Óleo de Cânhamo 300mg – Gotas Orgânicas 100%
Descubra o poder do Óleo de Cânhamo 300mg, uma fórmula premium que combina a pureza do cânhamo orgânico com a eficácia dos ácidos graxos essenciais. Produzido e cultivado nos Estados Unidos, este óleo é extraído através do método de extração CO2, garantindo a mais alta qualidade e pureza do extrato ativo de cânhamo. Com uma rica composição de ácidos graxos ômega 3, 6 e 9, o Óleo de Cânhamo é uma adição valiosa à sua rotina de saúde, promovendo um corpo e mente saudáveis.
- QUALIDADE ABSOLUTA & GARANTIA ABSOLUTA – Garantia de devolução do dinheiro vitalícia, sem perguntas; Certificado de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP), 100% Orgânico, Sem Glúten, Vegano, Kosher; A fórmula fornece uma mistura de ácidos graxos essenciais Omega-3, Omega-6 e Omega-9.
- MÉTODO DE EXTRAÇÃO CO2 – A extração a frio garante a mais pura qualidade do extrato ativo de óleo de cânhamo.
- CORPO & MENTE SAUDÁVEIS – Utilize nosso extrato de óleo de cânhamo ativo totalmente natural.
- EMBALAGEM VARIADA – O item Óleo de Cânhamo 300 vem em frascos marrons ou azuis, mas o conteúdo e as informações nutricionais são os mesmos.
1. Suporte à Saúde Cardiovascular: Os ácidos graxos ômega presentes no óleo de cânhamo ajudam a manter a saúde do coração, promovendo níveis saudáveis de colesterol.
2. Equilíbrio Emocional: O uso regular do óleo pode contribuir para a redução do estresse e da ansiedade, promovendo um estado mental mais equilibrado.
3. Apoio à Saúde da Pele: Rico em propriedades anti-inflamatórias, o óleo de cânhamo pode ajudar a melhorar a aparência da pele, reduzindo irritações e promovendo a hidratação.
4. Aumento da Energia: A combinação de ácidos graxos essenciais pode ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia e resistência, ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida ativo.
5. Fácil Integração na Dieta: Com um sabor neutro, o óleo de cânhamo pode ser facilmente adicionado a smoothies, saladas ou consumido diretamente, tornando-se uma opção prática para o dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 gotas do Óleo de Cânhamo 300mg diariamente. Utilize o conta-gotas para medir a dose desejada e coloque sob a língua, mantendo por 30 a 60 segundos antes de engolir. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes. O produto pode ser incorporado em sua rotina matinal ou à noite, conforme sua preferência. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do óleo.
Jessica Waite –
Ordered a bottle and it tasted awful. I put it in a small amount of hot tea with natural honey to mask the taste. Manages pain miraculously. I have arthritis and back pain and it really helped like nothing else. Reordered and the bottle is slightly different and the oil is light colored and has no odor. Worried it will not work the same? Anyone else encountered this? Rate it five stars for the bottle I had, will reserve judgement on this new bottle as it seems to not be the same product?
Brigette Panet –
Several people in my family have been using this product. My mother uses it for high blood pressure, my son who has autism uses it for anxiety and to get to sleep, and I’ve used it for pain and inflammation from Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. This stuff just works! The quality is above many others, and when I use it a feeling of calm comes over me. The price is also pretty affordable. The taste is an acquired taste, I feel if it was flavored ( like others we’ve tried) it would take away from the quality. I like knowing it’s in it’s natural state. Also, the dosage on the bottle is 15 drops twice a day. If you use that amount you will go through it quickly. Everyone’s body is different, we started out with a few drops in the morning, see how it makes you feel. A few more drops a little later, see how you feel. You really can’t overdo it, it’s safe, but be cautious it can make you sleepy at higher doses.
Donna –
It works 100% for me. At age 73 after years of increasing difficulty sleeping, I am now sleeping like I did when I was a child. And no grogginess upon waking. After several very stressful years, this product is helping me to regain my life. At first I was afraid to take a morning dose as recommended, fearing I’d be sleepy all day. However, I find that it allows me to be cheerful and energetic and thus productive. I have been using this for nearly two months and am also finding gradually increasing relief from arthritic pain in my legs. I did try the capsules, but they were not as effective. As I prepare for bed, the last thing I do is to put 15 drops of this oil under my tongue, climb into bed and within a few minutes I fall into a beautiful, deep sleep. If I need to wake durning the night I experience no wooziness, no dizziness….and right back to a peaceful sleep. With some of the oil remaining in my mouth during the night, I am also finding that my gums are healthier. The bitter herbal taste is clean and pleasant to me, although I can understand that others might be troubled by it. I have used herbal extracts for years and am used to the natural taste. However, the instructions do say that you can mix this exact into a beverage. I was hesitant to try this Hemp Oil product, but I’m very grateful that I did.
I have severe chronic pain on a daily basis due to degenerative disc disease in my upper and lower spine along with joint pain from arthritis. Having dealt with pain with prescription medications, cortisone epidurals and cervical fusion surgery, my pain management specialist ran out of conventional options other than increasing medication dosages. I should also add that years of physical suffering has also landed me on medication for depression and anxiety. On my last appointment he told me I should consider CBD and encouraged me to do some internet research which brought here.
That’s some background for my review. I tried this product as my first experience with hemp oil and it seems promising. It’s recommended dosage may be fine for most healthy people with occasional problems. My doctor had recommended 50 to 100mg 2 to 3 times a day. So this 10ml bottle was not nearly enough to give me a fair impression of continued long term use. I did notice a pronounce mood elevation for the few days I did use it. I also noticed it did lessen the joint pain some, but not all that much for my lower back and neck pain which is severe.
I would recommend this to those who only suffer from occasional flare ups or could benefit from its mood lifting properties. For my needs it simply is not cost effective for long term daily use but it was a good experience and was reassuring that CBD is my next step in non-pharmaceutical pain, anxiety and depression treatment.
Shelly Smythe –
I get the most amazing sleep when I take just half a dropper. I don’t have a sleep problem, but I wake up feeling like I slept in! Any aches or pains are either gone or reduced when I wake up. I can’t comment well an anxiety but with how well I sleep I would guess it would keep one pretty relaxed if taken during the day. It is an acquired taste but I tried another brand whixh was flavored and I actually prefer this one. I like the dosing marks on the dropper.
CFVesper –
Taste was A LOT stronger than I suspected it would be. The taste to me is like something you’d scrape off the bottom of your lawn mower after mowing the grass ! However, it did work pretty well.
T –
Ive tried other brands that worked extreamly well. This one did not hold up as well (already checked the strength, and its thr same). Is not horrible, but not did work as well as i hoped it would. Would not personally purchase again
Karen S –
Dissapointed!! One star for quick delivery, that’s it. Tastes horrible, no matter how I tried to disguise it. Burned my throat for about 10 min. And gave me an instant dull headache every time-at 15, 7, and even 3 drops. Insult to injury~not one positive effect, nothing. Will try for my $$ back. I choose it because of all the good reviews, but definitely not right for me. I ordered another online and it was half the price including shipping. The kicker-it also Worked!! Sorry, thumbs down on this one.