Descrição do Produto: Óleo de Prímula da Nature’s Way
O Óleo de Prímula da Nature’s Way é um suplemento de alta qualidade, formulado com 120 mg de ácido gama-linolênico (GLA) e 880 mg de ácido linoleico por porção. Este óleo é extraído de forma a preservar suas propriedades benéficas, utilizando o método de prensagem a frio, que garante que os nutrientes permaneçam intactos e livres de solventes químicos, amido ou corantes artificiais. O ácido linoleico, um ácido graxo ômega-6 essencial, é fundamental para a saúde e deve ser obtido através da dieta, uma vez que o corpo humano não consegue produzi-lo. Para adultos, a recomendação é ingerir 1 cápsula gelificada duas a três vezes ao dia, proporcionando uma maneira prática e eficaz de incorporar esses nutrientes essenciais na rotina diária. Com mais de 50 anos de experiência, a Nature’s Way acredita que a natureza é a solução definitiva para muitos problemas de saúde, e seus produtos são formulados para ajudar os consumidores a alcançarem o bem-estar.
– Suporte à Saúde da Pele: O GLA presente no óleo de prímula pode ajudar a melhorar a hidratação e a elasticidade da pele, tornando-a mais saudável e radiante.
– Alívio de Sintomas Menstruais: Muitas mulheres relatam que o uso do óleo de prímula ajuda a reduzir a intensidade dos sintomas pré-menstruais, como cólicas e alterações de humor.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: O ácido linoleico é conhecido por suas propriedades que podem contribuir para a saúde do coração, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Os ácidos graxos essenciais desempenham um papel importante na função imunológica, ajudando o corpo a se defender contra infecções.
– Melhora na Mobilidade Articular: O óleo de prímula pode auxiliar na redução da inflamação, promovendo maior conforto e mobilidade nas articulações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos tomem 1 cápsula gelificada do Óleo de Prímula da Nature’s Way duas a três vezes ao dia, preferencialmente durante as refeições. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal que possa ocorrer ao tomar suplementos. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Tanjulie –
Use to have to go to the toilet at least once nightly. But after taking 1 capsule of Nature’s Way Efagold Evening Primrose at around 5pm everyday, I am able to save the trips and continue my night sleep peacefully. Had tried many brands but never work as well.
lann –
This is a wonderful product, this help me balance out my hormones, with my pms and skin, this is the only one that works for me. To top it off My Skin Glows with this. I tried a few other brands but nothing can compare to this one, they just don’t work like this one.
Amazon カスタマー –
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Nguyen thi nga –
ローズ –
amazonfan#1 –
Evening of Primrose Gold 1300mg. is the only thing that makes me feel normal. I had my uterus removed many years ago for a fibroid which is unforgivable and the @#$%^&&* removed my cervix too. The call it “the unkindest cut” in surgery. Using Primrose Gold is the only thing that helps me absorb male and female hormones from my adrenals and I don’t feel exhausted. Sometimes they call it chronic fatigue, lyme and God know what else but if you had your cervix removed and you are exhausted, that may be your problem. Even if they were kind enough to leave your cervix Primrose will soften it and allow you to absorb your hormones. A good doctor told me this many years ago after the @#$%^&* had already removed my cervix. Some women still need HRT along with the Primrose and of course they need HRT if they had their ovaries removed too. The Primrose helps to absorb the HRT better. Years ago most women lost their cervix along with their uterus as I said “the unkindest cut”.. The good doctor told me they used to castrate men if they had a prostate problem or gonad atrophy instead of giving them testosterone during the 70’s and 80’s and he called it the “castration years”. We had the cervix removed automatically forever and they just stopped doing that recently. Some still do it and unless you have cancer do not let anyone remove your cervix. Please get 10 opinions and make sure some of those surgeons are women. Some women are scheduled for surgery and start taking Primrose and they get well unless it is cancer. A nurse told me to always get 10 opinions. She said she would get 20 opinions before she had breast or anything else removed. Please google and do the research on Primrose and the cervix. Do not take my word or anyone’s word for anything concerning your health. google it and learn for yourself. I have tried many brands of Primrose and I believe Natures Way is the very, best for me and I like the Gold. Natures Way Primrose is different as it is picked and processed by hand and the oil is squeezed out and not taken out with some disgusting chemical. I believe it is the only one that has worked for me for about 34 years.I feel I am part of the “unkindest cut” generation and like the “castration years” you can’t “un-ring a bell” . My father -in-law was part of the castration generation but I didn’t know way back then that he needed testosterone or that Primrose helped men too because I did not know he was castrated until after he died. He was always
sick and then I understood the reason. If only I had known I could have told him. If I don’t take this product I feel like my whole body is dying. The curl comes out of my hair, my nails break, I am exhausted, cranky, catch every virus and cold that comes near me and the list goes on and on. That is what life is like without a cervix or if your cervix is dry and you need Primrose.. Best wishes and google. Of course you know that amazon Prime is the best place to purchase this product and I have it on my “ever lovin’ ” subscribe and save”. I cannot live without Natures Way Primrose, amazon Prime and subscribe and save. I know it is always going to be at my door and I don’t have to worry about
forgetting to order. I refuse to go one day without it.
greenfinch94 –
I carefully selected this product after reading up on the effects of Evening Primrose oil on feminine problems, particularly heavy menstrual bleeding, endometriosis, and the like. I have found that one capsule in the morning when I am not on my monthly, and two in the morning while I am, has stabilized my time and made things much easier. Specifically, I have very little cramping whereas my cramps had been so bad I would vomit and was unable to eat, somewhat lighter bleeding (I no longer need blood stabilizers and expanders during my time), and the actual schedule of my time (no more 20-30 day monthlies, more like seven to nine days- around the same time of the month). I’ve been using the product for nearly a year, and will continue.
I do want to point out one thing that happened when I was trying to get the dose right. I did take too much in the beginning, and it correlated to getting boils all over my legs. They eventually drained and healed, but only after I deduced that I was over doing the oil. I did purposely over do it after they healed for a controlled period of time, and the boils returned until I lowered the oil intake.
If you’d like more information on the oil itself or on dosages for the oil, I recommend the book “Dr. Duke’s Essential Herbs: 13 Vital Herbs You Need to Disease-Proof Your Body, Boost Your Energy, Lengthen Your Life”. He’s fun to read and has a very comprehensive, yet concise, view of the topic. For more info on the book, I wrote a review on the hard back copy. The book is available on Amazon or from your local library.