Descrição do Produto: Óleo de Orégano Wellness da Source Naturals
O Óleo de Orégano Wellness da Source Naturals é um suplemento de alta qualidade, padronizado para conter 70% de carvacrol, um dos compostos mais ativos e benéficos encontrados no orégano. Este óleo é extraído de orégano verdadeiro (Origanum vulgare), uma planta nativa da região do Mediterrâneo, reconhecida por suas propriedades terapêuticas. A Source Naturals se orgulha de oferecer um produto que combina a pureza do orégano selvagem com o azeite de oliva extra virgem, resultando em um suplemento que não apenas promove a saúde, mas também é bem tolerado pelo organismo.
- Benefícios da Source Naturals: Nosso Óleo de Orégano Wellness é proveniente de orégano verdadeiro, uma das espécies de orégano mais ativas, garantindo eficácia e qualidade.
- Uso Sugerido: 1 a 4 gotas em água, suco ou leite uma ou duas vezes ao dia. Também pode ser utilizado topicamente.
- Suplemento Bem Elaborado: Contém azeite de oliva extra virgem e óleo de folha de orégano selvagem, proporcionando uma combinação poderosa de nutrientes.
- Mais de 40 Anos de Confiança: A Source Naturals foi criada em 1982 por Ira Goldberg para apoiar o potencial de todos em desfrutar de uma saúde ideal.
- Fabricado nos EUA: Produzido em Scotts Valley, CA, sob as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela FDA.
1. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: O carvacrol é conhecido por suas propriedades antimicrobianas, ajudando a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
2. Propriedades Antioxidantes: O óleo de orégano é rico em antioxidantes, que combatem os radicais livres e promovem a saúde celular.
3. Saúde Digestiva: Pode auxiliar na digestão e no alívio de desconfortos gastrointestinais, promovendo um sistema digestivo saudável.
4. Uso Versátil: Pode ser utilizado tanto internamente quanto topicamente, oferecendo flexibilidade na aplicação.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Óleo de Orégano Wellness da Source Naturals, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 4 gotas do produto diluídas em água, suco ou leite, uma ou duas vezes ao dia. Para uso tópico, aplique diretamente na área desejada, sempre realizando um teste de sensibilidade antes. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
Rockster –
I tend to get infections during the Winter up here in the North part of the US. Seems like I pick up bugs off shopping carts, door handles, etc. when we are out and about in Wintertime. I am always washing my hands, but when I start getting that familiar scratchy throat, I know I am in for a bout of something. So, for several years, I have gotten into the habit of keeping a bottle of oil of oregano around. It is a powerful anti microbial substance.
If you google for the benefits of oil of oregano, you will find that it has a lot of uses. Apart from being recognized for its anti microbial properties, you will find that this oil has many other medicinal properties. Some of these include:
Anti Viral: It gives protection against viral infections. This means you become immune against cold, mumps, measles, pox and other problems created by virus.
Anti Bacterial: Just as it protects you against viral infections, it protects you against bacterial infections too. This gives you protections against most of the diseases caused by bacteria, such as infections in colon, urinary tract etc., typhoid, cholera, sores, skin infections and temporary problems such as food poisoning.
Anti Fungal: Virus, bacteria, fungi and protozoa are the four agents which are responsible for all types of communicable and infectious diseases. Out of these, fungi are responsible for some of the dreaded and fatal infections, internal and external. They cause some ugly infections of ear, nose and throat, which if not treated early, may reach the brain and prove fatal. Many skin infections are also caused by these fungi. Oregano Oil, if used regularly, internally or externally, can protect us effectively against these fungal infections.
Anti Oxidant: This property turns out to be very beneficial in the long run. This protects you from the damages done to the body by the free radicals or oxidants, neutralizes the free radicals and repairs the damages already done. This slows down aging and protects from certain cancers, macular degeneration, degeneration of muscle due to aging, wrinkles, loss of vision and hearing, nervous disorders and many such ailments related to aging and effects of free radicals.
Anti Inflammatory: This oil is good on sedating any type of inflammation, internal or external, caused due to any reason.
Anti Parasitic: Many types of parasites, such as round worms, tape worms, lice, bed bugs, mosquitoes, fleas etc., some living inside human body and some outside, use human body as a source of food as well as act as carriers of communicable diseases. Oregano Essential Oil, when ingested, gets you rid of intestinal worms. Applied externally, it keeps away lice, bed bugs, mosquitoes, fleas etc.
Anti Allergenic: This is another aspect of sedating property of Oregano Essential Oil. Allergy is hyper-reaction of body towards external stimuli. Oregano Oil, being sedative in nature, calms down this hyper-sensitivity and hence gives relief from allergy.
