O Óleo de Bakuchi MB Herbals 100ml é um produto puro e de alta qualidade, extraído da planta Psoralea corylifolia, popularmente conhecida como Babchi. Este óleo é prensado a frio, o que significa que suas propriedades benéficas são preservadas ao máximo, garantindo um produto eficaz e de alta performance. Com uma concentração de 100% puro, o óleo de Bakuchi é ideal para o tratamento de diversas condições de pele, incluindo psoríase e vitiligo, oferecendo uma alternativa natural e poderosa para quem busca melhorar a saúde da pele.
O MB Herbals Bakuchi Oil é processado a partir de sementes de Psoralea corylifolia de alta qualidade, sem a adição de aditivos ou ingredientes artificiais. Isso assegura que você está utilizando um produto em sua forma mais pura, sem comprometer sua eficácia. A origem indiana do óleo também é um ponto positivo, pois a Índia é reconhecida por suas práticas tradicionais de medicina herbal, garantindo um produto autêntico e de confiança.
1. Prensado a frio: Preserva todas as propriedades benéficas do óleo, garantindo eficácia.
2. 100% puro: Sem aditivos ou ingredientes artificiais, oferecendo um produto natural.
3. Sementes de alta qualidade: Processado a partir de sementes premium, maximizando os benefícios.
4. Sem aditivos: Apenas o óleo puro de Bakuchi, livre de ingredientes desnecessários.
5. Produto autêntico da Índia: Apoia a produção local e garante a autenticidade do produto.
Para utilizar o MB Herbals Bakuchi Oil, recomenda-se diluí-lo em óleo de coco ou óleo de gergelim na proporção de 1:10. Aplique a mistura suavemente no couro cabeludo, na pele ou na área afetada. Deixe agir por pelo menos 30 minutos antes de enxaguar. Para melhores resultados, repita o processo regularmente. É importante realizar um teste de alergia antes da primeira aplicação para garantir a segurança do uso.
d1nonlysnshn –
First: Please don’t just read the reviews! Make sure you understand the condition that you are trying to treat and understand what you are trying to use, what it does, its properties, and potential negative effects. Research, research, research. There is no excuse for anything going wrong, unless you are that one in a million that is totally allegic to this in even the most diluted form.
Second: read the instructions! This bottle clearly says that you must dilute this oil with 9 parts of other oil, like coconut. You are trying to “burn off” that part of your skin that is affected by vitiligo, psoriasis, etc. If you do not dilute properly, you will get those 2nd or worse degree burns. That is what this oil does, but you are trying to do it very controlled and in a way that heals not damages. That is why you must dilute it. You also should not apply this with your fingers or hands…use a cotton swab or ball. Unless your hands/fingers are affected, why would you expose them to this medicine???? I am also sure that in the good American tradition, a lot of people believe more is more better…not in this case. If your doctor prescribed nitro-pills and told you to put one under your tongue if you experience symptoms, you would not take 10, would you?
THIRD: inform everyone in your household of Bakushi and what it does and tell them do NOT use. If you have smaller children, put it way up somewhere-preferably a medicine cabinet, as that is what it is and you should treat it as such. This does NOT have a child-safe lid.
My experience:
I started using a tincture of Bakuchi & Rose Hip oils. I have several very stubborn psoriasis lesions (left elbow and scalp; the itching of the ones on my scalp was very bad) that even Humira would not clear up. I started out with 1 drop of Bakuchi to 10 or 11 drops of rose,hip, mixed in a glass jar, stirred everything with a cotton swab, then applied to my left elbow and scalp several times during the day.
After NOT experiencing any burns, rashes or anything else untoward and after doing a lot of research, mixed in some Indigo naturalis (Qing Dai) powder. I also changed the ratio from 1:10 to 1:5. which my skin also tolerates without any ill effects. I do not do light-therapy and since it is the middle of winter in the DC area, there is no sunlight to worry about.
