Descubra como o óleo de cânhamo e o CBD podem transformar sua saúde e bem-estar com o guia definitivo para iniciantes, “Hemp Oil and CBD: The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to CBD and Hemp Oil for Better Health, Faster Healing, and More Happiness”, de Timothy Greene. Este audiolivro é uma fonte abrangente de informações que responde a perguntas cruciais sobre o uso do CBD, como: O óleo de CBD pode ajudar com a dor? E com a ansiedade ou depressão? É seguro e legal? Neste guia, você aprenderá tudo sobre o que são o óleo de cânhamo e o CBD, e como eles podem beneficiar sua vida de diversas maneiras.
Ao longo de seis capítulos, você se tornará um especialista em CBD, aprendendo a:
- Gerenciar a dor física
- Melhorar seu humor
- Aumentar sua memória
- Fortalecer seu sistema imunológico
- Agir como um afrodisíaco
- Controlar seu apetite
- Melhorar a qualidade do sono
- Limpar a pele
- Fortalecer o coração
O primeiro capítulo explica o que são o óleo de cânhamo e o CBD, enquanto os capítulos seguintes detalham os benefícios do óleo de cânhamo e do CBD para a saúde. Você também aprenderá a extrair seu próprio óleo de cânhamo e como utilizá-lo em receitas e cosméticos. Este audiolivro é a chave para desbloquear um novo nível de saúde e felicidade.
Está pronto para começar a colher os benefícios do CBD e do óleo de cânhamo? Não perca tempo e inicie sua jornada de transformação hoje mesmo.
- Alívio eficaz da dor, proporcionando conforto e qualidade de vida.
- Melhora do humor e redução da ansiedade, promovendo um estado mental mais equilibrado.
- Apoio ao sistema imunológico, ajudando na prevenção de doenças.
- Melhoria na qualidade do sono, resultando em um descanso mais reparador.
- Benefícios estéticos, como pele mais limpa e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o óleo de cânhamo e o CBD, recomenda-se iniciar com uma dose baixa e aumentar gradualmente conforme necessário. O uso sublingual é uma das formas mais eficazes, onde algumas gotas do óleo são colocadas sob a língua e mantidas por 30 a 60 segundos antes de engolir. Isso permite uma absorção rápida e eficiente. Além disso, o óleo pode ser adicionado a alimentos ou bebidas, ou utilizado em receitas de cosméticos caseiros. Sempre consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Bruce –
interesting and informative read
Aviator1 –
This book was easy to read and understand. Lots of information for the beginner. It was great that it was available on Kindle too
Roberta Brock –
Too basic for the cost.
Chico –
Research, Much too brief! After a very readable and somewhat informative, it too quickly devolves into a recipe book. Not the end I was trying to find! Good start, ends ragged and flaps deployed!!
Two Bears –
A lot of good things and a few sketchy things about this book.
Good things.
The recipes in the back.
The section about the health benefits. I use Medical Marijuana to control my Crohns disease.
Now let me go into the sketchy areas.
Location 240. Tge author talks about hemp oil and CBD oil as if they are one and the same.
In fact they’re not even close to the same.
Hemp oil is cold pressed much like olive oil, and cbd oil is exteacted from the buds and sugar leaves by several different ways.
Alcohol, Namptha, butane C02, and others.
The big difference is that CBD oil is rich in cannabinoids. Abd hemp oil has virtually none. You should still use hemp oil because it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. And protein.
354 he talks about extracting cbd oil with Isopropol. This is not CBD oil at all. Isopropol will extract all the cannabinoids not just CBD. His method is almost identical to Rick Simpson Oil.
If you want to extract the cannabinoids with Isopropol i would recommend you change the technique in the following ways.
1. Grind the buds and put the ground herb abd alcohol in the freezer for at least 6 hours. You want the trichomes to be brittle abd break off. I would use 99% Isopropol instead of 50-91%
2. Pour the alcohol to cover the herb and do a quick wash. I do 1 wash lasting about 85 seconds. Much longer and you start extracting the chlorophyll and alkaloids. These will make the oil very bitter. If you want to do a second wash you can but i don’t find it necessary i get yields 17.2-24.5%. Once i had a yield of 16.9% and that was buds way too dry to smoke.
Now to purge off the alcohol. I am NOT a fan of heat from a rice cooker. Heat makes the oil dark brown almost black.
Heres what i do. I line a shallow bowl with parchment paper and position near an open window i set up a small personal fan to blow across the liquid snd blow the alcohol fumes out the window.
When the liquid is 95% gone. Stick it in the freezer for a few minutes. Fold the oil onto itself till you have tge oil in a small area.
Then move the oil onto a cup warmer or candle warmer and use a low heat for the final purge.
Too much heat and you destroy the terpenes and break down the cannabinoids.
I really wish the author had included a section about making tinctures.
Here are the two methods i use when making tinctures.
1 15 ml dropper bottle with 1 gram of hash oil. Fill bottle with 151-190 proof grain alcohol and wait for the hash oil to dissolve.
2. Put 1 gram kief in 15 ml grain alcohol. Close tightly, shake well every day. After 3 days filter the liquids from the solids witg a coffee filter.
There is about 300 drops of alcohol in 15 ml. This way every drop of the tincture has 2.8-3 milligrams of cannabinoids in every drop of the tincture so getting the right dose is a piece of cake.
You might want to look into micro dosing. As you use cannabinoids your tolerance for cannabinoids goes up and up.
Through experimentation i have found that i really only need 13-16.5 milligrams of cannabinoids a day to keep my Crohns disease under control, and i am doing GRRRRRREAT. I have only had three flares in the last year!
KatyC –
Diane R. –
Easy read
Brande –
This is a good book for beginners and I find it helped me to decide how and what to buy to try to help my pain. I recommend this book as a started to understanding Hemp oil and CBD.
Wayne Watts –
Please be aware that this is the most basic beginners guide to CBD and Hemp oil. There is absolutely no depth and the book itself is only 30 pages.
however you can learn how to make a good Vinaigrette. Save your money and just surf the net.
Bonnie –
I found an important contradiction in this book, which should have been caught if anyone had proof read it. On one page, it was said to be useful in helping anxiety and depression. A few pages later, it stated that those suffering from anxiety and depression must avoid consuming the product as it can agitate the condition. So which is it? Otherwise, the book was informative.