Digestive: Oregano Oil promotes digestion by increasing secretion of digestive juices.
Emenagogue: This oil is also beneficial for regularizing menstruations and pushing away menopause. Those who are suffering from obstructed menses may get a relief from this.
Other Benefits: Helps heal Psoriasis, Eczema, Athlete’s foot, flu and other infectious ailments. Further, it can be used to treat bacterial infections like E Coli, Giardiasis and food poisoning. It relieves congestion. Certain studies reveal that it is as powerful a painkiller as the best ones in the market, with the added benefit that it is without the side effects.
I don’t know about all these uses, but I know that when I get a scratchy throat and then take a couple drops of oil of oregano under my tongue, I don’t end up getting a sore throat and then the flue or other bad sickness. It just goes away. That is my main use. However, this stuff is very powerful and a few drops will make your eyes water and your nose run. So, if yiu are stuffy, a few drops of this will clear out your sinuses – just like eating a small spoon of chinese mustard will mak you nose run – ha..ha..
This particular brand is a lot stronger than other brands I have tried. Where before I would use 4-5 drops under my tongue, this brand is good for 1-2 drops. It is that strong. It burns for a short time, will make your eyes water and your nose run, but in a minute or so, you will have the taste of oregano in your mouth and you can feel all those nasty germs running for their lives. Just be prepared to make a bad face and maybe a few EWWW noises right after you drop it under your tongue. I have also used it as a disinfectant, putting a drop on a minor cut/scrape. It will burn a little, but seems to make any germs go packing. Don’t get it on your hands and into your eyes, though as you will be sorry. I didn’t realize it had so many other uses until I googled for more info. It works for me for the few things I keep it around for.
Az User –
I have never taken OOO before but I can tell you that I am blown away. My sinuses cleared up within hours after 2 drops, and I didn’t even have a cold. I also brushed my teeth with a third drop and Coconut Oil before bed.
Day two 3 more drops in my system and the white blotchy coating on my tongue ( suspected candida overgrowth in my system) is half gone already. I am stunned. I heard it worked fast and it is no joke.
Yes the tase is strong but who cares with results like this. I will be working my way up to abt 10 drops a day for a short time to see how it helps my other candida symptoms. I am also using it topically on the actinic keratosis on my temple going with the cancer is a fungus research.
Lastly, $15 for 1 oz is fantastic. I will stick with this brand because they make it so affordable with great results. The more expensive companies would rather see profits than truly helping peoples health.
Update: 4 Feb 2015
Do not brush your teeth with this often as I have found that it irritates the gums and if I put it under my tongue more than a couple drops a day it causes serious irritation to that soft tissue. It is just so strong. I mostly take it in a little water and shoot it. The AK on my temple after two weeks is mostly eaten away and with no cracking and bleeding like the Efudex garbage from the dermatologist. There is just some peeling and nice smooth skin underneath. I have been diluting it with coconut oil which has vitamin c powder mixed in. Very pleased so far.
Following the Son of God –
I have had this long enough to be blown away! and yet can’t wait to see what else we can use it on in the future!!! so far…
It worked for a chigger bite on my daughters leg…something that can take weeks to heal, and I have tried everything but never found anything to help. But it scabbed over a day after putting a drop of this on it.
We have also found out it is helping our food sensitivities. So we are experimenting and going to use it daily for about a month. 3 drops under the tongue 3-5 times a day with a llllllot of water, (this takes some determination…it is very strong). After about a month, we will taper off and see if the effect is long term, or only while taking it and will post here what we found…so far it’s awesome!
Of all the herbs I have tried over the years, I have never seen anything so strong and effective. I look forward to seeing what else this will heal. The internet says it is good for eliminating bad bacteria, parasites, viruses and anti-fungal.
One website I just read said someone ran an experiment to test if it killed all bacteria or just the bad ones. They said they mixed this in with the yogurt starter they used, then used it to make their yogurt as usual. Said it turned out to be a savory yogurt that in all respects developed normally and appeared to have active cultures…but one difference, the yogurt lasted for a month in her fridge. That would be an interesting experiment to duplicate and show that this is then far superior to any drug which kills all good and bad bacteria.
Oh and one last thing…just for the fun of it we put 2 drops in a batch of spaghetti…it tasted fantastic, our new not so secret ingredient!
Mohamadch115 –
very strong oregano oil, perfect for lots of things, a few drops in a bottle of water and other stuff I have no idea about because it’s not me that makes these potions. It’s my wife