Descrição do Produto: Best Naturals Oregano Oil 250 Mg Softgels, 120 Contagem
O Óleo de Orégano da Best Naturals é um suplemento de alta qualidade que oferece uma série de benefícios para a saúde, encapsulado em softgels de 250 mg. Este produto é meticulosamente testado em laboratórios independentes de terceiros, garantindo a pureza e a potência de cada cápsula. O óleo de orégano é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades benéficas, que vão além do sabor que adiciona aos pratos. Ele é um aliado poderoso para a saúde imunológica, promovendo a resistência do organismo contra infecções e doenças.
Além de apoiar a saúde imunológica, o óleo de orégano também é benéfico para a saúde das articulações e do trato urinário. Suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias ajudam a aliviar desconfortos nas articulações, enquanto suas características antimicrobianas promovem um ambiente saudável no sistema urinário. Para aqueles que sofrem de indigestão e inchaço, o óleo de orégano pode ser um remédio natural eficaz, proporcionando alívio e promovendo uma digestão saudável. Ademais, ele é conhecido por suas propriedades que favorecem a saúde respiratória, ajudando a manter as vias aéreas limpas e funcionais.
O produto é livre de corantes artificiais, sabores ou adoçantes, conservantes, açúcar, amido, milho, ovos, lactose, glúten, trigo, levedura, peixe e sódio, tornando-o uma escolha segura e saudável para todos. Todos os produtos da Best Naturals são fabricados de acordo com as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP), que são reconhecidas como um dos mais altos padrões de qualidade no mundo. Orgulhosamente fabricado nos EUA, o Óleo de Orégano da Best Naturals é uma escolha confiável para quem busca qualidade e eficácia.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo contra infecções.
– Saúde das Articulações: Ajuda a reduzir a inflamação e o desconforto nas articulações.
– Alívio da Indigestão: Promove uma digestão saudável e alivia o inchaço.
– Saúde do Trato Urinário: Contribui para um sistema urinário saudável, prevenindo infecções.
– Qualidade Superior: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo pureza e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma softgel de Óleo de Orégano da Best Naturals, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. Isso maximiza a absorção dos compostos ativos e potencializa os benefícios para a saúde. É importante seguir as orientações do rótulo e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Hugh E. Johnston –
Quality product. Great delivery
K. Lewis –
I’ve had a weird cough for at least three years. I got bronchitis on a backpacking trip and I suspect it might have started there. Regardless, I just can’t seem to shake my random coughing fits that come on for no reason whatsoever at least once a week. I’ve tried all sorts of at home remedies, from homeopathic to pharmaceutical (I have yet to get a prescription though as my insurance deductible is quite high). I used to use oil of oregano from another brand for my allergies with minimal results. But after reading more about oregano recently I decided to give this brand a go. I started by taking one pill 2x daily for two weeks. Now I am in the third week and taking one pill per day. I plan to continue this til the end of the week and then stop and see how my cough is. So far I’ve only had one coughing fit which is drastically less than before. However it will be interesting to see if that holds up once I finish the three weeks. If my cough returns I plan on starting the pills again but 2x/day for three weeks straight. The reason I didn’t want to do that first was oil of oregano can do a number on your gut flora. I am typically a very healthy eater but I’ve been trying to be even more so while on this to keep the little bugs in my stomach happy. I was quite silly though and planned my use of it over Thanksgiving. Silly me. Either way though, just make sure you are eating fresh healthy foods as much as you can while taking oil of oregano, even in small doses. Or consider adding a high quality probiotic when taking oregano oil.
I just wanted to share the experience for anyone who might not be able to handle this, but one thing I have noticed is I get oregano burps with this brand (I didn’t with the brand I used previously). However, I actually don’t mind them at all. The taste of this brand of oregano is very fresh. I actually hate the taste of oregano when I cook so I thought if I could taste this I’d hate it just as much. I don’t at all. It reminds me a little bit of parsley. It has a very similar freshness to it. And it doesn’t burn. So, as weird as it is to say, I actually kind of like the oregano burps that I get with this product. It feels like a weird thing to post publicly.
