Pur O3 Fully Ozonated Coconut Oil – Óleo de Coco Ozonizado Puro, Natural e Orgânico
Cuidados com a Pele com Óleo de Coco Ozonizado da Ozontate, Óleo de Coco Oxigenado – Óleo de Ozônio em um Pote de Vidro, 60ml.
- TECNOLOGIA AVANÇADA DE OZÔNIO A FRIO: Aproveite um óleo ozonizado de alta qualidade produzido com a inovadora tecnologia de ozônio a frio da PurO3. Esse processo garante ozônio ultra puro, sem o uso de calor, preservando as qualidades naturais do óleo de coco.
- INGREDIENTES ORGÂNICOS E PUROS: Nosso óleo de coco totalmente ozonizado é feito com ingredientes orgânicos e puros. Nossos produtos são livres de aditivos, organismos geneticamente modificados, conservantes e ligantes, oferecendo uma solução natural e suave para cuidados com a pele.
- ÓLEO OZONIZADO TOTALMENTE SATURADO: O óleo de coco utilizado é totalmente saturado com a quantidade máxima de ozônio que pode conter, criando um bálsamo suave e hidratante. Ao contrário de produtos parcialmente ozonizados para a pele, este óleo ozonizado oferece consistência e qualidade superiores.
- VIDA ÚTIL PROLONGADA: Nossa ozonated Coconut oil orgânica é refrigerada antes do envio para manter sua frescura e pode durar até dez anos quando armazenada em ambiente frio. Mesmo em temperatura ambiente, ele permanece eficaz por até um ano, garantindo um uso duradouro.
- TUDO NATURAL E SEGURO: Com ingredientes naturais e seguros, nosso óleo de coco oxigenado é totalmente natural. Se você está procurando por um creme de ozônio de coco, óleo de limpeza ozonizado ou creme ozonizado, a PurO3 tem um produto de cuidados com a pele para você.
1. Hidratação Profunda: O óleo de coco ozonizado proporciona uma hidratação intensa, ideal para peles secas e desidratadas.
2. Propriedades Antibacterianas e Antifúngicas: Ajuda a combater bactérias e fungos, promovendo uma pele mais saudável e livre de impurezas.
3. Acalma e Repara a Pele: Eficaz no alívio de irritações e na reparação de danos cutâneos, tornando-se um aliado em cuidados pós-solar.
4. Consistência Superior: A saturação total com ozônio garante um produto de qualidade superior, com textura suave e fácil aplicação.
5. Solução Natural e Segura: Ideal para quem busca alternativas livres de químicos, proporcionando segurança e eficácia nos cuidados diários.
Para utilizar o Pur O3 Fully Ozonated Coconut Oil, aplique uma pequena quantidade na pele limpa e seca. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Recomenda-se o uso diário para maximizar os benefícios. Evite o contato com os olhos e armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar suas propriedades. Este óleo é ideal para ser utilizado em áreas específicas que necessitam de cuidados intensivos ou como parte de sua rotina diária de hidratação.
ukulele_o –
Smells weird but works well. Leaves hands and skin softer.
Robert Wayne –
I bought for the first time about a year or so ago, it cleared my husbands 1 infected toenail right away so he stopped using it after a month or so. The fungus came back on the same toenail so he must not have used it long enough. Remember to use until well after the visible fungus is gone! I have 2 infected toenails on 1 foot, 3 on the other. The foot with the 2 infected is almost healed you can tell by the 1st photo, it’s all the way at the top of my nail now. on the foot with 3, 2 toes are healing & almost there. but the toenail in the 3rd picture isn’t responding. It was the first nail ever to become infected & I’m wondering if the fungus is just too strong & resistant to anything besides a more vigorous medical intervention 2nd photo 3rd toe). When my 1st jar ran out I waited a couple months before ordering more, trying 1 other product sold on Amazon that’s awful & didn’t do a thing. I’ve used @ least 5 different products/treatments & nothing has helped like the ozone sunflower oil. The key to this working for you is to use twice a day, don’t stop using it until a month or 2 after your nails are completely clear of fungus, as if you quit using too soon it’s going to come back & be harder to get rid of as it come back more resistant. Toenail fungus just like athletes foot is so hard to get rid of, it’s resistant to most over the counter treatments, anything a doctor prescribes is very expensive & usually not covered by insurance & it just takes so long to treat. You’re probably going to need 2 jars of the stuff, and you need to be persistent & can’t give up early. It’s a pain in the ass having to remember to apply the stuff twice a day, who wants to do that for 6 months? It really sucks but it’s the only thing that’s improved the fungus on my toes. I’m so sick of having gross feet. I just want normal, clean toenails & hopefully I’m getting close to the finish line & by summer this will be a reality.
