Conheça o Óleo de Coco Fracionado Organix para Mistura de Óleos Essenciais – 16 Oz 100%% Puro Óleo Carreador com Frascos de Rolamento de 10ml, Tampas, Funil e Abridor – Inodoro, Incolor e…
Este óleo de coco fracionado orgânico é inodoro e incolor, sendo ideal para diluir óleos essenciais. Ele reduz a intensidade dos óleos, preservando uma versão mais suave do aroma para uso suave.
Rico em ácido caprílico, este óleo de coco fracionado orgânico proporciona uma hidratação profunda, sendo adequado tanto para a pele quanto para o cabelo, deixando-os macios e nutridos.
O óleo de coco fracionado para óleos essenciais permanece em forma líquida em temperatura ambiente e possui uma vida útil prolongada, não expirando rapidamente. Isso o torna confiável para uso diário.
Este óleo carreador de coco fracionado é perfeito para misturar com óleos essenciais. É ideal para massagens, rotinas de cuidados com a pele e tratamentos capilares, proporcionando um uso versátil.
O pacote inclui 16 oz de óleo de coco fracionado, 4 frascos de rolagem, tampas, um funil e um abridor de tampas. Tudo o que você precisa para uma mistura e armazenamento convenientes de óleos essenciais.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Óleo de coco fracionado orgânico e puro
- Hidratação profunda para pele e cabelo
- Vida útil prolongada
- Uso versátil para massagens, cuidados com a pele e tratamentos capilares
- Kit completo de mistura com óleos essenciais
O Óleo de Coco Fracionado Organix oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados pessoais. Primeiramente, sua pureza garante que você está utilizando um produto livre de aditivos químicos, ideal para peles sensíveis. Em segundo lugar, a hidratação profunda que proporciona ajuda a combater o ressecamento da pele e do cabelo, promovendo uma aparência saudável e radiante. Além disso, sua versatilidade permite que você o utilize em diversas aplicações, desde massagens relaxantes até tratamentos capilares intensivos. A longa vida útil do produto assegura que você não precisará se preocupar com a validade, tornando-o uma escolha prática e econômica. Por fim, o kit completo facilita a mistura e o armazenamento de óleos essenciais, otimizando sua experiência de uso.
Para diluir óleos essenciais, adicione algumas gotas de óleo de coco fracionado em uma quantidade adequada de óleo essencial. Massageie suavemente na pele ou no couro cabeludo. Para uso capilar, aplique uma pequena quantidade nas pontas dos cabelos úmidos ou secos. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente. O uso regular não só maximiza os benefícios dos óleos essenciais, mas também potencializa a hidratação e nutrição da pele e dos cabelos, garantindo resultados visíveis e duradouros.
Ava Han –
Watery consistency prevents sticky feel. Hygiene application using the roller balls. Love the travel size idea. I don’t mind the hassle filling up the glass bottles. Overall = 👍product
Laura Sloate –
The quality and value of this is amazing. I use essential oils every day and make custome blended roll-ons for my family. The pump dispenser is so convenient for that. I’ll be ordering this often.
Lee Keen –
Exactly what was in the order.
Donna B –
Pumps out easily and absorbs very well!
Cmac –
Does coconut oil set up with the roller bottles is great for building your own natural body. You get plenty of coconut oil.
Kindle Customer –
One can mix exactly the concentrations and blends of essential oils and make refill as needed.
