Descrição do Produto: Óleo de Fígado de Bacalhau Islandês Líquido – Omega 3 de Peixes Selvagens Nórdicos para Adultos
O Óleo de Fígado de Bacalhau Islandês Líquido é um suplemento premium, extraído de peixes selvagens das águas puras e frias do Atlântico Norte. Este óleo é uma fonte rica em ácidos graxos ômega-3, incluindo EPA e DHA, que são essenciais para a saúde cardiovascular, cerebral e articular. Com um sabor suave e uma textura agradável, o produto é ideal para adultos que buscam uma maneira prática e eficaz de incorporar nutrientes essenciais em sua dieta. Além disso, o óleo é rico em vitaminas A e D, que desempenham papéis cruciais na manutenção da saúde ocular, imunológica e óssea. A embalagem em líquido facilita a dosagem e a personalização do consumo, permitindo que você adicione o óleo a smoothies, saladas ou até mesmo consuma diretamente.
1. Saúde Cardiovascular: Os ácidos graxos ômega-3 ajudam a reduzir os níveis de triglicerídeos e a manter a pressão arterial saudável.
2. Função Cognitiva: O DHA é fundamental para a saúde do cérebro, contribuindo para a memória e a concentração.
3. Apoio Imunológico: As vitaminas A e D presentes no óleo fortalecem o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
4. Saúde Articular: O consumo regular pode ajudar a reduzir a inflamação e a dor nas articulações, promovendo maior mobilidade.
5. Melhora da Saúde Ocular: A vitamina A é essencial para a saúde dos olhos, contribuindo para uma visão clara e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) do Óleo de Fígado de Bacalhau Islandês diariamente. O produto pode ser consumido puro ou misturado a alimentos, como iogurtes ou smoothies, para facilitar a ingestão. É importante armazenar o óleo em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e agitar bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade dos nutrientes. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Earth Warrior –
I’ve been giving it to my 5 year old daughter for overall health, and she actually doesn’t mind the taste. It’s not her favorite flavor, but she takes it with pretty much no issues.. The lemon mint flavor is pretty mild and not too fishy, so it’s a win in my book. I love that it’s wild-caught and from Nordic waters which is very important to me! The liquid form is a huge plus because she’s still a bit young for capsules, and I just mix it into her food if I have to, without any fuss. The only thing I’d nitpick is that I wish it came in glass bottles instead of plastic. It just feels a bit more eco-friendly and, honestly, a touch classier; but that’s a minor thing.. I’m overall pleased and would recommend!
S. Beck –
There’s nothing wrong with this but I have never used or tasted anything for comparison. Honestly I decided I’m not a fan of this from any producer.
***Mat Lon Thui*** –
I like it This is a premium wild Icelandic cod liver oil; it has been deodorized, making it extremely tasty and masking the typical fishy taste of most therapeutic oil supplements with a subtle, natural flavor of lemon and rosemary mint. This heart-healthy oil is rich in Omega 3, DHA, and EPA and contains vitamins A and D3. It also helps to reduce inflammation and promotes eye health. The two bottles in the security-sealed set came in individual boxes. The brown-tinted, indestructible bottle keeps its contents intact, which is fortunate because oil-containing bottles can become slippery. The flip-top cap enables accurate dosage measurement. Once opened, the medicine needs to be refrigerated and used within three months, but this shouldn’t be a problem because a bottle contains 48 days’ worth of dosage for an adult and 96 servings for a child. The product can be recognized by its Made in USA and GMP certification seals, as well as its third-party verification and lack of artificial flavors and gluten.
Ahmed S –
ordered this COD Oil for trying and adding daily health benefits, i got two bottles , being using couple of drops and works for me
Manic Momma –
Honestly, I am amazed at how unfishy this tastes. It has a hint of lemon and is easy to stomach. A teaspoon full is completely bearable and I didn’t even need anything to wash it down.
I will continue to purchase this very, easy to take supplement for my omega 3 intake and all of it’s other benefits.
J-Mac –
I’d never before tried the straight liquid form of cod liver oil—though I’ve taken it in capsules for years. I didn’t know what to expect, tastewise…dreadful, awful, horrible? Well, this turned out to be nothing of the sort. I was genuinely and pleasantly surprised. In fact, I was flat amazed. I was expecting…uhhh, something—a little reactionary taste hint. They claim it has been “molecularly-distilled, neutralized, deodorized, and winterized,” whatever that means. All I can tell you is that it is pretty much tasteless, odorless, and so lightly oily that there’s little “mouth feel” involved—nothing anywhere close to the thick sensation of, say, the lightest olive oil. No real aftertaste or coated tongue, either. It’s kinda like “thick” water! I can’t image having a problem downing a daily, 1-teaspoon dose. Not as pricey as it might initially seem, either, when you consider the number of doses per bottle and the fact you’re getting a 2-bottle pack. I think this is a great way to do cod liver oil…and you’ll never have to worry whether or not the oil in a capsuel is stale! A five-star winner!
Amanda Miranda –
I read that this is the best omega 3 to take and I’d have to say I agree after using it for a few weeks. It really doesn’t taste bad and goes down easily. It’s been making me feel really good and I’ll happily keep taking it.
HoldingFeetToTheFire –
Cod liver oil has been treasured by the people of many cultures for thousands of years. It is still by many, myself included believed to be an optimal source of Omega 3’s and really shines due to its EPA and DHA fatty acid content. The fish is well sourced, and I really like the dispenser lid on the bottle as you would pretty much have to try to make a mess, when measuring out a serving.
Gotta say, CLO it is also well known for being very difficult to get down due to its taste. But Natures Craft has figured out how make so that it does not have a fishy odor and more importantly to many, the taste is palatable. Not going to say that you’d want to serve it to guests for dessert, but being flavored with mint, lemon and rosemary extract makes taking it very doable. A bonus is that while it is far less burpy than most fish oil, if one does manage to escape, people nearby won’t need to run for fresh air!
The value is definitely there, with a price which allows more people to reasonably afford to consume this health supporting product. I definitely recommend this product to other shoppers.