Descrição do Produto: Mega Omega 3 Fish Oil com EPA
Descubra o poder do Mega Omega 3 Fish Oil da Biotrition, uma solução inovadora que traz todos os benefícios do óleo de peixe sem o gosto desagradável e os incômodos arrotos de peixe. Formulado com óleo de peixe premium, fresco e não transgênico, este suplemento é enriquecido com EPA (ácido eicosapentaenoico), um dos ácidos graxos essenciais que desempenham um papel crucial na saúde cardiovascular, cerebral e articular. Com um sabor agradável de limão, as cápsulas são ideais para toda a família, incluindo crianças, adolescentes, mulheres e homens, proporcionando uma maneira prática e saborosa de incorporar ômega-3 na dieta diária.
O Mega Omega 3 Fish Oil é especialmente projetado para aqueles que buscam uma alternativa saudável e eficaz para melhorar a qualidade de vida. Cada cápsula é uma fonte concentrada de ácidos graxos essenciais que ajudam a reduzir a inflamação, promovem a saúde do coração e melhoram a função cognitiva. Além disso, a fórmula é livre de contaminantes, garantindo que você receba apenas o melhor que o mar tem a oferecer, sem os riscos associados a produtos de baixa qualidade. Com a Biotrition, você pode ter a certeza de que está fazendo uma escolha inteligente para sua saúde.
1. Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a redução dos níveis de triglicerídeos e melhora a saúde do coração.
2. Função Cognitiva: Apoia a saúde cerebral, ajudando na memória e na concentração.
3. Redução da Inflamação: Os ácidos graxos EPA ajudam a combater processos inflamatórios no corpo.
4. Fácil Digestão: Formulado para evitar o gosto de peixe e arrotos, tornando-o mais palatável.
5. Adequado para Todos: Ideal para crianças, adolescentes e adultos, promovendo saúde em todas as idades.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Mega Omega 3 Fish Oil diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para maximizar os benefícios do suplemento. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
G. Herzberg –
I heard about this brand from my pregnant sister-in-law who is posted in Shanghai for work, with all the quality control scares in China lately, there is a big premium on consumable products made here in the US. My wife is also pregnant again and was looking for an omega 3 supplement that didn’t have the incredible fishy burps of the Kirkland brand omega 3 supplements we usually get from Costco — she currently has a strong aversion to fish tastes/smells in the first trimester, so it’s important that any supplement not taste like fish to her. My sister-in-law recommended this brand as it is well-trusted in China due to its origin from an American FDA-certified manufacturing plant. We were happy to find that these pills have no fishy aftereffects, which is surprising since they’re derived from fish, not flax seed. While the pills are pretty big, they’re easy to swallow gel caps. An NIH research study found that an omega 3 supplement should contain both EPA and DHA, as they perform different critical functions in baby development. Some of the other supplements on the market seem like they’re proud to have huge amounts of DHA, but have almost no EPA in them. I was happy to see that this one has both acids in high concentration.
Amazon Customer –
Definitely will buy again and recommend this product to family and friends!
I was skeptical at first at trying this fish-burp-free product but after 9 days of taking it, I can honestly say I feel different.
I’m highly allergic to shellfish and certain fish products and have taken fish oils in the past to no satisfaction. I have not had any allergic reactions and my primary health physician ran an allergy test last week. I saw her today and my body does not show any adverse reactions. Its safe to take it, on top of the fact that I’ve notice more energy and sleep better at night. I also feel I am more focus and seem to have a clearer image of things. My stress levels seem to be calmer and I am now motivated to do more. I’ve taking it on an empty stomach and with food and has not upset my stomach at all. The pills go down easily and are by no means “horse pills”. Delivery was extremely fast and adequate package size. Very Pleased so far! Will comment again in 4 weeks.
CommonSenselady –
I hate when you take supplements that cause you to burp up a nasty taste. Burping up fish oil is very unpleasant to say the least. It sometimes gives me heart burn and burps.
Sue O. –
This has to be a GREAT product if it can make my bloodwork numbers go up so high, so fast, in such a short time, with taking just the recommended dose of 2 capsules a day! This not only saves money, but boost my health! BTn’s Omega-3’s have also helped reduce my pain and cleared my foggy thinking as I reached therapeutic levels. After 38 surgeries, many of which were orthopedic, I’m so thankful for products that do what they promise. (There is NO after taste or burping either!)
Ralph E. Archenhold –
These capsules seem very good to me.
Tropical Lover –
This product doe not have the Kosher or Halal indications on the label.
For those who must eat Kosher or Halal food do not take it, as the ingredients states it contains Gelatin in it.
Definition of Gelatin taken online: “Generally, it is made from animal bones and collagen, the most common source being pig skin.’
Therefore, this can not be Kosher or Halal if there is pig skin in it.
Do your research before purchase
John. Mary –
Very pleased with product. Capsules have a delightful scent of lemon, are easy to swallow, do not cause burping and not any noticeable, negative digestive issues.
Am still providing a four star review though have not felt/noticed any improvement since taking them. Like Calcium, am adding this product to nutrition regimen for proven long-term health benefits.
Peter Vardevarian –
Being a competitor and a personal trainer more than 15 years, I’ve tried so many Fish Oils, but this particular brand I felt in love for so many reasons.
1) I love the flavor of it because it does not taste anything like fish oil, its odorless, doesn’t give you bad breath and the most important when you burp, you don’t burp up fish breath!
2) You only need to take 1 softgel a day and it’s so easy to swallow!
3) The packaging was professionally done, and the graphic design was kind of cool too!
4) Made out of good quality and potency so you don’t have to worry about safety or Quality (Halal, Kosher)
5) Also after the second day of using it I felt difference on my Joints and my strength as well!
I would strongly recommend for anybody to give it a try and experience for themselves!
Petros Vardevarian: