NatureWise Flaxseed Oil 1200 mg: O Poder do Ômega 3, 6 e 9 para a Saúde do Coração
Descubra o NatureWise Flaxseed Oil, um suplemento alimentar que combina a pureza e a eficácia do óleo de linhaça em uma fórmula poderosa de 1200 mg por cápsula. Com 720 mg de ALA (ácido alfa-linolênico), este produto é uma fonte excepcional de ácidos graxos ômega-3, essenciais para a manutenção da saúde cardiovascular. Produzido a partir de sementes de linhaça orgânicas, não transgênicas e extraído a frio, o NatureWise garante que todos os nutrientes sejam preservados, oferecendo uma alternativa limpa e sustentável aos suplementos de óleo de peixe.
Os benefícios do óleo de linhaça vão além do suporte à saúde do coração. Os ácidos graxos ômega-3 são fundamentais para uma dieta equilibrada e contribuem para o bem-estar geral, promovendo a função cardíaca e ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol. Cada cápsula de gelatina halal é formulada para fornecer a mais alta concentração de ALA disponível no mercado, tornando este suplemento uma escolha inteligente para quem busca uma fonte vegetal de ômega-3.
Além disso, o NatureWise Flaxseed Oil é testado por terceiros, garantindo pureza e qualidade, sem aditivos artificiais, enchimentos ou ligantes. A escolha do óleo de linhaça não só é benéfica para a saúde, mas também representa uma opção mais sustentável e ética em comparação aos suplementos de origem animal.
TommyC –
This product is excellent! It’s Non-GMO, has 720mg ALA and Omega 3 6 9. I liked finding a Fish Free Omega supplement. The 30 Softgels Pack is perfect for a month. The Flaxseed Oil 1200mg provides the right dosage. It’s a great Heart Health Supplement. The Softgels are easy to swallow and the Cold Pressed Flaxseed Oil enhances satisfaction. It’s made with Organic Ingredients and keeps me regular. Highly recommended!
W. Aguirre –
First of all, I would like to say that I’m a avid health nut; I never miss workouts which I do everyday. That being said, I also tend to be very conscious about reviewing certain information on several different sites before making my decision. I’m curious about what others have to say in the review before I make a purchase. The reviews tend to sway me one way or the other as far as making my purchase. Also, because there is so much Omega 3 on the market—the quality and absorption rate vary. :et me start out by saying that Omega 3 has many positive benefits, including lowering cholesterol levels, lowering high blood pressure, preventing heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, osteoporosis, depression, bi-polar disease, schizophrenia, ADHD, prevention of cognitive decline, improving skin disorders, preventing certain cancers such as breast, colon, and prostate cancer, etc.
Since taking Nature Wise Omega Wise Flaxseed Oil, and being consistent with a daily schedule, I’ve noticed some definite changes. First of all, my skin tends to be very sensitive and red much of the time. I have seen an improvement in this; my skin tends to tolerate more. Omega 3 fish oil is recommended for those who have cognitive decline. I’m in my 40’s and have noticed a definite decline in memory. Since I started taking Nature Wise, I feel my memory has improved quite a bit. I also suffer from depression, and have noticed a decrease in my depression symptoms. I am taking other medications for this, but I feel it has contributed to a decrease in my overall depression.
The main reason I feel I will continue taking the supplement daily is because my family has a strong history of heart disease, and fish oil is proven to help prevent this. It is also shown to help reduce cholesterol levels and decrease inflammation in the body. Almost all diseases can be pinpointed to the body’s inflammatory process. I also really like the fact that I feel it has improved my memory about 50%.
The quality of this particular product from NatureWise, as well as the fact it doesn’t give off a strong fish odor, its easy to digest, its organic and meets high standards of strict FDA requirements and is GMP and NSF certified, as well as being one of the purest form on the market today, I think this product is one that everyone should try, because I’m sure they’ll notice the difference—it might take a little while, but its worth it.
W. Aguirre
glebret –
I’ve been really happy with this Omega oil supplement. The health benefits it offers are simply amazing. Essential health benefits are what this product is all about. High quality, organic and non-GMO, it’s a great addition to any diet. Highly recommended for those looking to improve their overall health.
faith kirk –
This product has been exactly what I was looking for. Its health benefits are impressive. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my overall health since I started using it. I can’t recommend it enough for those seeking a quality Omega supplement!
