O Óleo de Fígado de Bacalhau Fermentado – Processado a Frio e Lacto-Fermentado é um produto inovador que combina tradição e ciência para oferecer uma fonte rica e natural de nutrientes essenciais. Este óleo é obtido através de um cuidadoso processo de fermentação a frio, que preserva todas as propriedades benéficas do fígado de bacalhau, garantindo que os ácidos graxos ômega-3 estejam em sua forma natural. A fermentação láctica evita a necessidade de calor ou produtos químicos, resultando em um óleo puro e de alta qualidade.
Além dos ácidos graxos ômega-3, o óleo de fígado de bacalhau é uma fonte natural de vitaminas A e D, entre outros nutrientes. O processo de fermentação suave protege todos os nutrientes e co-fatores presentes, sem a adição de vitaminas sintéticas, o que garante que você esteja consumindo um produto verdadeiramente natural. Para aprimorar ainda mais a experiência, uma pequena quantidade de óleo de limão orgânico é adicionada, conferindo ao óleo um sabor cítrico refrescante e agradável, além de ajudar a evitar sabores repetitivos.
– Fonte Natural de Ômega-3: Contribui para a saúde cardiovascular e cerebral, promovendo o bem-estar geral.
– Rico em Vitaminas Naturais: As vitaminas A e D são essenciais para a saúde ocular, imunológica e óssea.
– Sem Adição de Sintéticos: Garantia de um produto puro, sem aditivos químicos ou vitaminas artificiais.
– Sabor Agradável: O toque de limão orgânico torna o consumo mais prazeroso, facilitando a inclusão na dieta diária.
– Processo de Fermentação a Frio: Preserva todos os nutrientes, oferecendo um produto de alta biodisponibilidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir uma colher de sopa (15 ml) do Óleo de Fígado de Bacalhau Fermentado diariamente. O produto pode ser ingerido puro ou adicionado a smoothies, saladas ou pratos frios. É importante armazenar o óleo em local fresco e ao abrigo da luz para preservar suas propriedades. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade do produto.
Maluna –
Es handelt sich um ein hochwertiges Produkt, welches einen hohen Gehalt an natürlichem Vitamin A hat. Außerdem enthält es Vitamin D, Omega 3-Fettsäuren und einen Anteil an Jod. Damit handelt es sich um einen sehr gesunden und wichtigen Aspekt für unsere tägliche Ernährung.
Mir schmeckt dieser Lebertran sehr gut, ich nehme jeden Tag einen Teelöffel zu einer Mahlzeit ein. Er bekommt mir gut Der Geschmack ist meiner Ansicht nach auch angenehm und gar nicht schlimm!
Und er wirkt! Ich nehme diesen Lebertran jetzt seit etwa zwei Monaten ein.
Ich war bis jetzt in der nass-kalten Jahreszeit nicht krank, obwohl alle direkten Arbeitskollegen bereits krank waren. Zudem hat meine letzte zahnärztliche Untersuchung am 19.12.2024 ergeben, dass ich sehr gute und unauffällige Zähne habe und keinen Karies! Laut der Zahnärztin hätte ich auch keine Parodontose mehr! Mein Zahnfleisch hat sich beruhigt und blutet nicht mehr. Meine Zähne sind beim Essen und Trinken unempfindlicher geworden.
Ich muss dazu sagen, dass ich zusätzlich am Tag noch 2 Kapseln Magnesium (morgens und abends), zusätzliche Vitamin D3-Tropfen, Vitamin K2-Troofen und einen Esslöffel Omega 3-Fettsäuren einnehme.
Ich lagere den Lebertran im Kühlschrank.
Ein voller Erfolg! Und eine klare Weiterenpfehlung!
Suzanne Powers –
Taste is better than most and easily absorbed
Donnie –
i have tried every fish oil out there and never had any ‘good’ that i know of from it but i keep hoping and saw this and decided to try it-i noticed there is no writing at all on the bottle, only on the box-made me wonder if we can trust how old the oil IN the bottle is? i put 1 tsp. in my daily smoothie and it is SO gross, lemon covered bad fish taste and i felt ‘off’ all day and worse, today is my b-day so double bad. if anyone knows a real oil that’s good-i’d love to hear about it-too bad we can’t comment on our reviews here so we could help each othe more.
Bethany –
The other reviewers must really like the taste of cod liver because I read them all hoping it would be palatable and let me tell you it is not. I didn’t realize it wasn’t viable for a return so I’m super bummed about that because now I just have to throw it away. The smell alone was so strong that I could barely have it open. I bought for my kids with hopes of being able to mix it into something for them to take, my youngest was a good sport and tried it (she was braver than I was) and just the smell from her having some lingered for so long and was so potent that I was borderline gagging. And no it was not rancid I know what that smells like too unfortunately. This was just a very strong fishy oily smell that simply “pluggin my nose” was not going to make it happen.
Normally I don’t take the time to write bad reviews but with it being an item that can’t be returned I wish there were a few more honest reviews so I could have avoided wasting almost $40 and had a little more discretion.
Mila S –
A fantastic product that our family has used for a while now. Highly recommended
Jessica Miskena –
Atlantic origin fish oil, pleasant taste with the addition of the lemon oil. Quality product, simple, natural – just as God intended. Would purchase again.
H W Haak –
I’ve been a long time user of EVCLO, and have tried a variety of well known products.
I like this – the website is informative and makes a trustworthy impression. I’ve emailed them in the past and they makers are very responsive.
I can’t say much about the flavours – I’ve never been sensitive to CLO taste, some people can’t hack it. I’ll happily decant it on a teaspoon and take it straight, so I can’t speak to the sensitive folks. In my view the flavouring here masks the fish almost completely.
That also means it’s hard to gauge its native smell/taste as indicator of the product’s quality, but I’ll trust the makers (UK based). Unfortunately, the unflavoured is currently not available as an oil, only as capsules at a much higher unit price.
khalid –
Unpleasant taste
Bad bottle cap
Ben Y –
The taste and texture of this oil is exquisite. Unfortunately, the added lemon flavor is way too strong for me and gives me a rash. Also, for some reason, this oil does not digest well and causes some stomach distress.
AmazonCustomer –
Incredible. One of the best if not the best [fermented] cod liver oils on the market. Will engage one’s epigenetics.