Amy Able –
It does stink for sure
I put on toes with a small makeup brush
Then cover ball of foot and toes with press and seal wrap so it doesn’t get on anything
Sleep with this wrap too it stays on and I feel it helps with the oil
The smell is awful but it well worth it
Debra Kolnicki –
Its a great product
Lindsay Christensen –
If you are thinking of getting any PureO3 products I highly recommend getting this first. Each sample comes in a small lip balm sized container ( like Carmex if you’re familar with that brand). There were some I liked, some I loved and some I didn’t care for. The jojoba and coconut in the vanilla scent are my favorites. They absorb nicely with your skin. The hemp and castor oil are a different consistency, a little sticky and kind of sits on the skin. I do not care for the castor oil and the hemp oil is strong smelling BUT I found the hemp oil does work nice as a skin barrier, for example to prevent chaffing. Some people don’t like the scent of the ozanated oils. I personally go between thinking it smells like the woods after a good rain (fresh and earthy) or like industrial or medical grade oxygen ( a little strong and slightly unnatural, cause you don’t usually smell oxgen that pure ). I like the smell but some don’t . I use the Olive oil on my highly allergic dog and combined with an antihistamine it has worked wonderfully. Seriously we tried very expensive immunal therapy shots with this dog and it did not work. The olive oil/antihistamine combination seems to work very well so far and she hasn’t had to go on prednisone at all this year. The jojoba has softened my skin and has reduced the redness I usually get on my cheeks. However I think the avacodo oil irritates me, I might be allergic. Perfect example on why to get the sampler. So I highly recommend getting the sampler. I was so happy with the jojoba and the olive oil that I ordered the regular sized products. I think most people will find one or two they like as well.
Claud2chilly –
I bought this for teeth pulling. The company makes a special teeth pulling formula, but I went with the ozonated coconut oil because it has other uses too, ie, can use on skin for moisture and wound healing. I am rating this based on oral health results. I feel like I found gold here! This product really genuinely works for me . I have a molar tooth that has wiggled slightly in my gumline for years. I can’t use straws or drink from bottles because the suction makes it move enough that I’m uncomfortable. It moves due to recessed gums. I’ve been told there isn’t much I can do for it, but then I found this product! I have used it maybe 5 times over the last couple weeks. I thought swishing for any length of time would make my cheeks tired, but the oil melts so easily in my mouth, I barely notice it’s there, super easy to swish for periods over 5 minutes. I spit it outdoors as I’ve read it can clog drain pipes if washed down the drain. After the 3rd treatment, I felt a difference, and by the 5th time using it, I can attest that my tooth no longer wiggles!!!! This is INCREDIBLE to me!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this product! Also, my order came with a brochure that has me really excited to try other products by them too. I also like that this ships directly from the company. A+!!!
John Farley –
I wanted this to work for me but I got an allergic reaction. I never have any issues with anything I put on my body so I did not test on a small area. I will do that from now on just in case.
H Lau –
I ordered once and the product was white and smelled of ozone. However, on this order the olive oil was clear and not smell of ozone. This means it was olive oil without any ozone. The company would not assist me because I ordered through Amazon. Amazon would not refund or take a return. So, I wasted time and money on this. However, now I’m told that the company’s Amazon contact can assist me – we’ll see
Robert Wayne –
The package wasn’t cold when delivered and it smells rancid.
Darryll Johnstone –
Took 2 weeks to arrive (to Canada) but well worth the wait. Healed my sensitive wound in two days while I wasted almost a year with other remedies. I think the smell is fine (contrary to somebody’s review). Consider that there are ZERO additives, so it’s the natural smell. I would keep this oil in the fridge for preservation.