Óleo Essencial Orgânico de Orégano – 100% Puro e Não Diluído
Descubra o poder ancestral do Óleo Essencial Orgânico de Orégano da Aromavita, um tesouro da natureza que traz consigo séculos de tradição e eficácia. Este óleo, extraído do orégano grego, é uma verdadeira joia da saúde, com um impressionante teor de Carvacrol que varia entre 86% e 90%. O Carvacrol é um composto natural amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades benéficas, tornando este óleo um dos mais potentes disponíveis no mercado global. Ao incorporar o Óleo de Orégano em sua rotina, você fortalece e defende seu corpo, proporcionando suporte natural para a saúde digestiva, respiratória, do sistema urinário e das articulações. É uma maneira simples e eficaz de garantir sua imunidade, mesmo nos períodos mais desafiadores.
A Aromavita se orgulha de oferecer um produto que é um verdadeiro reflexo da vitalidade mediterrânea. Cultivado em fazendas na Grécia, o orégano prospera em um ambiente rico em nutrientes, resultando em um óleo que não só é puro, mas também potente. Cada gota deste óleo essencial é uma celebração da natureza, permitindo que você eleve sua jornada de bem-estar de forma natural. Além de ser um guardião interno, o Óleo de Orégano também se destaca em aplicações externas, servindo como um escudo natural contra irritações na pele e proporcionando alívio. Para aqueles que buscam um equilíbrio emocional, o uso do óleo em aromaterapia pode revitalizar o ambiente e promover um estado de bem-estar.
A Aromavita se compromete com a qualidade e a transparência, oferecendo um Certificado de Análise com cada compra. Isso garante que você está adquirindo um produto que reflete nossa dedicação inabalável à pureza e potência. Experimente a confiança que vem com cada gota do nosso Óleo de Orégano, sabendo que você está investindo em um recurso natural de qualidade superior.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Aumenta a resistência do corpo contra infecções e doenças.
– Suporte Digestivo: Ajuda na digestão e alivia desconfortos gastrointestinais.
– Saúde Respiratória: Contribui para a saúde dos pulmões e alivia sintomas de resfriados.
– Cuidado com a Pele: Atua como um agente natural contra irritações e inflamações cutâneas.
– Aromaterapia: Promove um ambiente relaxante e melhora o bem-estar emocional.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 a 3 gotas do Óleo Essencial Orgânico de Orégano diluídas em uma colher de sopa de óleo transportador, como óleo de coco ou azeite de oliva, uma vez ao dia. Para uso tópico, aplique uma pequena quantidade do óleo diluído na área afetada, evitando contato com os olhos. Para aromaterapia, adicione algumas gotas em um difusor para purificar o ar e criar um ambiente relaxante. Sempre consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento.
Amazon Customer –
My friend suggested trying oil of oregano, so I did some research and ultimately chose this brand to try because it is undiluted. Some of the other brands I looked at had additives such as sunflower oil. Another reason i chose this is that I read that oraginum volgare is one of two species of oregano that are effective for healing (do your own research.) I’ve used this twice and it has drastically helped with bloating. It is a little tough to get down, so I do dilute it with a little bit of tea (I like using peppermint tea because it tastes good and is also good for digestion). This will most defintely become part of my regular routine.
Lindy –
Liked that this product helps my knee pain
Kamikazi –
Its hot as Hades! Be sure to dilute it as the directions state, 4 drops in a table spoon of olive oil. I stir it up with the blade of a butter knife and sometimes can still feel the burn. Once I didn’t stir it and my tongue got burnt. It healed after a day or two.
I like this product because it is very potent. I can choose the carrier oil too! The olive oil I use makes me feel this over the center of my brain and in my spinal cord. Its crazy that I can feel this. I feel it eating away junk that shouldn’t be there. When I take it, I don’t feel very smart but kind of hazy. But when I stop, my brain becomes young again, smart and energized. When I take it, my vertebrae hurt in very specific places as it eats away the bad stuff that is blocking my receptors, but as it improves my system the pains go away. At first I thought this was bad, so I stopped after a week. Then for the next three weeks I was getting tons of stuff done like I was in my 20s again! Then at 4 weeks off I realized I was tired again and wasn’t completing anything again. So I started taking it and I realized its clearing out the bad viruses in my spinal cord since over time the pain from viral die off is moving down my spine as they die. I know this sounds bad, but I’m actually getting better.
