Conheça o Óleo de Prímula Sports Research (500mg), prensado a frio, sem adição de enchimentos ou ingredientes artificiais, testado para não conter organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM) e livre de glúten. Este produto é especialmente formulado para oferecer suporte à saúde das mulheres, fornecendo ácidos graxos essenciais, incluindo 10% de ácido gama-linolênico (GLA), que são fundamentais para a saúde e o suporte da pele feminina. O óleo de prímula é extraído das sementes da planta de prímula, utilizando o método de prensagem a frio, sem o uso de hexano. Isso garante que você obtenha uma maior quantidade de ácidos graxos essenciais e nutrientes necessários por porção. Além disso, o óleo de prímula Sports Research está disponível em duas opções de dosagem: cápsulas de 1300mg ou cápsulas mini-gel de 500mg, para atender a diferentes estilos de vida e preferências de digestão. Nossas cápsulas são de alta qualidade, testadas para não conter OGM e formuladas sem glúten, soja ou hexano. Cada lote é testado por terceiros para garantir a qualidade e é fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação que segue as boas práticas de fabricação (cGMP). A Sports Research é uma empresa familiar fundada no sul da Califórnia em 1980, movida pela paixão pelo fitness e bem-estar. Nosso objetivo é abraçar o esporte da vida por meio de produtos respaldados por pesquisas, criados para todos, tanto por dentro quanto por fora.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte à saúde das mulheres: O Óleo de Prímula Sports Research é formulado com 10% de ácido gama-linolênico (GLA), fornecendo os ácidos graxos essenciais necessários para a saúde e o suporte da pele feminina.
- Prensado a frio: Nossa fórmula de óleo de prímula é prensada a frio, garantindo que você obtenha uma maior quantidade de ácidos graxos essenciais e nutrientes necessários por porção.
- Cápsula menor: Tenha a dose diária de suporte à saúde das mulheres de forma conveniente com nossas cápsulas de alta potência de 1300mg ou com nossa nova fórmula de mini-gel de 500mg, fácil de engolir.
- Qualidade premium: Todos os nossos suplementos são submetidos a um padrão mais elevado. O Óleo de Prímula Sports Research é testado para não conter OGM e formulado sem glúten, soja ou hexano. Cada lote é testado por terceiros para garantir a qualidade e é fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação que segue as boas práticas de fabricação (cGMP).
- O esporte da vida: A Sports Research é uma empresa familiar fundada no sul da Califórnia em 1980, movida pela paixão pelo fitness e bem-estar. Nossos produtos são criados para todos, tanto por dentro quanto por fora, com base em pesquisas científicas.
- Promove a saúde da pele, ajudando a manter a hidratação e a elasticidade.
- Regula os hormônios, contribuindo para o equilíbrio hormonal feminino.
- Alivia sintomas da TPM, proporcionando conforto durante o ciclo menstrual.
- Fórmula livre de aditivos artificiais, garantindo um produto puro e natural.
- Produzido em instalações que seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando a segurança do consumidor.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de Óleo de Prímula Sports Research (500mg) por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. A dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme a orientação de um especialista, visando atender às necessidades individuais de cada usuário.
Victoria Solfe –
I want to share my experience but also be transparent in that I used a few things to resolve my breast cysts and cyclical breast pain within ONE cycle!!
I have a holistic background and try to manage and heal things naturally .
Since I discontinued breastfeeding my daughter 5 years ago, I’ve been having horribly painful , HEAVY breasts during my luteal phase (from ovulation until period, so, the 2 weeks before period ) that blow up like 2 sizes every single month.
It become a norm for me and I figured it was hormonal and normal. ITS NOT NORMAL . It’s actually a sign of imbalance hormones likely caused my estrogen dominance.
I started getting a bit concerned when I’d feel a sharp pain on the left breast randomly during those times , but not the right . I have health anxiety so I would worry I had breast can**r or something brewing.
Well recently, I had a particularly difficult few months; special needs mama running a full time business and my child was going through a severe mental psychosis , I was getting little to no sleep, in and out of the hospital, and eating trash whilst gulping coffee and next to no water.
I’m a herbalist so I know the importance of medicinal foods , herbs , supplements, water and sleep but when life got impossible it went out the window (lesson well learned btw- NEVER THROW YOUR HEALTH ON THE BACK BURNER !! ) – I digress . Following this difficult time, my luteal phase rolls along and BOOM – sharp pain in the left knocker , sore heavy breasts ect, but this time the left pain didn’t stop it was baaaad, and my god, I found a lump . It was visible to the skin and RED.
Even though I KNOW lumps are common and likely not cancer, and the development of this one was so sudden, I automatically was convinced I had it. I was SCARED . Lump was like a jumbo gumball size . I felt like it wasn’t movable and rock hard and from everything I’d read that meant it wasn’t a cyst which was terrifying .
