Oregavit Wild Oregano Oil – Óleo de Orégano Selvagem 100%%%% Puro e Não Diluído – 86-90%%%% Carvacrol, Alta Potência, Suporte Imunológico – Suplemento Herbal à Base de Plantas – Vegano, Não Transgênico, Livre de Glúten
EMPOWER AND SAFEGUARD – Abraçe séculos de tradição com o Óleo de Orégano Selvagem Oregavit, o antigo escudo da natureza para o seu bem-estar. Este suplemento à base de óleo de orégano puro e não diluído, com uma concentração de 86-90% de carvacrol, oferece suporte natural para a saúde digestiva, respiratória, urinária e articular. Uma maneira simples de fortalecer sua imunidade durante tempos desafiadores.
MEDITERRANEAN’S HIDDEN GEM – Aproveite o poder da natureza com o Óleo de Orégano Selvagem 100%%%% Puro, uma solução natural com uma ampla gama de benefícios. É 100%%%% não diluído, em sua forma mais pura, permitindo que você escolha o óleo com o qual deseja diluí-lo, ao invés de um óleo carreador barato. Proveniente das montanhas selvagens da Grécia, este potente Óleo de Orégano é conhecido por seu aroma picante e terroso revigorante e por suas propriedades notáveis.
EMPOWER YOUR WILD NATURAL JOURNEY – O Óleo de Orégano Selvagem Oregavit, com sua composição única e rica em Carvacrol (86-90%), oferece um suporte versátil para o seu bem-estar. Um maior percentual de Carvacrol torna o Óleo de Orégano mais poderoso, ajudando a manter suas defesas naturais mesmo durante os períodos mais difíceis. Fortaleça as defesas do seu corpo e eleve sua jornada de bem-estar gota a gota.
PRIORITIZING FAMILY WELLNESS DAILY – Um suplemento alimentar eficaz, o Óleo de Orégano Selvagem Oregavit pode ser utilizado de várias maneiras para promover e proteger seu bem-estar geral. Use-o oralmente para o seu bem-estar holístico, inale para auxiliar seu sistema respiratório, aplique topicamente para acalmar irritações da pele ou utilize-o para aromaterapia, refrescando a atmosfera do seu ambiente. Priorize o bem-estar da família diariamente, compartilhando os benefícios deste tesouro natural com seus entes queridos.
THE DIFFERENCE IS WILD WITH AROMAVITA – Estamos comprometidos em fornecer a mais alta qualidade de Óleo de Orégano Selvagem 100%%%% Puro da Grécia. Coletamos as ervas de orégano de forma sustentável, respeitando seu habitat natural e garantindo sua pureza e potência. Acreditamos na transparência e em saber o que há em seu Óleo de Orégano. É por isso que cada frasco é acompanhado por um Certificado de Análise mostrando sua composição.
- Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
- Promove a saúde digestiva, aliviando desconfortos estomacais.
- Apoia a saúde respiratória, facilitando a respiração.
- Alivia irritações da pele, proporcionando conforto e alívio.
- Oferece benefícios aromaterapêuticos, criando um ambiente relaxante.
Sonia –
Excellent product!
Omer Hukic –
It is good.
Maurah –
No puedes tomar una gota en un vaso de agua , sin ahogarte la primera vez , me quemo el labio la primera vez , pues no lo disolví bien tienes que mantener tu respiración para no olerlo ya que está bien fuerte . Así que mucho cuidado la primera vez nadamas ya después vas acostumbrarte. En los resultados todavía no he visto mucho ya que lo he tenido que susupender por lo fuerte que está y también por la reacción curativa he ido despacio pero haré una actualización en el futuro .
Daña –
This oil is of great quality, and very potent. I love that I’m able to dilute it to a strength of my liking for various uses. I mix it with extra virgin olive oil for internal use if I feel something coming on. I also mix it with black seed oil. Great product. ALWAYS DILUTE IT WITH A CARRIER OIL!
Jazzy –
I am an IBS Suffer, But Not Anymore! I take 4 drops in apple juice at 11am and 5pm. First 3 days it went down hard to swallow. Then I noticed after that I started feeling great! No problems! I feel like a new Man! This is a cure! Take it from me who has tried everything else.. This Oregano oil cure me! I am on my 3rd week now and will continue for a while. But I hope I am done with IBS and SIBO for good! I am so happy! I tried and I can eat whatever I want now with no problems! No stomach upset or anything! 😁 Don’t be discouraged at the beginning this stuff almost made me puke when I first started and still burns my lips. But believe me it is worth it! I baught 3 more bottles incase I can’t in the future because of supply chain disruption.
Breezy –
This is the best oregano oil on the market but hold your nose and be prepared. If you can stand the taste then it will do your body good. You know what it kills. I don’t have to tell you.
Oscar G Salinas V –
Excelente producto
Mark Francisco –
The real McCoy, strong and powerful !
njvkjuck –
this is some really potent stuff!! I’ve only had it two days but I can already tell a slight difference with it in a few ways. 1, my blood glucose levels have started to drop a little, which is great being I am diabetic and was looking for something to help me control it to hopefully come off the meds that upset my stomach. 2. I feel better for most of the day when I take it in the mornings, seems to help my appetite which has been really poor lately (I am a cancer patient) and my lungs feel more open (I am also an asthma and COPD patient). the only reason I gave the flavor and easy to swallow 1 star is because THIS STUFF IS SPICY!!! it’s like swallowing hot lava when taken by the directions, and even if diluted in a glass of juice or water. it also kind of takes your breath away literally the first couple times you take it until your body adjusts to it. you can also take a drop on your finger and rub the outside of your nose with it and it will clear up nasal congestion rather quickly. over all I would give this a 10/10 if possible, just be warned that it packs a heck of a bite lol
Matthew A. Knecht –
Bought this for my dogs after reading something somewhere about anti-fungal properties. Thor has skin allergies which frequently turn into fungal/yeast infections. 5 drops of this in his dinner every night completely eliminated the yeast infection in less than a week and has prevented a return of that problem. In addition, it largely controls his chronic ear infections, and his general itching/scratching is controlled better than when on the prescription Apoquel.
Samson used to get regular skin infections in the wintertime as well, but the oregano oil has prevented that this winter. Both of their coats now perpetually look and feel like they just had a bath yesterday. Compared to the cost of maintenance allergy meds and occasional prescription antibiotics, a bottle of this every two or three months is a HUGE value. Extra bonus points for being a natural substance rather than a lab-created pharmaceutical.
Note for those who may be buying it for personal use: this brand of oil is HIGHLY concentrated. Direct ingestion will give you some numbness on the lips and tongue similar to eating hot peppers. Be careful about getting it on your fingers and then potentially rubbing the nose/mouth/eyes. The flavor is VERY strong as well; a little bit goes a long way, and it should probably be significantly diluted with another neutral food oil for most cooking uses. I put 4 drops in a 6 quart batch of chili and there was a noticeable effect on the flavor. 3 drops would have been enough.