Descrição do Produto: Full Spectrum Transdermal Magnesium Oil
Descubra o poder do magnésio com o nosso Full Spectrum Transdermal Magnesium Oil, um spray de magnésio que combina a pureza do cloreto de magnésio Zechstein com minerais traço essenciais. Embalado em uma elegante garrafa de vidro azul nobre, este óleo de magnésio é projetado para proteger o conteúdo da luz, garantindo uma vida útil prolongada e evitando a contaminação por disruptores endócrinos que podem vazar de plásticos macios. A escolha do cloreto de magnésio Zechstein, uma fonte reconhecida pela sua pureza, assegura que você está utilizando a forma mais pura de magnésio disponível no mercado.
Nosso óleo de magnésio não contém aditivos ou enchimentos, refletindo nosso compromisso em oferecer um produto genuíno e eficaz. Cada frasco contém o suficiente para um fornecimento de dois meses de uso diário, tornando-se uma opção econômica para quem busca melhorar sua saúde e bem-estar. A aplicação é simples e prática: o óleo é facilmente absorvido pela pele, sem deixar resíduos oleosos, permitindo que você o utilize a qualquer momento do dia.
– Alívio Muscular: O magnésio é conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes, ajudando a aliviar tensões e dores musculares após atividades físicas.
– Melhora do Sono: A aplicação tópica de magnésio pode auxiliar na promoção de um sono mais profundo e reparador, contribuindo para a sua saúde geral.
– Saúde da Pele: Os minerais presentes no óleo podem ajudar a manter a pele hidratada e saudável, promovendo uma aparência radiante.
– Equilíbrio do Humor: O magnésio é essencial para a regulação do humor, podendo ajudar a reduzir sintomas de estresse e ansiedade.
– Facilidade de Uso: A embalagem em spray permite uma aplicação rápida e conveniente, ideal para o dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Full Spectrum Transdermal Magnesium Oil diretamente na pele, focando em áreas que necessitam de alívio, como músculos tensos ou articulações. Agite bem o frasco antes de usar e pulverize uma quantidade generosa na área desejada. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Recomenda-se o uso diário para maximizar os benefícios do magnésio e garantir uma experiência revitalizante.
Lefty1960 –
Like many others have said, the nozzle was broken inside the bubble wrap. And no returns or exchanges on this item so keep this in mind. It will very likely happen to you too. I had to decant the magnesium into another container which was annoying. That all said, the product itself is very good and easy to use. Better than taking a pill. Absorbs easily with no lingering snell at all. It will sting like crazy if you apply it to any area with even the tiniest skin irritation so avoid that. Will buy again, and will have another bottle nearby to decant into as the nozzle will likely be broken, again.
Frenchswede –
I believe the oil gets into my body faster than taking pills so I use it to keep leg cramps away and get rid of them fast when they happen.
AAHill –
I would have given 5 stars but I find that it seems to leave. An unpleasant coating that is almost sticky unfortunately. Definitely works to relax my legs, feet, and shoulders
jessica –
My calves, hamstrings, and feet I have been achy and tight from a big move recently. I’ve been stretching and going to the chiropractor, but still haven’t been able to sleep because I’m so uncomfortable and tossing and turning. Then I remembered I had this product in a box, and I pulled it out last night. I didn’t expect this to work so fast but within an hour or so of slathering it all over my legs and feet, I felt comfortable and relaxed and was able to finally go to sleep! As a matter of fact when I woke up in the morning, my body felt so comfortable I didn’t even want to get out of bed. I just bought another bottle because I don’t want to run out!
Kate D. –
I like the way it feels, takes care of restless legs for me and I only use it every other day
Megan –
I tried applying this to my underarms, bottoms of my feet, and stomach before bed and it made my skin so dry and itchy I had to stop using it. I think it’s a quality product and I appreciate the glass bottle but my skin is too sensitive to use it. I wanted to like it.
C. W. –
I like the bottle and the cap was sealed. But the liquid did leak during shipping since the cap wasn’t 100% tight. This made the bottle very slippery and hard to use and it had to be cleaned. it leaves a sticky, sweaty feeling on the skin even hours later. It won’t come off with Castile soap and eliminates the soap lather if you try. The bottle said to not use soap on it for maybe this reason. I applied it to my feet, arm and stomach. It did make me sleepy but only for about 4 hours so I had to reapply in the middle of the night. I now take one magnesium supplement along with spraying this on my feet and slept through the night. As a deodorant, apply at night otherwise you will get sleepy. This is my first time using a topical magnesium and will try other brands to see if they are also this sticky, sweaty feeling. Also the cap is a pump not a spray and directions say to use 10-20 pumps. I used 10 pumps.
K. Pulido –
Excellent seller- we met him at a local sales event in Austin. This direct sourced product is the purest on the market – absorbing it through your skin alleviates the need to metabolize it through your organs rather delivering it immediately to the needed area through the largest part of your body- the skin. Rubbing it on the abdominal area for organs and on my toothbrush weekly for my teeth. My husband has used it on his abdomen (for absorption)then his achy foot muscle spasms stopped in his feet at night. Then we ran out of the product- and the aches returned. Once ordered, it was delivered like in a day! It took me a while to find the product in Austin – I wanted to buy from the original importer/ seller here (a local business owner)- and I believe this is order fulfillment was from him. After using it – again the aches have stopped.