cabeludo, nas raízes dos cabelos ou nos cílios e sobrancelhas. Massageie suavemente para garantir a absorção do óleo. Deixe agir por pelo menos 30 minutos ou durante a noite. Em seguida, lave o cabelo ou remova o óleo com um lenço umedecido. Use regularmente para obter melhores resultados.
Tonette Lynch –
Works amazing and you get a lot for the price.
dontcallmepammy –
This is a very effective nighttime moisturizer that I put on after using my actives like retinol. You can’t use this product during the daytime because castor oil is very viscous and sticky, but at night it’s very effective. I also make sure to put some on my eyelashes and eyebrows because castor oil is supposed to help with hair growth.
I appreciate that comes in an amber bottle that helps to slow degradation of the product.
Julie –
It’s really a good quality
Robbie –
I won’t be buying this brand again. Oil drips down the bottle from the eyedropper which makes it messy and annoying to use, it doesn’t have the same great results as my previous purchase and the 4 oz. bottle is no longer sealed.
The first 4 oz. bottle of this castor oil I bought had a better effect on the body so I repurchased. This 2nd bottle is NOT giving me the same results. This bottle was NOT sealed like the my first purchase. I bought 4 oz bottles both times. I was very skeptical about it when I got a bottle that was not sealed. I read the reviews and Q&A and the seller/brand answered that the 4 oz. bottle isn’t sealed. Well, that’s different, because the first bottle I bought WAS sealed.
I don’t take it internally, but that was one of the reasons I bought it in the first place (Food Grade). The reason I bought it again was because the results of my first purchase earlier last year. The eye dropper tool has always been a mess, oil just drips all down the bottle even when I’m careful taking it out of the bottle. I didn’t like this with the previous bottle, but after you get down about 1/2 full, it doesn’t drip as much, and I was happy with the results.
With this purchase, since the effect is different and the leaking mess that this eyedropper is, AND it no longer comes in a SEALED bottle. I bought 4 oz bottles both times. I was very skeptical about it when I got a bottle that was not sealed. I read the reviews and Q&A and the seller/brand answered that the 4 oz. bottle isn’t sealed. Well, that’s different, because the first bottle I bought was sealed.
Jorge M. –
Muy buena calidad a muy buen precio. Me servirá para muchisimas cosas. Sí lo recomiendo.
Amazon Customer –
This is nice and thick very good quality good for skin and hair
LauraJK –
Thick and lovely oil. Works great for any use you need for castor oil. Great Price.
krkelly –
This castor oil is not the highest quality that I have ever used as a topical skin conditioner, however, it is good quality and by far the lowest price that I have found for the quality. Based on that I’ll give it five stars. I also use this for a leather conditioner and I like it a lot for that purpose.
Gizmosandi –
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I’m 53 and use this product nightly on face, hands and neck. My skin is generally in good condition since I’m active with sunscreen and avoiding too much sun. As we get older, I do think we need as much help maintaining what we have by using the right products. At first, I thought this was a fad — it’s not. This isn’t an age rewind product by any stretch. I can say that it 100% softens my skin and my skin feels so hydrated. I haven’t used on my feet as I prepare for winter, but I’ll keep you posted here.
Sarafina –
This castor oil is great! It does not have a strong scent like other Castor oils I have used. It moisturizers really well and I have noticed improvement with my skin. I have had many compliments after using it. It has even made my lashes longer and quicker than I expected. I did not give this 5 stars only because of the dropper. The dropper does not hold the oil well and leaks out very fast leading to a mess. I now just pour a small amount directly out of the bottle into my hand to apply it. It is definitely a great buy for the great quality this Castor oil has.