UPFATE: My coughing fits have pretty much stopped. I’ve had two since I completed my three week period taking these 2x daily. I completed that almost two months ago. Each time after I had a fit I took one of these pills as soon as I could and so far that seems to be working keeping it at bay. It’s quite a relief!
I also housekeep for a family that has gotten sick on four separate occasions since I ordered these pills. After cleaning for them on sick days I take one pill as soon as I get home and one the next morning and I haven’t caught anything from them yet. My parents also came to stay with me and my mom caught something awful on the plane which she passed to my dad. I started taking these 2x daily as soon as she said she was sick. My boyfriend started feeling sick after my dad caught it so I made him try these as well and the next morning his sore throat was gone and he got through my parent’s visit without catching the bug either. I tried to convince my parents to take them as well when they started feeling ill but they are part of a vitamin pyramid scheme so they insisted on taking their own vitamins. I realize this is anecdotal evidence which is pretty useless, but these do seem to work really well for me. As long as you follow a safe dosage and timeframe it really can’t hurt to try them if you don’t want to catch someone else’s cold or you’re fighting something persistent and bizarre.
L –
Received promptly in good condition
Robinson –
Long time Customer –
First of all I’d like to say that I very seldom give a 5 star review, the item has to be exceptionally good for 5 stars. Instead of me writing a dissertation on this oregano, I’m going to say all of the positive reviews that are written on this product are true, everything that has been said are some of the same things I would have written. Now I take 2 of these soft gels 3 times a day and I will continue this regimen for at least 3-4 weeks, then I will taper it to twice a day for another week or 2 then once a day. Its working from A to Z, this is a God given natural herb. Its important that its taken with food, otherwise, you will be belching up the strong flavor of oregano, if you take it on an empty stomach, it may not set right with you, it may cause stomach upset, which is what I experience in the beginning. Each time I take it, I have food on my stomach and have not had any problems with, belching it or any upset. Because of how I’m taken it, I’ve already ordered 3 more bottles from puritans pride where you get 3 for the price of 1, the only issue with this is that, they are 1500mg so I will only take 1 a day, which is what I’m taking right now. Oregano Oil has Antiviral Properties for flu colds, shingles, varicela and all viruses. Please unless you are allergic to oregano, buy it right now, hurry, you’re feel better in the long run. I’ve only been taking it now for 1 week, just think how I’ll be after months.
Leon R. Bee –
Great Product
Dave –
Oil of Oregano has many health benefits, but beware of how much you take. What is not stated on the bottle is that this supplement should not to be taken indefinitely. Do your research. It is a powerful supplement. If taken long term without a break, there could be serious effects such as stomach ulcers. From reading reviews, it also appears to me that many people are taking too much of it daily.
I usually take one softgel a day for 10 days, then go 10 days without taking any. The most I ever take in a single day is two softgels. I’m not suggesting others use this schedule, but again, it is important to do the research yourself, or ask your physician. I did try contacting the manufacturer at the phone number listed on the bottle, left a message, but never received a call back.
Vickie Watson –
Seems to work fine for keeping the bad bacteria in your gut in check and for light bacterial infections (gassy, bloated, etc.). I take one cap with a couple meals daily for a week or two. Also, for light infections, I suggest you start using the yeast diet (no sugar, low carbs, etc.) and drinking lots of water.
jonathan Garcia –
En poco tiempo podrás sentir lo efectivo que es
jonathan Garcia –
The pills are small and easy to swallow.. though you do end up burping oregano for a few hours after taking it.
Ive been taking it daily for months now.. i have not noticed any improvement on my weight, health or immunity against the common cold. Though i didnt take it into consideration for this review.. this i know its just a supplement.
I rated it lower than 5 stars solely because of the burping taste after taking it. There are other oregano pills that do not have that problem.