Óleo de Linhaça Barlean’s Lignan – 7.230 mg de Ácidos Graxos Ômega-3 ALA para Melhorar a Saúde do Coração – Vegano, Orgânico USDA, Não-OGM, Sem Glúten – 16 oz (473 ml) é um produto que se destaca pela sua pureza e qualidade. Este óleo de linhaça é prensado a frio, garantindo que cada gota mantenha os nutrientes essenciais intactos, sem a interferência de calor ou solventes. Com uma concentração impressionante de 7.230 mg de ácidos graxos ômega-3 ALA por porção, ele se torna um aliado poderoso na promoção da saúde cardiovascular.
A Barlean’s, com mais de três décadas de experiência na produção de óleos saudáveis, utiliza apenas sementes de linhaça orgânicas e não transgênicas, assegurando um produto 100% vegano e livre de glúten. O óleo não filtrado contém lignanas, que são polifenóis vegetais ricos em antioxidantes, contribuindo para a saúde do coração e melhorando a circulação. A textura mais espessa e o sabor robusto do óleo de linhaça proporcionam uma experiência única, tornando-o uma alternativa saborosa aos suplementos tradicionais de ômega-3.
Além disso, a embalagem de 16 oz é ideal para quem busca um produto de alta qualidade e frescor, pois o óleo é protegido da luz e do calor prejudiciais, desde a semente até a garrafa. A Barlean’s é uma marca confiável, reconhecida por sua dedicação à saúde e bem-estar, oferecendo um produto que não só atende às necessidades nutricionais, mas também se encaixa em dietas restritivas.
1. Óleo de linhaça puro, orgânico e não refinado, garantindo a preservação dos nutrientes.
2. Fonte rica em ácidos graxos ômega-3 essenciais, promovendo a saúde do coração.
3. Contém lignanas, poderosos antioxidantes que ajudam na saúde cardiovascular e na circulação.
4. Feito a partir de sementes de linhaça de alta qualidade, não transgênicas e orgânicas.
5. Produto vegano e sem glúten, ideal para dietas restritivas e para quem busca uma alimentação saudável.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) do Óleo de Linhaça Barlean’s Lignan diariamente. O óleo pode ser consumido puro, adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes ou utilizado como tempero em saladas. Para garantir a melhor experiência, agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta. Essa prática não só maximiza os benefícios do produto, mas também integra facilmente o óleo à sua rotina alimentar.
Marina Tannis –
It was rancid I had to return it. This is the second bottle I have ordered and its rancid. Unfortunately I could not send back the first one as I was out of the country
sandy free –
la date de péremption était dépassée, je n’ai pas pu tester car l’huile de lin rancie très vite donc risque d’intoxication!!!
typer –
Edited to say they contacted me and wanted to make it right and sent another bottle.
Great customer service!!
I purchased in April but didn’t open it until now because I didn’t need it yet and I noticed it had expired. I checked the date because when I opened it, it had a strong odor. Not happy that I can’t use it now.
Kathenia Rodriguez Colon –
Riquísimo y saludable sobre todo, me encanto mucho el sabor es como comer una ensalada fresca, recomendado al 100
Taste great and great quality 👌.
Debbie Imhof –
Overall body repair.
Shade was too small when considering other pieces in my room –
This oil seems to settle my digestive system .Personally, I like the nutty taste of flax seed oil. This product mixes well in smoothies and other concoctions.
love15122 –
Great product I added it to my soothe. I’m unable to digestive whole flaxseed so this is an EXCELLENT alternative.
AP –
Flaxseed provides many benefits for your health. Benefits of flaxseed, due to its Omega 3 content. Flax seed is most highest natural foods that contain Omega 3 among other foods, you only need 1 to 2 tbsp of it to meet daily requirement of Omega 3 (although I don’t think it should be a replacement for fish based omega 3).
Clinical studies suggest that flaxseed oil and other omega-3 fatty acids may be helpful in treating a variety of conditions.
High cholesterol
People who follow a Mediterranean diet tend to have an increased HDL, or “good” cholesterol level. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes fish and healthy fats, such as olive oil, and has a healthy balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Whole grains, root and green vegetables, daily portions of fruit, fish and poultry, olive and canola oils, and ALA (from flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and walnuts) are also part of the Mediterranean diet. Red meat and saturated fats are not part of the diet.
However, whether taking flaxseed or flaxseed oil as a supplement can help lower cholesterol is up for debate. Some small studies show it has beneficial effects on cholesterol levels, but at least one double blind study found no evidence that it lowered cholesterol.
Heart disease
Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts or legumes, and ALA rich foods may substantially reduce the recurrence of heart disease. One of the best ways to help prevent and treat heart disease is to eat a diet that is low in saturated and trans fat and rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed and fish). Evidence suggests that people who eat an ALA rich diet are less likely to suffer a fatal heart attack. ALA may reduce heart disease risks through a variety of ways, including making platelets less “sticky,” reducing inflammation, promoting blood vessel health, and reducing risk of arrhythmia (irregular heart beat).
Several human studies also suggest that diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids (including ALA) may lower blood pressure.
However, it’s not clear whether taking flaxseed oil as a supplement would have the same effect on heart health.
Sjogren’s syndrome
Preliminary evidence that suggests taking 1 – 2 g of flaxseed per day can improve the symptoms of dry eye in people with Sjogren’s syndrome. Sjogren’s syndrome is an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks glands in the body that produce moisture, like salivary and tear glands.
Studies suggest that flaxseed oil may help prevent the growth of breast tumors. In one Canadian Study, researchers discovered that flaxseed oil prevented breast tumor growth, likely through ALA content. Source: Flaxseed oil | University of Maryland Medical Center
richiet9 –
From the moment you open it you can see the quality. There is no smell to it. It’s sealed correctly. Mixing it doesn’t seem to be a problem. Bottle looks pretty elegant. It’s a good amount of oil. I personally think you’ll enjoy it.