Descrição do Produto: Renew Actives Omega-3 Fish Oil 1200mg – 720mg EPA
O Renew Actives Omega-3 Fish Oil é um suplemento de óleo de peixe de alta qualidade, formulado para atender às necessidades de saúde cardiovascular, função cerebral e desenvolvimento infantil. Com 1200mg de óleo de peixe por dose, contendo 720mg de EPA, este produto é uma escolha ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida ativo e equilibrado. Aprovado e licenciado pela Health Canada (NPN 80093461), o Renew Actives é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, garantindo um padrão rigoroso de qualidade e segurança.
Os ácidos graxos ômega-3 presentes neste suplemento são essenciais para a manutenção da saúde cardiovascular, ajudando a controlar os níveis de triglicerídeos no sangue e promovendo uma circulação saudável. Além disso, o Renew Actives é formulado para apoiar a função cerebral e a saúde cognitiva, melhorando a concentração, a clareza mental e a memória, o que é fundamental para um desempenho mental otimizado ao longo do dia.
A fórmula pura e de qualidade do Renew Actives é feita a partir de óleo de peixe sustentável, garantindo máxima pureza e potência. As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir e atendem aos rigorosos padrões de segurança e eficácia da Health Canada, assegurando que você esteja consumindo um produto de primeira linha. Para as crianças, o óleo de peixe premium é crucial para o desenvolvimento saudável do cérebro, olhos e sistema nervoso, promovendo uma função cognitiva forte e um crescimento ideal até os 12 anos de idade.
Com uma rica composição de EPA e DHA, o Renew Actives Omega-3 Fish Oil não só contribui para a saúde do coração, mas também para a saúde do cérebro e das articulações, fornecendo nutrientes essenciais que melhoram seu bem-estar diariamente.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: Ajuda a manter a função cardíaca saudável e a controlar os níveis de triglicerídeos.
– Função Cognitiva: Melhora a concentração, a clareza mental e a memória, promovendo um desempenho cognitivo superior.
– Desenvolvimento Infantil: Apoia o desenvolvimento saudável do cérebro e dos olhos em crianças até 12 anos.
– Fórmula Pura e Sustentável: Produzido com óleo de peixe de alta qualidade, garantindo pureza e potência.
– Saúde Geral: Contribui para a saúde do coração, cérebro e articulações, promovendo um bem-estar integral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Renew Actives Omega-3 Fish Oil diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos ácidos graxos ômega-3, mas também maximiza os benefícios para a saúde cardiovascular e cognitiva. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
sue e –
Item exactly as described in particular no fishy after taste. Cost effective and easy to take. Will definitely buy again and again.
Estee Chin –
Use it to control my cholesterol level. Good amount of DHA , EPA and Omega 3 .
Chris F. –
This includes as much good stuff in it as my favorite brand of fish oil… slightly more per pill in fact. However, it suggests taking 2 to 3 per day, where my favorite brand doesn’t specify to take more. This doesn’t bother me, because I think they are just opening it up to your choice for how much fish oil you need on a daily basis, where as many brands require you to take 2 to 3 just to get the basic stuff you get in one pill here.
My favorite brand is a little cheaper, but also contains a little less than this brand per pill. So I rate this pretty high.
Like almost all fish oil pills this one is a challenge for me to swallow, but I have not had fishy burps from this (or from my favorite brand, either).
I have been fighting slightly high cholesterol for a while now and my doc really wants me to get more “good cholesterol” and fats like from fish. But… jeesh! How many fish dinners can I deal with in a week? And avocados are great, but seriously… not something I eat more than once a week. So… fish oil. And I started my search with a wide variety of brands. Some were fishy burping, some were just incredibly expensive, and some wanted you to take 3 or 4 pills a day for a single “serving”! I am glad I found my favorite brand, and this one… and I will probably alternate between these as they do vary in contents a little.
Thanks for taking the time to read my review. If you found it helpful, I would love to know. You can mark or feedback with the buttons below.
Janice –
Capsules are a bit large but perfectly shaped and smooth so easy to swallow. Well done & keep up the great work!
Teenie –
Perfect size to swallow. No taste, or aftertaste. Easy to digest, even with a bad ulcer. Will buy again, no problem!
Zü –
This is good fish oil: odorless and burpless! The capsules are large but are easy to swallow. I like that the serving size is only 1 (although you may take up to 3 softgels a day, depending on your needs).
Alice –
Easy swallow.
Miranda –
I can tell that this is a quality pill because there is no fishy aftertaste and i noticed that its encapsulated with gelitin instead of harmful magnesium stearate or stearic acid! I read on Dr Mercolas blog that those are cheap fillers and it prevents it sticking from machinery but has no nutritional value and it even causes biofilm to form in the body. So that is why I look out for that ingredient in my supplements. It costs the manufacter a little more money to encapsulate without those cheap harmful ingredients so this just shows me that this brand takes more pride in their Omega 3 fish oil product than other brands just trying to fool us into cheap low quality products.
I notice that this product also has a high amount of DHA and EPA which is very nice! I am happy to take this fish oil thoughout the day for energy and overall wellness!
Courtland J. Carpenter –
You have to wonder how sea creatures can do so many nice health benefits for you. My doctor prescribed these for me because I can’t take most anti-inflammatory OTC meds. I ended up in the emergency room and in intensive care for overuse which caused me to be severely anemic. This supplement keeps that in check without the use of drugs, so that’s a very good thing for me. The Canadian source seems to be very good as far as compliance with food grade supplements. Omega-3 has a lot of benefits and not just for anti-inflammation. This is derived from wild caught and not farmed fish which I don’t know if it makes that much difference, but it seems to be preferred. They asked me to rate the taste, but it’s swallowed so there is none. A little on the expensive side but still good for the quality. Recommended.
Marriah –
Product is easy to swallow, but has fishy burps that last through the half the day of taking it.