I’ve heard a few years ago a theory that humans may not be doing their own thinking, but actually be preforming the actions of the bacteria, probiotics, and viral parasites in the host human’s body. Its a strange thought that some tiny bacteria is controlling your thoughts, your hunger, your drive… but as I delved deeper into probiotics I realized its true. As I battled a candida overgrowth infection, I realized the candida die off was painful, but it was not my pain that I was feeling… it was the candida dieing off’s pain that I was feeling. All I did was stop eating sugar and the candida started giving me pain from its dieing off. I even had to start taking molybdenum at that time to clear out the sugar web deposits that the candida was storing across my entire body but mostly focused under my left shoulder blade. Once I killed the majority of the candida overgrowth, the pain from it dieing off stopped. I certainly wasn’t dieing from not eating sugar!
Anyway… as I was looking for cures, I saw a youtube video where they mentioned oregano oil, and to make sure to get as little thymol as possible, but to maximize certain parts of the oregano oil (carvacol oil?). This company sends an official looking slip that shows the exact breakdown of their product, so that I can verify the exactness of whats going into my body. Too much thymol can damage your liver, so it was nice this product had half the limit of thymol that most the youtubers mentioned. Some brands out there have no idea what they are doing and made the focus of their product more than 50% of the bad oil of thymol.
A weird side note the original youtube chiropractor, Cass Ingrim, to bring oregano oil to the market so that we could benefit from its uses states that his is the best cause it is pure with no added ingredients. Which is interesting to note. His is 50-70% carvacol oil, but this one standardizes it to 87%, which means they add some into it to boost it to unnatural levels. At first I thought that may be bad as he stated, but then I realized he was pushing his product cause he had conflicting statements. He states in one video that people say to not use it for more than a week, but that his product you can use everyday. But in another video he mentions he was trying to kill off a lime disease infection from a deer tick by drinking a whole bottle of his stuff each day for 7 days! Then he took a break for 2 months and the infection came back. Then he drank a whole bottle of his stuff for 7 more days, then after 6 months it came back. Then he added sage and another herb to his whole bottle and the sage killed the burrowing worm from the lime disease. Now my point is that he said his wasn’t too powerful that you would have to stop taking it, but he knew that he could only take it for a week at a time. But also note that he’s taken oregano oil for decades, and his body isn’t suffering from the buildup of viral proteins in his system since he has cleaned them all out over time. And what I mean by that is that killing off the viral proteins is going to hurt them and they are going to send you pain signals. It is fair and wise to take a week off and a week on or whatever if it hurts. Your body parts will have to recover if it rips the scabs of infections off that were lieing dormant for years/decades. And thats what I think the pain in my upper spine was, since it healed and then the pain traveled down my spine for the next few days until it reached my middle back/spine and started burning out the viral proteins hidden in there. After that it went down further in my spine, as I continued to take it only nightly. The pain would stop in the previous places, and now its down to my lower spine. When I stopped, I accidentally started eating carbs again which fed my particular infection, and now it seems as if the viral proteins were growing back up my spinal cord. I had chicken pox when I was eight, which later manifested as shingles in my early forties. It may be eating that stuff away, or other stuff. I don’t know for sure. But I’ve got an appointment with my dr next month and we can see whats new.
Now… I want to compare this with two other forms of oregano oil I found on amazon but in softgel form. These oregano drops worked differently than those ones! This one seems to be the actual wild oregano plant. The others… I have no idea! They don’t list the actual scientific plant species on their bottles! Some other brands do list their scientific plant species, and its not the wild oregano plant found in Greece or wherever, but rather different species from different parts of the world. But thats not all bad. One seemed to go into my lymphocytes and push out the candida infection to my arm pits. It made my shirts smell sickly sweet and weird, but they looked clean. After throwing them in the dirty clothes hamper, some bright yellow fungus grew on them that looked like butterfingers or chickosticks. I realized that one of the videos on youtube mentioned that one of the viral proteins fed off of sugar, but also off of estrogren. Which means that they could have been feeding off of any number of hormones in my system, even vitamin D which acts as a hormone. I don’t know which scientist figured this stuff out, but my doctors sure don’t have a clue to do with anything. One wanted me to apply testosterone creme to my face to clear up the seboric dermatitus, which just makes them sound like they don’t really know the cause nor the cure nor anything about anything, in my opinion. At any rate, my shirt was coated on the arm pits with a fungus that grew on just that one shirt in my hamper. There were two white socks that also got stained with neon yellow streaks on them. Its really cray cray to ponder why it only happened to one shirt and pair of socks too. But… thats how oregano oil is supposed to work, by infiltrating your lymphocytes and eating the non-human proteins that they imprison, but it seemed to push them out of my lymph-nodes instead. Or they were abandoning ship. It seemed to focus on my upper torso emanating from my thyroid/neck area.
The third oregano oil… it seemed to do something different than the other two. It seemed to go into all my skin across my entire body and clean it out, which is interesting cause that’s where the lymphocytes are located… in all the dermis.