Julie Sands –
I purchased one of these kits for a person that I made a roll on fragrance for that they enjoy wearing. This is so I can send them this kit and the recipe and they then can make more of the fragrance I made them using my recipe, and refill their bottle easily and discover how easily they can make other style fragrances also so they have more fragrance choices. I think it is fantastic to make and refill roll on fragrances as that cuts down on the consumption of packaging and also we have the ability to custom blend and create our own fragrances and are not just relying on department store brands. The kit is very basic and it does not come with any instructions for fragrance blending etcetera. That being said it is still a great kit for the purpose such as I have described. This also might be the type of kit that is used in the classroom in elementary school chemistry, for example, to teach very young children to make and refill their own fragrances using natural, no tree was cut down, no plants destroyed, essential oils such as Cinnamon Leaf Oil (the leaf not the bark,) lime oil, lemon oil, orange oil, clove bud oil, things like that.-Julie Sands
****A little about ME, JULIE SANDS. I am married, a vegetarian for ethical reasons, years ago I was not. I believe in kind logic, NOT GIGO as in wrong culture, tradition, programming, etc., etc. My ethics and behavior continually advance in kind logic thinking. Years ago I was not a kind logic thinker most of the time and was not even vegetarian back then. I am an award winning screenwriter, actor, director, producer and filmmaker (I no longer even watch television nor films by the way, though I look forward to all kind logic types but am so busy I will probably only watch once in a while-I still write but now I write only kind logic projects not like the old short, television show or techno band I used to be in and was a songwriter/arranger in it,) and am THE ORIGINAL JULIE SANDS ON THE WEB. I registered my name, Julie Sands, with unions such as the Screen Actors Guild of which I am a member though I am no longer an active member by choice due to kind logic thinking, and on the internet, decades ago before there was another Julie Sands internet presence. Any other Julie Sands is NOT ME, nor have they ever been. I had my own VERY POPULAR techno band and VERY POPULAR non commercial public television show in Southern California that I wrote, directed, produced, edited and acted in as well as sang the theme song called “The Mistress Julie Show”, based VERY LOOSELY on an Elvira (Cassandra Peterson), style character though it was original and very different. It was non-commercial and I mention her as I later met her and she was inspirational to me as she was one of the VERY few women television personalities many years ago that carried ‘her own show.’ She also is very musical as am I. I write and perform my own material. Later I progressed and became a Filmmaker, a writer, director, producer, lead actor, etc. etc., and made and acted in an award winning highly acclaimed domestically and internationally short entitled Gotham Café based on a Stephen King short story that was produced with the help of Steve Wozniak, Apple Computer Co-Founder whom I met. He exclaimed he felt my background resonated with Steve Jobs and his, thus inspiring Wozniak to co-produce what became my historic multi-award winning short Gotham Café in which both he and Stephen King performed cameos in at my bequest. I am a university graduate with full honors and have a genius I.Q. I have a Playmate of the Year type figure, supermodel style with perfect perky LARGER Playmate style breasts, already perky torpedo style small B’s, augmented to what I feel is a proper Baywatch style size, with the help of a Physician who augmented Playmate of the Year Winners, and numerous Tropicana Models as well as MANY WELL KNOWN CELEBRITIES. I have worked out with weights (hand weights, not in a health club-see books by Martha Vedral,) for thousands of hours to perfect my high muscle super thin, low body fat ratio, slender thin boned but tall Asian style (though I am Anglo Saxon), wrinkle free, supple figure. I wake up most mornings at 2:30 A.M, make my own breads, milks, pastas,HE detergents, fragrances, sauces, ketchups, etc., etc., etc., etc. Me and my spouse grow many of our own fruits, spices and vegetables for ethical reasons (i.e. for example, I have met migrant workers.) I am well regarded and have been to innumerable exclusive invites such as to the Playboy Mansion, know a famous White House Photographer, Ruport Murdoch asked to sit with me at a table at one of the events and the Prince Of Ethiopia (Salessie descendant,) introduced me to Mark Hughes, Herbalife Founder, to discuss World Events and inventions. I am an inventor type, coming up with numerous inventions, formulas and recipes, and also have a background in Engineering and Science and have taken a year of Mandarin Chinese as well as character writing and have been taught Latin by a PhD from Italy and in University. I have traveled to Europe, Canada, Africa and Argentina, South America (thank you Ariel Bosi of Buenos Aries, who believed in the significance of my fictional short and greeted me in Argentina during my visit there to their Canne level film festival. Though that short was not kind logic it made us think and helped those of us who were making and watching movies get to kind logic practice and thinking that much quicker if they thought about it and understood it. It also promoted vegetarianism, but I made it so 2001/Aronofsky/Kubrick like it was not clearly stated. It is NOT THE TYPE OF FILM THAT PROMOTED VIOLENCE THOUGH SADLY THERE WAS simulated violence portrayed in the short I made and co-wrote years ago. It was a let’s never do that and think about each thing we do and only do positive things and do not persecute ourselves nor others also do not follow old systems, traditions, practices, etc. if they were GIGO-old computerese for bad programming, an acronym for Garbage In Garbage Out.)
RooRooSig –
I add this to my body oil blends and bath bombs
Terri –
I love this product for mixing my essential oils with!! Simple and easy it is a great kit!!