Descrição do Produto: LABO Nutrition OmaxPure Omega 3 Fish Oil
O LABO Nutrition OmaxPure Omega 3 Fish Oil é um suplemento de óleo de peixe de alta qualidade, projetado para oferecer uma experiência superior em nutrição. Com uma concentração impressionante de 1125 mg de Omega-3 por dose, este produto é uma escolha ideal para quem busca maximizar os benefícios dos ácidos graxos essenciais EPA e DHA. Utilizando um processo de extração supercrítica de CO2, o OmaxPure garante um óleo de peixe puro, sem odor e sem arrotos, que contém 90% de Triglicerídeos Reesterificados Ultra-Concentrados (rTG). Essa forma é idêntica à forma natural dos triglicerídeos, mas mais estável do que a forma de éster etílico, superando até mesmo a destilação molecular.
Além disso, o OmaxPure é fortificado com um blend sinérgico de vitamina E natural e extratos de alecrim, que protegem o óleo de peixe contra a oxidação e a rancidez. Esses poderosos antioxidantes não apenas preservam a qualidade do produto, mas também oferecem benefícios anti-inflamatórios, neutralizando radicais livres. A encapsulação OMAXFRESH garante potência e estabilidade ao longo da vida útil do produto, promovendo uma liberação e absorção ideais no intestino.
Os benefícios para a saúde do OmaxPure são amplamente reconhecidos. Pesquisas demonstram que os ácidos graxos essenciais EPA e DHA presentes no óleo de peixe ajudam a apoiar a saúde respiratória, ocular, renal, pancreática, cognitiva, pré-natal e dos vasos sanguíneos. Além disso, os Omega-3s contribuem para a manutenção de níveis saudáveis de triglicerídeos e colesterol, melhoram o fluxo sanguíneo e a pressão arterial, aliviam sintomas de olho seco, melhoram condições de pele, combatem a inflamação corporal, apoiam o crescimento saudável das crianças, melhoram o sono e a função do sistema ósseo e corporal.
O OmaxPure é feito a partir de peixes selvagens capturados de forma sustentável e testados por terceiros para garantir pureza, qualidade, potência, segurança, frescor e responsabilidade. É certificado GMP, não contém OGM, corantes artificiais, aromatizantes, adoçantes ou conservantes, e é livre de glúten. Produzido no Japão, é adequado para todas as idades, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres.
Com apenas uma cápsula macia por dia, você atende à dose diária recomendada pela American Heart Association para apoiar um coração saudável. Cada porção fornece 1.200 mg de óleo de peixe, entregando 1.125 mg de Omega-3s (764 mg de EPA, 256 mg de DHA e 30 mg de ácido graxo DPA), oferecendo três vezes mais Omega-3 do que outros suplementos de óleo de peixe.
– Alta Concentração de Omega-3: Com 1.125 mg de Omega-3 por dose, é uma das opções mais potentes do mercado.
– Pureza e Segurança: Testado por terceiros para garantir a ausência de metais pesados e toxinas.
– Antioxidantes Naturais: Protege o óleo contra oxidação, aumentando a eficácia e a durabilidade do produto.
– Benefícios Comprovados para a Saúde: Apoia a saúde cardiovascular, ocular e cognitiva, entre outros.
– Fácil de Usar: Apenas uma cápsula por dia é suficiente para atender às necessidades diárias recomendadas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula macia do LABO Nutrition OmaxPure Omega 3 Fish Oil diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos ácidos graxos essenciais, mas também maximiza os benefícios nutricionais do produto. Mantenha o frasco em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a frescura e a eficácia do óleo.
Mike –
I’ve personally tested many fish oils and researched the varying refinement processes and believe this fish oil to be the best you can buy. I feel amazing when I have it. This product is created in Japan, so has limited availability in the US it seems, so hopefully they continue to keep it stocked. Every fish oil I’ve tried seems to make me smell or feel weird, this is the only one that doesn’t do either of those lol. I take 3 per day and one of their DHA capsules. Thank you!
Don’t Panic –
This formula has a lot going for it—sustainably sourced fish, it’s in more readily absorbed triglyceride form, is third party tested and the oil is extracted without employing high heat or toxic solvents. My husband needs more fish oil than I do; this is an ultra-concentrated amount that only requires one soft gel per day. He’s not much of a pill-taker, so that makes him happy. These are rather large, but we haven’t found many fish oil supplements that are smaller in size. He has no fishy breath from these either.
Besides quality and ecological assurance, we like getting a four month’s supply in just one bottle. Anyone who doesn’t consume one meal of fish per week might benefit from an Omega 3 supplement like this one.
Cliente de Kindle –
Without getting into the debate around taking fish oil or not and purely focusing on this product – this is a very high quality supplement. As a matter of fact this may be the highest quality standards I have seen in a fish oil supplement. They advertise strict processing for low oxidation (the main issue with fish oil supps) and PCBs. This is mostly triglyceride form which resists degradation better than the ethyl ester types which should always be avoided. If you are going to buy a fish oil supp and have the money for this one, then this is probably the best one available from what I have seen. The questions for me areas follows:
1. is taking this better than eating fish a few times a week? Probably not.
2. Is the cost of the product a good value proposition over krill or algal oil? Not sure.
The doses of EPA/DHA are quite good for a 1-pill per dose. If you take this one time per day, which is very reasonable, then this is a 4 month supply – $12.50/month. That’s really not bad! I take twice a day with meals, but if you eat fish a few times a week you probably dont need more than one a day. With all that in mind this is an excellent product at a very reasonable price. I may wind up buying more and sticking with this one moving forward.
Jeff J –
I started taking these 2x per day as that dose was comparable to what i was recommended to take before and after getting PRK (bladeless Lasik to some). Had no issues for the year or so I took these.
Recently noticed my eyedrops aren’t as effective as they used to be. And then it finally dawned on me I hadn’t taken these in a while (ran out). Though they’re expensive, they’re cheaper than the alternatives atm. And for me at least, they’re well worth it.
Going to try 8 weeks at a high dosage of the cheaper fish oils and see if I notice a difference. Might have to make these part of my regular maintenance like orange triad multivitamin.
RaHzaDahz1 –
Easy to swallow and no fish burps taste. Omega 3s constipate me and I don’t know why!! I’ve tried a lot and I thought this brand would be different. Sigh…I gave them to my diabetic mother and they help her so all is not lost.
Cliente de Kindle –
Hunter Warrior –
I take Omega-3 supplement, in the form of either fish oil or krill oil, for heart health. I usually have to take 3-4 pills a day just to get a good dose of Omega-3 fatty acids in them.
This LABO Nutrition OmaxPure Omega-3 fish oil has a much high purity and concentration of Omega-3 in each pill such that I only need to take one a day. For example, my usual fish oil from a big box warehouse has 1000 mg of fish oil per pill but contains only about 300 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids. This OmaxPure fish oil has 1125 mg of Omega-3 in each pill, which is about the same size.
This OmaxPure pill is just as smooth and easy to go down. I like that it is tasteless and doesn’t give me the burps like some fish oil pills would. It appears to be of high quality as it is third-party tested. Good shelf life too. Mine won’t expire until 3 years from now.
Overall, I really like this product. It is so much easier to just take one pill instead of 3-4 regular ones. It doesn’t give me the fish burps, which is nice. I would recommend giving it a try. Good stuff.
Ginny-Ginger –
Pharmaceutical grade Omega 3s. Just what I need. Have purchased several time and will continue to do so.