Óleo de Cânhamo 100% Puro – Extrato Natural de Cânhamo para Apoiar a Saúde Óssea – Fabricado nos EUA
Descubra o poder do Óleo de Cânhamo 100% Puro, um extrato natural que não apenas promove a saúde óssea, mas também oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua qualidade de vida. Este produto é elaborado com cânhamo de alta qualidade, cultivado nos Estados Unidos, garantindo pureza e eficácia. O óleo de cânhamo é conhecido por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, que ajudam a fortalecer os ossos e a promover a saúde geral do corpo.
- Suporta a calma – Nosso extrato de cânhamo tem se mostrado extremamente eficaz para promover a calma e o relaxamento, ajudando a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade do dia a dia.
- Suporta a imunidade e é um excelente auxiliar para o sono – O Óleo de Cânhamo 100% Puro tem sido associado ao fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, além de auxiliar na concentração. Muitos usuários relataram melhorias significativas em seus padrões de sono, resultando em noites mais tranquilas e revigorantes.
Com uma fórmula rica em ácidos graxos essenciais, o Óleo de Cânhamo 100% Puro é uma adição valiosa à sua rotina diária. Ele não apenas nutre os ossos, mas também contribui para a saúde da pele, do cabelo e do sistema cardiovascular. Ao incorporar este óleo em sua dieta, você pode experimentar uma sensação de bem-estar que se reflete em todos os aspectos da sua vida.
1. Apoio à saúde óssea – Fortalece a estrutura óssea e previne doenças relacionadas.
2. Redução do estresse – Promove um estado de calma e relaxamento.
3. Melhoria na qualidade do sono – Auxilia na regulação dos ciclos de sono, proporcionando noites mais tranquilas.
4. Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico – Ajuda a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
5. Aumento da concentração – Melhora o foco e a clareza mental, ideal para quem precisa de desempenho em atividades diárias.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do Óleo de Cânhamo 100% Puro diariamente. O óleo pode ser consumido puro ou adicionado a smoothies, saladas e outros pratos. É importante agitar bem antes de usar e armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Para aqueles que buscam um suporte adicional à saúde óssea e ao bem-estar geral, a consistência no uso é fundamental para maximizar os benefícios.
Ty B –
I enjoyed addding this supplement to my routine. I’ve added in the afternoon or evening to help me with anxiety, mood and a general sense of calmness. It has a subtle mint flavor which makes it quite easy to palette. I’ve also noticed my hair being much more shiny and I think it’s in part tornw fatty acids so a great benefit. This is overall a worthwhile product if your looking to add again a sleep aid, aid in calming the body and mind and also it’s suppgsed to help with immunity support, which I can never get enough of. Great product, although I do plan to refill and up the dosage to the 500mg.
Stephanie-Rose Parker –
I’ve tried several CBD oils over the years for myself to help with inflamation, anxiety as well as PTSD. Im lucky enough to live in a state where I have access to legal Medical Marijuana, and even Recreational Marijuana in Washington to help. I still like to keep a bottle of CBD oil handy in the house and I’ve been trying out a new brand by @ultra6nutrition. I’ve been trying it first thing in the morning when I wake up before any of my supplements and its provided me a nice calm feeling. I definitely feel its more beneficial than other CBD oils I’ve tried from retail. If you have ever been curious give it a try. *If you are taking any prescription medications, under the care of a Doctor for any medical reason or really, please, before you adjust your health always check to make sure taking any supplement is OK for you and you’re body*
Lab Rat –
I was looking for CBD oil and came across this, but it turns out that you can’t get CBD on Amazon. After about a week there has been almost no reduction in my anxiety but I am falling asleep easier. There is also some sexual disfunction that I was not expecting.
Alyssa Tynes –
First off, I love the quality of this product! I appreciate that the only other ingredients are coconut oil, natural flavors, and stevia. You take half a dropper full, and can take 1-2 times a day. It has a nice, pleasant minty flavor. I like to take it before bed to help calm racing thoughts and a rapid heartbeat. Also helps with anxiety! If I know I have something that will trigger my anxiety coming up, I take my Hemp 250 first to help! Overall a really effective, high quality product!
FaceForwardSeattle –
Comparison between the following:
Amazon Ultra hemp 250
Cost is significantly less add to Starbucks 8 oz Americano Product changes flavor of coffee not enjoyable. Not sure of effectiveness yet
But will try for several days. To see if effect is the same.
Tincture Cost is $50 for same amount but does not change flavor of coffee and works well.
Will try different product line.
I looked at the favorable reviews and thought I’d try it. Totally useless and worthless. Didn’t ease any pain and after taking this I didn’t sleep for two days. Pure snake oil!
Alyssa Tynes –
I used this for bad anxiety. For the first couple of weeks, it had no effect except on my aching back and feet. It’s been about three weeks, and it actually works wonderfully. I take one dose before work and can get through the day normally, and if I’m doing something that gives me severe anxiety, two droppers and it’s much more controllable. It also tastes pretty good. Highly recommend!
Bfiorello –
Full disclosure, the company sent me a bottle to try, but this is my honest opinion/experience
As someone with PTSD, my entire day is filled with anxiety, even though I’m on medication. This oil has really helped! I see it as a supplement to my medications. After using this product for a few weeks, I have had a noticeable decrease in my panic attacks, and they are definitely less intense. Because my anxiety is calmed, I’m no longer an angry, frazzled mess. I feel like things will be ok for the first time in a long time. I highly suggest this if you suffer from anxiety. The taste is even nice. It reminds me of green tea 🙂
I don’t know if this is a coincidence, but my hair and nails seem healthier now too. I’ve also noticed a decrease in chronic pain from my degenerative disc disease. Even more miraculous, IT MADE MY MENSTRUAL CRAMPS DISSAPEAR. That just by itself makes this oil something to be excited about!!