Connie Royer –
I’ve been happy with this supplement. The fact that it’s a fish free source of Omega 3 is a major win. Coming in 3 6 9 formation, it’s an all-in-one solution for Omega oils. The heart health support it provides is noticeable. The softgels are easy for me to swallow, making it a hassle-free supplement.
These are really great and gentle on stomach. No smell and no bad aftertaste. A little big but easy to swallow since they’re so smooth. No bad side effects. Eat a good meal and take after the second bite of food, this helps to cushion it so your appetite doesn’t increase too much.
DogMonkey66 –
Alright, so, previous to receiving and taking this flaxseed oil, I had, about 2 months earlier, bought and started using green pastures fermented cod liver oil/ high vitamin butter oil blend. After doing my research I really had thought that was the best best best source of omega 3’s available. As, the butter oil actually helps the absorption. I had never been interested in taking flaxseed oil, this attitude springing from after a trip forever ago to the supplement store when a lady told me flax seed wasn’t a direct source of nutrients, like fish oil was. They had to be converted over in the body in order to utilize them. (I hadn’t done much further research on that, but just have since veered towards fish oils). However, I have to say that I have been COVerted to this oil in particular.
Let me first start off by saying that I’ve taken a few different blends and oils from the normal supplement stores, (mostly different varieties of Carlson’s, which is supposedly the best) and I recall never feeling or seeing any difference. (probably because they’re pasteurized and the nutrients are synthetic and have to be ‘added back in’). I was mostly taking it to hopefully see a difference in my skin, which was quite bad at the time.
..That’s when I researched and found green pastures, a brand that ferments their oils (doesn’t pasteurize) so all the natural nutrients are kept in tact. The cod liver oil from green pastures, and this Nature Wise flax seed oil are the only omega 3 supplements I’ve noticed a dramatic difference with. They’re both excellent products, but I’ve noticed they’re very different in the effects.
Nature wise~ I stopped taking the green pasture for the last few weeks to see what the difference would be, and by gosh there’s a dramatic difference in one particular area that is quite unavoidable to exclaim. My skin is SOOOOOOO SOFT. It barely drys out, it’s more glowy, clearer, doesn’t dry out after a long hot shower, more resilient. Everything about it is better. I also feel like I have been able to breath easier? My breaths are very subtle, easy, and silent. I also, am not sure about whether this can be attributed to me having recently going off hormonal birth control, but, I used to, if I didn’t get enough sleep, have a constricted head when I’d wake up. Like, I’d feel out of it and like my brain was dehydrated, or something. But that has completely gone away. I wake up and my head feels light and airy and comfortable. not restricted, clunched, dehydrated. These are the things I’ve noticed with Nature wise.
Green Pastures- Okay, this didn’t do near as well for my skin, I would say worked maybe half as well. BUT! something that this does which the flax oil didn’t, is it gave me an exuberant amount of energy! It was like a shot of coffee that wouldn’t wear off until hours and hours later for me. (but, better yet is good for you). it increases my brain power like no other. It made it so I could wake up after 3-4 hours of sleep, eyes popping open, jolting out of bed, my brain instantly stimulated, so ready for the day. It made it completely possible to function on low low amounts of sleep in a way I’ve never experienced before. It makes me think fast and clear and articulate. I used it a few times when I needed extra energy during the nature wise trial. As for the nature wise, I feel like it’s given me more energy on the baseline, the energy it gives me isn’t a dramatic, rapid stimulation, but more of an even stream I can detect in my body.
I think that I’ll start integrating the two to see what results I can get from different combos.
Btw love the fact that I know these are organic and non-gmo, probably why they work so well… dang.
Oh, yeah, and nature wise is more than half the price of green pastures so I’M glad I was given the opportunity to try it :^^^^^^^) Also, the customer service has been EXCELLENT with this product. I was given the opportunity to try this for free for a review, but this has been my honest opinion and they have followed up with me every step of the way. So greatly appreciated….. :^)
peacefultowers –
Convenient to add in to a carrier oil and use for hot oil hair massage!
Michelle Y –
Llevo poco tiempo tomándolas, aún así mi piel se siente mucho más suave!