O Óleo de Banho para Pele Sensível da marca Shower Oil é um produto inovador e nutritivo, especialmente desenvolvido para atender às necessidades de peles delicadas. Sua fórmula em óleo proporciona uma limpeza suave e eficaz, ao mesmo tempo que oferece uma hidratação intensa, essencial para manter a pele saudável e radiante. Com uma combinação de ingredientes suaves e suavizantes, este óleo de banho é ideal para acalmar a pele sensível, deixando-a macia e nutrida após cada uso.
A proposta do Shower Oil Body Wash é transformar o momento do banho em uma experiência luxuosa, especialmente durante os meses mais frios, quando a pele tende a ressecar. Sua fórmula rica retém a umidade, protege contra o ressecamento e alivia a irritação, tornando-o um aliado indispensável para quem busca cuidados especiais com a pele. A baixa formação de espuma é uma característica intencional, resultado da alta concentração de óleos nutritivos, que garantem uma limpeza profunda sem os detergentes agressivos presentes em sabonetes convencionais.
Além de remover sujeira e excesso de óleo, o Óleo de Banho para Pele Sensível mantém o equilíbrio da umidade da pele, proporcionando uma sensação de frescor e suavidade. Com notas de topo de grapefruit e lichia, notas de coração de rosa branca e magnólia, e notas de base de cedro e âmbar, o aroma é uma verdadeira celebração sensorial, ideal para mulheres que apreciam um toque de elegância em seus cuidados diários.
– Hidratação profunda e nutrição para todos os tipos de pele, especialmente as mais sensíveis.
– Fórmula suave que protege contra o ressecamento e acalma a irritação, promovendo conforto.
– Limpeza profunda sem remover a umidade natural da pele, ideal para uso diário.
– Aroma luxuoso de rosas que transforma o banho em um momento de prazer e relaxamento.
– Pode ser utilizado com esponja de banho ou bucha para uma limpeza mais intensa e eficaz.
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Para utilizar o Óleo de Banho para Pele Sensível da Shower Oil, aplique uma quantidade adequada na palma da mão ou em uma esponja de banho. Massageie suavemente sobre a pele úmida, permitindo que o óleo se espalhe e crie uma leve emulsão. Enxágue completamente com água morna para remover qualquer resíduo. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso diário durante o banho. Evite o contato com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.
Anon –
I’m not sure how I feel about this “body wash.” I didn’t think it had a very strong scent at all and could only smell a scent it if I made a concerted effort to put my nose into the bottle or my loofah. The nozzle is narrow and it doesn’t pump out a lot at a time. This body wash doesn’t lather and it is a bit like rubbing a watered down honey into your skin. It is oily, which made me want to run a bar of soap over my body before getting out of the shower, but I decided to trust the process and rinsed with water and stepped out. I’ve been out of the shower for 2 hours now and my skin does feel very hydrated like I used lotion. I can’t smell anything on my skin now, which could be a plus or a con, depending on how sensitive you are to smells. For me, I don’t think I would order again. I didn’t really feel clean and I suspect this will eventually cause a residue build up in my shower, so I’d just as soon rinse clean and add a good scented lotion to my skin. The bottle is pretty and you do receive a lot, it’s just not my cup of tea.
JHrunning –
Overall, I like this body oil. It smells good, it hydrates the skin, and I feel fresh. But I have mixed feelings. I want it to be a soap but it’s not a great soap for cleaning with its light lather. Rather, as my partner puts it, it is a great after scrub. And it does that exceptionally.
msheather –
I like this cleansing oil; however, it should not be used as a primary source for cleansing. It has a very light cleansing ability, and I need something more substantial for my body. I like to use this after a regular body wash when I am not in a hurry. I now lather it and rub it on my skin. It doesn’t lather well; only expect it to cover your entire body if you use it a lot.
Usually, a body wash that doesn’t lather much or leave me feeling clean would warrant fewer stars. However, I enjoy how it makes my skin feel. The oil is nice and hydrating, leaving my skin feeling soft. I treat it more like an in-shower lotion that you apply and then rinse. It works much better for that purpose than other in-shower lotions I’ve used.
I must also mention that the pump is awful. It’s hard to push down and doesn’t dispense much. If someone has arthritis or hand strength problems, I recommend opening the bottle instead of using the pump.
As a last note, it has a pleasant rose scent. It’s not the artificial rose smell that I typically smell in the US. I usually find the US rose scent to be overwhelming and obnoxious. However, this is a natural rose smell, and I surprisingly enjoy it.
cl –
Is it body wash or body oil, or both ? The scent is pretty nice and it does gives some lather, doesn’t leave oily feel afterwards also, but it just doesn’t work like a body wash, or I’m just not trendy to know this product well enough ? I’m using it ($45) but not getting the full satisfaction of being clean nor oiled.
MouseBoy –
I’m not a fan of this. It is billed as a body wash oil but it doesn’t lather, it doesn’t leave me feeling clean…and it actually leaves behind a filmy feeling. Probably the most confusing product I’ve ever received to review. The scent is nice but the product application and use has me baffled.
Fanolius –
This review is for: Multi-Oil Cleansing, Hydrating Body Wash), Cleanse Without Drying
I’ve used a multi-oil body cleanser before (Chinese product) but had the texture of a body wash and was sudsing. This is not at all sudsing and when mixed with water, turns milky (like emulsified). SO To get the biggest bang for my buck, I think it’s best to use it as an oil cleanser (like for removing makeup and such). I thought it did a fair job removing my waterproof mascara and I followed it with a cream cleanser. It also smells INCREDIBLE! For a body cleanser this was much too pricey but for a facial cleanser, I thought it was fairly priced (especially with the 25% coupon at the time of this review).
JHrunning –
This is the first time I tried cleansing oil for body. I’m totally amazed by it. It doesn’t feel greasy at all. The oil does lather a little bit but not as much as other soaps or body wash. This one however feels much more gentle to the skin. It doesn’t have any fragrance. The pump dispenser makes it easy to apply in the shower. I also use it on my face since it feels really gentle. It doesn’t only cleanse my skin but also moisturize it. It doesn’t strip off the oil off your skin yet make your skin feel clean and hydrated. This specific one feels even better than some of my facial cleansing oil. I’m totally amazed by it. If you want something that exfoliates, this may not be it. But for daily wash, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this one.
I’m going to gush a bit just how beautiful and elegant this bottle looks! It’s plastic but looks like frosted glass, the pump has a beautiful metallic sheen, and the label has a gorgeous botanical print. But what’s inside is just as great. The local pools are open again after the holiday, so I’ve been swimming this week and my skin feels horribly dry and itchy from the chlorinated water. This shower oil came just in time! It really locks in moisture and makes my skin feel smooth and soothed. This product is not inexpensive, but since it is an oil, a little goes a long way. It has a rose scent, but it is not very strong — I like the smell of roses, so I wish it had been stronger, but for those who are scent sensitive, this light fragrance might still be acceptable, especially since it doesn’t linger long. This shower oil is a lovely indulgence! It feels so good!