After a big panic and puddle of tears I got to work. Firstly i booked an ultrasound because they can determine if it’s a cyst or needs further testing . Important info: DONT do an ultrasound during the luteal phase !!! It was horrible that I had to wait 2 weeks to find out , BUT it’s best to go the week after your period when your hormones are leveled again because breasts can get lumpy and weird in your luteal phase .
I immediately went on a healing protocol – whether it was a cyst or cancer , Its a sign of imbalance and I wanted it gone.
Here’s what I did :
I prioritized sleep . 7 hours MINIMUM and at the correct time . Before 11 to access the healing hours . I intermittent fastet 16 hours daily .
(Please do your own research and or consult a naturopath as I am not permitted to provide medical advice , this is just my experience based on my background, research and comfort levels)
LUGOlS IODINE 6 drops of 2% (From what I’ve understood a telltale sign of iodine deficiency is sore breasts /cysts and general breast issues; it’s a must for general breast health and prevention )
VIT E – 1200iu
I think these 4 were the most important and impactful
Additionally I took SERRAPEPTASE which breaks down scar tissues , mucus , cysts etc
And I took herbs / supplements to support my liver because if your liver isn’t functioning optimally your hormones will not be in Balance . This included: milk thistle, artichoke extract, tumeric/curcumin
I also made sure to take my regular supplements such as vit d + k2 , b vitamins , magnesium , fish oil
I drank warm herbal teas of all sorts all day in place of plain water like mushrooms , morninga , green tea , mullein etc .
Ok so topically – each night …i painted the breast with iodine, rubbed magnesium lotion on it and I wore a castor oil pack on the breast (look it up)- castor oil penetrates deeper than any other oils into the tissues – healing & promoting lymph flow .
I also tried to take warm baths with magnesium flakes nightly.
I also practiced mindfulness and used sound therapy via playing my F NOTE singing bowl everyday- F note is associated with the heart and surrounding organs as well as the breasts . Sound frequencies align with our bodies frequencies and can heal imbalances
Within 10 days the lump was nearly gone !! Ultrasound confirmed it was 2 cysts .
The best part ?? Those sore breasts I was getting every single month for the past five years? The next luteal phase I didn’t have an ounce of breast tenderness! I actually cried my eyes out to my husband. I couldn’t believe that it was gone! It’s crazy what deficiencies can cause, and our body really speaks to us if you pay attention… we have a lot of power in our health ! Namaste, everyone .I hope this was helpful.
Amazon Customer –
If you have dry eye, dry mouth, or any other condition where evening primrose is recommended, this brand is for you. When I miss my daily gel, I know by the next morning. I really wish that I could find a certified organic version. ***Hint Hint*** Sports Research, please. I have bought this for 5 other women and they love it, too. Good seller. Arrived on time.
Nikita –
It works for my perimenopause symptoms. I keep replenishing everytime.
Elisa Cortés –
No veo resultados
Amazon Customer –
Helps with menopause
BarbieBee –
Easy to swallow but have to use your saliva and tongue to take the sticky residue off the capsule first before swallowing or it may stick to your throat ,other than that they’re ok. They smell ok..good value.
Amazon Customer –
I think it’s helping with my menopause symptoms.
Adriana Araiza Briseño –
Muy bien muchas gracias
Rick –
I’m in my mud 60’s and never had Hives before.
Something triggered an episode and it was more than a minor case.
Did many things to try and eliminate this issue. I increased my water intake.
Changed Shampoo, Body Wash, to the “free” “clear” hypoallergenic versions.
I started taking an Antihistamine, Dropped a medication which indicated this could be a side effect.
Stopped taking Turamic supplement, which is reported to interact with one of my mecications.
Read about all medications I take as well as dietary supplements, and looked for known side effects, warnings and interactions..and heeded the information found.
I installed an Allergic Filter on our HVAC system for good measure.
We switched to Tide Clear and All Free Laundry Detergents, and Dryer sheets, Used Cera Ve Lotion and an Aloe and Coloidial Silver Gel to soothe the irritation.
Gradually, over three weeks the hives receeded…about 90 percent of the way.
But then I plateaued, and the largest, longest established Hives, though few, just refused to clear.
That’s when I read about Evening Primrose Oil.
I bought this product out of sheer frustration, because I ran out of other things to try.
After just the first day there was marked improvement. It was like the evening Primrose Oil had boosted my body’s ability to recover from this issue.
In the next two days, I noticed a dramatic improvement and the remaining hives were receeding and absolutely no new hives were appearing.
It’s now been five days and I’m 95% clear and improving rapidly. Now, I’m a Believer!
While I made many changes and don’t know which change or changes healed the first 90% of my irritated skin; I credit this product with clearing the most stubborn remnants of my case…when it became chronic and refused to clear by other means.
I noticed a persistant patch of acne on my Face cleared as well, and I read where this oil helps clear acne also. This was a happy bonus, I wasn’t even thinking about.
Very pleased with the outcome. I think this Evening Primrose Oil helped me tremendously.
K. Peralta –
They keep the pain at bay.