It seems all the oregano oils made my joints loosen and not be so tight, which is nice. Idk y… nor how. It may be eating good or bad proteins that stiffen the joints naturally. But it makes me feel young to inflate my chest and pop my back and shoulder joints. A small vertebrae pain can more simply be popped back into place using techniques I found on youtube also. I do have to imagine what if I’m wrong, and what if its just thinning my spinal cord lining. But since the pain moves down as I continue to take it, it seems that I am correct in my assumptions. Too bad no rich doctors will preform a study on a product they can’t patent.
So… it seems not all oregano oil species are alike. It almost seems like the carrier oil is what may choose the path for which the oregano oil to take. Its hard to tell, but I will try this brand with other types of healthy oils, like maybe avocado oil or grape seed oil, just to see if I get a different effect. But not right now, cause its doing what I want it to do the most by making my brain work better and faster and giving me energy for that week when I stop taking it to heal and recover from the viral die off.
One last thing I have noticed is that my previous infections are coming back and dieing. I had an infection on my left big toe from 2012, and the pain started again this week in 2019. I heard the youtubers say that you can apply oregano oil to your toe and finger nails to kill the fungus, so I did that last night and the pain went halfway away, so I’ll do it again tonight too.
===Update 4.27.2019===
I’m now using this to cure my seboric dermatitis.
I’m taking 3 table spoons of olive oil with 16 drops oregano oil in each table spoon, 3-5 times a day. I’m putting it directly onto my infected skin without a carrier oil. It doesn’t hurt my healthy skin, but it seems to push out the infection from my infected skin. The first few times it pushed out the sebo/sebum from the skin, and if I do jumping jacks it forces the infection out of the cells into the lymphatic system and those cells heal in 3 days and are not reinfected. The infection then collected under the skin on my chest, and if I take anti-virals after 30 minutes of ingesting the oregano in olive oil, the infection can start to be eradicated. Otherwise it creeps and crawls in my chest like its trying to find a new spot to hide. I felt it move to my right hip ball socket joint, then a few days later to my left heel, then up to my shoulder muscles a few days later. The greatest relief was when I felt them crawling around while attempting to sleep, then suddenly popping. The popping was relief, but that seemed to cause confusion in my brain until I took my next dose 3-4 hours later. I’ve taken pictures and video to document this, but won’t share them here.
Its noteworthy that the seemingly dead skin which seemed to be created as a self-defense mechanism from the dieing infection, was not dead skin, but instead it was a thin layer of dried sebo/sebum which peeled off and underneath was healthy normal skin. The antivirals I took were: DGL licorice root, golden seal, echinacea, elderberry, cat’s claw, and st. john’s wort, along with milk thistle and NAC. I also took lysine, vitamin C, vit E, selenium, vit A, ginger root, cilantro, garlic, parsley, astragalus, turmeric, resveratrol, biotin, and lactobaccili probiotics. It really seems each one helps in its own way. I just started taking burdock along with this regimen and it seems to give me a hangover like headache, but that may be the die off effect.
kim –
I heard that wild greek oregano was the strongest natural antibiotic,antiviral and dr. richard becker says from the STUDIES he has seen there is probably nothing it will not help-so i looked around and chose this. THIS IS POTENT. It is very strong. It will burn if taken internally so mix with coconut oil or such and you dont need much seriously. It smells–strongly–and not in a good way. BUT i respect its power. Glad i bought it and due to its strength im very careful when and how i use it. I dont want to mess up my gut biome worse than it is. Im very happy this is in my house. I’d buy it again if i were out of it. It’s literally a drugstore in a bottle and first aid in a bottle(so is swedish bitters btw but just not as strong).
Camila Adriana Hecimovich –
I’ve been taking this for a few days now, I’ve heard so many benefits so I’m pretty excited about it. I did read the flavor was very strong and yep it indeed is. However, my doctor recommended 3 drops with a coconut oil teaspoon early in the morning before I eat anything, and works so well! The coconut oil is soothing to my throat and stomach. I don’t feel it burning in my tongue nor have the aftertaste. Highly recommend trying it with a teaspoon of coconut oil to prevent the burn! You’ll barely feel it.
Amazon Customer –
I was very impressed with the quality of this oil. They also include a detailed flyer with descriptions and directions for use. Wish they carried other oils.
lbj66 –
100% pure product!
Sue Ol. –
I have taken it by mouth hoping will help my SIBO FLARE … crazy strong burning stuff… I diluted 5 to 1 ratio with olive oil and still burns my mouth . I had a bad flare and it seems to be helping. I am a fan of 100% essential oils … I never by from the market groups people … the piramid thing for me is a scam. I read tons of reviews and decided for this one to try oregano oil for the first time. I had a cold coming and going fast so it seems to shorten colds … who can tell? I am satisfied overal, product looks legit, it is crazy strong , diffused smells like oregano oil, the box came with a satchet of Greek oregano to try . I am good and recommending it .