Descrição do Produto: Óleo de Peixe Omega 3 800 mg
Descubra o poder do Óleo de Peixe Omega 3 800 mg, uma fórmula premium que combina a pureza e a eficácia em cada cápsula. Com uma concentração ideal de EPA e DHA, este suplemento é projetado para oferecer uma experiência de consumo excepcional, aliando saúde e sabor. O nosso óleo de peixe é extraído de fontes éticas, garantindo que cada gota seja rica em nutrientes essenciais, promovendo uma absorção superior que seu corpo merece.
- FRESCO & PURO – Nosso óleo de peixe premium é produzido com os mais altos padrões de qualidade e pureza, resultando em um produto altamente potente.
- FONTES ÉTICAS – Óleo de peixe de alta absorção, garantindo que você obtenha o máximo de benefícios.
- FÁCIL DE CONSUMIR – Adicionamos um toque de sabor natural de limão para criar a mistura perfeita de força e frescor, mantendo você se sentindo ótimo durante todo o dia.
- QUALIDADE PREMIUM – Fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação de manufatura cGMP, assegurando a excelência em cada cápsula.
- Os produtos da Utzy Naturals são fabricados nos EUA e contam com nossa Garantia de Frasco Vazio.
Com o Óleo de Peixe Omega 3 800 mg, você não apenas investe em sua saúde, mas também em um produto que se destaca pela sua qualidade e eficácia. Cada cápsula é uma promessa de frescor e pureza, ideal para quem busca um suporte nutricional que se encaixa perfeitamente na rotina diária.
1. Saúde Cardiovascular: O EPA e DHA presentes no óleo de peixe são conhecidos por promover a saúde do coração, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol.
2. Função Cognitiva: Os ácidos graxos Omega 3 são essenciais para a saúde cerebral, contribuindo para a memória e a concentração.
3. Redução da Inflamação: O consumo regular de Omega 3 pode ajudar a reduzir a inflamação no corpo, beneficiando articulações e músculos.
4. Melhora do Humor: Estudos sugerem que o Omega 3 pode ter um impacto positivo na saúde mental, ajudando a combater sintomas de depressão e ansiedade.
5. Saúde da Pele: Os ácidos graxos essenciais ajudam a manter a pele hidratada e saudável, promovendo uma aparência radiante.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Óleo de Peixe Omega 3 800 mg diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também maximiza os benefícios do produto. Mantenha o frasco em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do óleo. Com o uso contínuo, você poderá sentir as melhorias significativas em sua saúde e bem-estar geral.
Melia Meier –
It is common for fish oils to leave that fishy aftertaste “burps” and I was hoping this was not one of them. It is. There are less expensive options available that don’t have the same aftertaste.
ross ford –
There aren’t a lot of Natural Triglyceride Fish Oils available and I have been very happy with this one. No fishy taste or burbs from this product. I will definitely be trying some other Utzy products.
Ali Julia –
This is my initial review for the Omega 3 Fish Oil and I’ll continue updating it as I use it.
I’m a big fan of this product, The ingredients are of very high quality and it’s mainly made from organic herbs and components which is amazing for such a very budget friendly product.
Pill size is decent, as I have a very sensitive throat and I can’t swallow big pills but this one is the right size nothing that can make me gag, just perfect. The Pills don’t have any weird, chemically or bad smell, no leaked or broken pills. It comes with moisture absorber packets inside, so you can feel safe using it for as long as the expiration date listed on the bottle.
Been using it for more than a month now, and I’m feeling the difference already, I’m more energetic and I sleep better. It doesn’t upset my stomach whatsoever, and It came beautifully packed in a nice clean box and the bottle has all the ingredients listed and in clear font.
Recommended on the bottle to take one tablet a day, which I’ve been doing and I didn’t feel the need that to increase my dose more than that.
Overall, high quality product for a great price and I highly recommend it.
P.S. I hope you like my review and if you did, please don’t forget to click the helpful button below, to help and assist other customers to make a more informative decision.
Ali Julia –
I have been taking Omega-3 since 2011 on the advice of my eye doctor for dry eyes. It noticeably improved my dry eye condition.
In this review, I am comparing Nature Made Triple Omega that I have been taking for years with U-Omega Omega-3.
One Nature Made Triple Omega soft gel contains
♦ Omega-3 434 mg
♦ Omega-6 276 mg
♦ Omega-9 170 mg
total of 880 mg
U-Omega Omega-3 serving size is one soft gel.
♦ EPA 430 mg (EPA is Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic acid)
♦ DHA 290 mg (DHA docosahexaenoic acid)
♦ Other Omega-3 80 mg
total of 800 mg
I don’t taste any flavor when I take Omega soft gels – not fishy and not lemony. I do not have reflux, so perhaps people with reflux have a different experience with some flavor coming back up.
Now, the price comparison per one soft gel. When I write this review, Nature Made Triple Omega is 150 gel caps priced at $14.99 (10 cents per capsule and you need two for a daily dose, thus 20 cents per day).
U-Omega 60 gels are $17.95 (30 cents per capsule, one capsule is the suggested dose).
The content of the two Omegas is very similar. However, in the price comparison, U-Omega is at a disadvantage. Because of the price difference, I rate them as 3 stars.
Purchased April 2021, expires 1/31/2022
Ali Julia review
Review of U-Omega softgels, 60 Softgels, from Utzy Naturals
Lashello –
These Utzy Omega fish oil softgels were available to me through the Amazon Vine program. Two of us in the home take fish oil on a regular basis, including my husband whose doctor recommended he do so. The softgels are quite large (about 1”). They are about the same size as my usual fish oil tablets (Nature Made 1200 mg). So if you have problems swallowing large pills, these are definitely not a good choice for you. They may seem expensive, but they contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, the Utzy Omega softgels contains over twice as much total omega-3 fatty acids than my Nature Made softgels. The serving size of these Utzy Omega softgels is one (per day), whereas the Nature Made serving size is 2 softgels. See photos.
These Utzy Omega fish oil softgels have a lemon-lime flavoring to help counteract the fish smell and taste. The softgels have a slight odor, but I do not consider it lemony (nor fishy). I did not really taste anything when I took the softgels, nor did I experience any fishy after taste or burps. The oil is sourced from small fish with minimal toxicity, then tested for heavy metals, pesticides, and PCB’s. Utzy offers a guarantee that if you are not satisfied with their product for any reason, they will give you a full refund. The softgels I received have an expiration date about 10 months out. These fish oil softgels are made in the USA in a cGMP manufacturing facility.
B. Matthews –
Overall I like it. Why not 5-stars?
Pros – 1. Fresh – biting the capsule, the fish oil inside tastes fresh with no hint of rancidity. 2. The triglyceride form is preferable if taking it apart from a fatty meal, which I usually do. 3. It comes in a glass bottle, not plastic like my previous purchase (Nature Made). I like that.
Cons – 1. Amazon’s “About this item” says “made in a cGMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) manufacturing facility.” But that is nowhere stated on the label. GMP is the first thing I look for on a supplement label and was one of the reasons I went ahead and made this purchase. 2. It is very Expensive.
Would I buy again? It’s too early to say.
edit 5 months later (Seems I’m the only reviewer who actually paid for this product LOL!):
Answer: Yes, I would.