What AM I experiencing: a slow-down of the plaque/scale build-up, lessening of itching and normal healthy skin trying to reestablish.
I know this is not a cure. Nothing is. Psoriasis is a part of me, my genetic make-up. The symptoms do not have to be. Since I cannot cure psoriasis, I can cure the symptoms. This is a lot more than was possible many years ago. I am especially appreciative of everyone who posts on the internet. This plethora of information has allowed me to research the psoriasis part of me and find help for the symptoms.
Update 2/7/2019
A few days ago I started adding Tamanu oil as well. My elbow, while still not completely clear, is clearer than it has been in decades. I apply as a very thick paste, the oils gradually absorb and the indigo forms a second skin that stays on all day.
Update 2/15: had an appointment with my dermatologist on 2/13. She was impressed with the results and commended me on my research of psoriasis and the ingredients I am using. She said she has never seen an elbow as clear as mine on someone who has psoriasis lesions in that area. My left elbow is now almost indistinguishable from my right. She wrote everything down, looked it up online with me there and said she would share it with her fellow dermatologists.
I now really wish I had taken a before picture so you can understand just how bad it was: ugly, crusty, itchy, painful, and sometimes bleeding when I picked at the flakes. I suppose I just had given up and thought this would be just like all the other things I tried in the past 40+ years: another big, fat disappointment/ let down. I am totally elated!
spanish1 –
The product is exactly what I ordered and what I expected Google the product if you want to see its value for you and it’s attributes.
Rapid Moon –
Started using this oil for the first time. I cannot speak on effectiveness yet; but, I can attest to its oil quality. Mine came in as a brownish, darker color. The scent is pleasant and not overpowering. The oil viscosity seems appropriate. The amount of oil in the container goes “a long way”, due to the dilution ratio. Manufacturer did a great job on this one, as others have disappointed me with their poor quality, poor clear color, and being rancid. I would insist on oils coming from India, as their source, as this one.
* * * 08/02/2023 update * * *
I have been using this oil (for the first time) with a few other oils around my eyes and face for two months–60 days. Exceeded my expectations. No doubt, I look at least ten years younger. The dead skin and top layer literally “fell off” on its own, akin to being sun-burned and having skin peel. THIS was way too cool! Yes, I use a carrier oil with it–Argan oil. This Bakuchi oil is really potent, so make sure not to use too much at once and always use a carrier oil. I will never be without this oil. Thanks for supplying it!
sheluvz –
I diluted this with castor oil and it seems to be working well for my skin.
wendy –
Do what it needs to do
marilynp –
I can tell a noticeable difference in my skin by applying a few drops with my regular night cream. I will continue to use this for as long as I can get it. I never knew about this oil before and thought I would try it. I am amazed! This will definitely stay in my skin care regimen.
Peppermint –
This oil is potent but not good for me- causes break outs in the tiniest dose. Tried mixing one drop in my usual oil and result is still the same… I thought it would be a good natural alternative to bakuchiol, alas it’s not for me as I simply cannot use it.
Mary –
I read where this is similar to tetin a. So far my skin is loving it
I’ve been using this since the end of March 2023, at bed time and before I use my Gua Sha stone, every day for no less than 60 days and yes, NOT diluted but in moderation. I did test it a few times concentrated to see if I would experience any of so called side effects from not being diluted. I had Zero side effects that I read through the how to use or the reviews. I have not seen much in the way of improvements like I saw with the professional Retinol products so I cannot honestly say this could replace those. I have been licensed since 1985 and have seen the evolution of skin care products and more specifically anti ageing. I do enjoy the texture and it’s ability to keep my face and neck hydrated and moisturized and the more even tone of the skin. I also use a little in the a.m. before I apply a moisturizer mixed with a bronzer. It most definitely keeps my face hydrated and less creased under my daytime makeup. I wear a minimal amount of foundation. The smell does not bother me and smells more organic in nature and I like that. I’ll keep using it for the benefits I mentioned.