Óleo de Coco Fracionado para Hidratante de Pele com Bomba
O Óleo de Coco Fracionado para Hidratante de Pele com Bomba é a solução ideal para quem busca uma hidratação intensa e natural. Com uma fórmula leve e de rápida absorção, este óleo é perfeito para todos os tipos de pele, especialmente as mais secas e sensíveis. Sua apresentação em bomba facilita a aplicação, permitindo que você dosifique a quantidade exata necessária para cada uso, seja como um óleo de massagem relaxante ou como um óleo carreador para misturar com óleos essenciais.
Este óleo de coco fracionado é extraído de cocos frescos, garantindo um produto puro e de alta qualidade. Ao contrário do óleo de coco comum, ele não solidifica, o que o torna prático e fácil de usar em qualquer temperatura. Sua consistência líquida e incolor não deixa resíduos oleosos, proporcionando uma experiência agradável e sem manchas. Além disso, é inodoro, o que o torna ideal para quem prefere produtos sem fragrância.
As propriedades hidratantes do Óleo de Coco Fracionado penetram profundamente na pele, promovendo uma sensação de maciez e suavidade. Ele pode ser utilizado como um removedor de maquiagem eficaz, um hidratante facial, um óleo para o corpo e até mesmo um tratamento para cabelos secos e danificados. Sua versatilidade permite que você o utilize em diversas situações, desde cuidados diários até momentos de autocuidado e relaxamento.
1. 100% Natural e Puro: Feito apenas com ingredientes naturais, garantindo a melhor qualidade para sua pele.
2. Versatilidade: Ideal para cuidados com a pele, cabelo, massagens e como óleo carreador para óleos essenciais.
3. Hidratação Profunda: Penetra na pele, deixando-a macia e hidratada, sem sensação oleosa.
4. Livre de Odores e Manchas: Incolor e inodoro, proporcionando uma experiência agradável e sem resíduos.
5. Longa Vida Útil: Possui uma durabilidade superior a outras marcas, garantindo qualidade por mais tempo.
Para utilizar o Óleo de Coco Fracionado para Hidratante de Pele com Bomba, aplique uma pequena quantidade na pele limpa e seca. Massageie suavemente até que o óleo seja completamente absorvido. Este produto pode ser usado diariamente, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, para maximizar os benefícios de hidratação e nutrição. Para uso como óleo de massagem, aqueça levemente o óleo nas mãos antes da aplicação, proporcionando uma experiência relaxante e revigorante.
midway there –
I purchased this product in hopes of finding the “perfect” moisturizer for my skin. I was blessed with a clear complexion, and never dealt with typical skin problems. I never wore makeup and wasn’t concerned as to what type of moisturizer my skin would “tolerate”. Suddenly, when I turned 59yrs. old, my skin seemed to “turn” on me. I developed rosacea and began a constant battle for find a moisturizer that would keep my skin soft, but not aggravate the conditions of rosacea (redness and breakouts). I’ve tried one moisturizing product after another, with little to no success. I have been using this product for over a week now and couldn’t be more pleased. It glides on smoothly (a little goes a long ways) and doesn’t cause my face to “blister/breakout” like other moisturizers have in the past. Most recently I had turned to baby lotion for a solution, hoping it would be gentle on my face. It worked to an extent, but still caused occasional break outs……and I didn’t care much for that “baby smell” on my face. This product is pure and totally odorless. I’m in no way trying to say it CURED my rosacea…….but I am saying it hasn’t made it WORSE, and that is HUGE! It appears I’ve finally found a great moisturizer that works well with my skin! This product is priced well and worth every penny. I would highly recommend this product and this seller to anyone looking for a HEALTHY, INEXPENSIVE, skin moisturizer.
Raymond Gonzales –
A little dab will do ya! This oil is fantastic! I rarely write reviews but, I have to share this with others who care about skin care. I’m a 68 year old man with a brown skin pigment. Because I’m out in the Texas outdoors every day my skin takes a beating from the sun and dry winds. I play tennis about 3 times a week, do yardwork daily, gym and dry sauna 3 times a week. Anyway, this oil acts as a moisturizer making my skin smooth and healthy. It appears a little oily as you rub it on your skin; but absorbs/dries to a natural healthy look and feel. I recently went to a 50 year high school reunion and my old classmates all complimented my skin which made me feel wonderful. And my FB friends all swear I look 50. Anyway, if you’re looking for a great moisturizer, look no further and give this Coconut oil a try; you won’t regret it. Cheers!
Magic –
I love this coconut oil! I used to use a candle warmer to melt coconut oil to put on after my bath. It got pretty warm and was in a glass container, so it was a little rough using it sometimes, but I did because I love coconut oil. This solves that problem. I have one bottle in the shower and one bottle in the bed room. Coconut oil is all I use on my skin. It has antibacterial properties and is absorbed quickly. I had a problem some years ago with MRSA. It formed pimples in hair follicles on my legs, both times it was quite severe. After they were healed, I started using coconut oil after every bath and shower and have not have a reoccurrence. The spout that is sent with the bottle is a little tricky to get working. I had to hold the part right under the cap with a plyers and then turn the spout to open it, otherwise it would just spin and not pop up. I will keep purchasing this product, it is amazing. 🙂
Laur S. –
Habe ich das 2. Mal schön bestellt! Sehr praktisch! 🙂
S. Wood –
I have used about ten different variety of coconut oils on my skin over the last three years. Living in Florida, I have only been successful in keeping my coconut oil from getting moldy during the winters, which are rather short in the Sunshine State. Because this Fractionated coconut oil is air-tight and is delivered through a dispenser, I have succeeded in using a whole bottle during Florida’s hot summer without one iota of mold. Heavenly!
Now, you’ll get a kick out of this. Because you are NOT supposed to ingest this coconut oil, I am have ordered some very small jars of edible coconut oil to keep in my shower for my dog. Every day when I finish my shower, he comes running up to see how much I have “left” on the floor and the bench for him. It is good for his coat, so I will keep doling it out to him.
All in all, if you have any problems with moldy coconut oil in the shower, this is your fix. And, it softens the skin beautifully.
Kriss –
She seems quite pleased with the softening effects.
Skyler Hager-Parker –
I should’ve listened to the reviews. It came with a broken seal and leaked out all over my other products. It almost ruined my sandalwood sticks. What saved my sandalwood is they were double packaged.
Lochnessa54 –
I ordered this 16 oz bottle of Fractionated Coconut Oil for Skin Moisturizer with Pump because of how pleased I was with the first order. This is a lightweight carrier oil that is great to use when better absorption of the essential oils is needed. I vouch for this brand and will continue to use it.♥
K.S. –
Wonderful moisturizer. Apply to damp skin immediately after showering or bath. a little goes a long way.
No scent , which is nice.
Dev Karan Singh Maletia –
as described, recommended