### Gala Purity – Óleo de Argan Marroquino Prensado a Frio, Não Refinado
O Óleo de Argan Marroquino Puro – Prensado a Frio, Não Refinado da Gala Purity é um verdadeiro tesouro da natureza, frequentemente chamado de “ouro líquido” devido aos seus inumeráveis benefícios para a pele, cabelo e bem-estar geral. Extraído com cuidado da planta Argania spinosa, nativa do Marrocos, este óleo é conhecido por sua capacidade de hidratar intensamente e nutrir profundamente, preservando todos os nutrientes essenciais graças ao seu processo de prensagem a frio e não refinamento.
A versatilidade do óleo de argan é impressionante. Ele pode ser utilizado como um hidratante eficaz, removedor de maquiagem, tratamento capilar ou até mesmo combinado com outros produtos de cuidados pessoais para potencializar seus efeitos. Para aqueles que buscam um cabelo saudável e radiante, o óleo de argan é um item indispensável. A aplicação regular de 8 a 10 gotas no cabelo e couro cabeludo, seguida de uma suave massagem de 10 minutos, garante que o óleo penetre profundamente, promovendo um couro cabeludo saudável e estimulando o crescimento capilar.
Além de seus benefícios para os cabelos, o óleo de argan também é tradicionalmente utilizado por suas propriedades curativas. Ele pode ajudar a acalmar irritações leves da pele, reduzir vermelhidão e promover uma cicatrização mais rápida de feridas ou cicatrizes. Embora não substitua o protetor solar, oferece uma camada adicional de proteção contra danos causados pelos raios UV.
Engarrafado com cuidado nos EUA, o Gala Purity mantém um padrão elevado na entrega de óleo premium e de qualidade aos consumidores em todo o mundo. Sua opinião é valiosa para nós; por isso, incentivamos você a compartilhar suas experiências para que possamos aprimorar ainda mais nossos produtos.
1. Hidratação Intensa: Proporciona uma profunda hidratação para a pele e cabelos, combatendo a ressecamento.
2. Versatilidade: Pode ser usado em diversas aplicações, desde cuidados capilares até cuidados com a pele.
3. Estimula o Crescimento Capilar: Promove um couro cabeludo saudável, essencial para o crescimento de cabelos fortes e saudáveis.
4. Propriedades Curativas: Ajuda a acalmar irritações e acelera a cicatrização de feridas e cicatrizes.
5. Proteção Adicional: Oferece uma leve proteção contra danos causados pelos raios UV, complementando o uso de protetores solares.
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Para obter os melhores resultados com o Óleo de Argan Marroquino Prensado a Frio, Não Refinado, aplique de 8 a 10 gotas diretamente no cabelo e couro cabeludo. Massageie suavemente por 10 minutos, assegurando que o óleo cubra todas as áreas, desde as raízes até as pontas. Para maximizar os benefícios, recomenda-se o uso regular do produto, permitindo que os nutrientes penetrem profundamente e mantenham a saúde e a beleza do cabelo e da pele.
Kimi1208 –
I tried a couple of Emu oils at the same time and was pleased with both. This product has been very refined, thus producing a liquid oil (vs. the cream texture of other products). There is no unpleasant odor or stickiness. I have been using it on my face for several weeks without any adverse reactions/breakouts. It helped to heal up some very dry/raw areas. I was able to even use it under my makeup (I wear very little foundation, but use sunscreen, and lightly tinted moisturizer). It arrived intact and well-packaged. A great value for the money.
Excellent price for this “EMU OIL”. This EMU OIL, is exactly as advertised. I rely on reviews of other shoppers and a “poster” who uses “Johnny” for his posting ID has numerous times, falsely posted this product is NOT as advertised. He stated that he had it tested, but makes no claims, either to the testing lab or what this product was tested as being. As stated on the bottle this is 100% EMU OIL. I’m pleased I read other evaluations that attest to both the quality of this EMU OIL. This product is, as claimed EMU OIL. I was unfamiliar with EMU oil but after useage by my spouse and myself, I will state this product is great. It is almost odorless and has the same texture of competing oils advertised on Amazon and other sources. This EMU OIL has superb qualities. We have used another “AEA”, American Emu Association, certified oil. This EMU oil is a great product and unbelievably inexpensive compared to other offerings on Amazon. It works great on scars becoming less noticeable and moisturizers skin well. After surgery, my Dermatologist who performed the surgery reccomended applying topical vitamin E, “d-alpha tocopherol” solution to lesson scarring and this Emu oil has similar benefits. Also helps with excema symptoms. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, try this emu oil and evaluate for yourself.
I can’t say this enough. This stuff is a huge bargain. For those stating this stuff smells bad, that’s a huge lie. Yes, it has a slight smell, but what product doesn’t? I have used This Emu oil for about a week now, and let me tell you, my skin is thanking me. My face is glowing each day. At night, I put this on my face (just a super small dab), and wake up with my skin not looking droopy or dry. I used to wake up looking a mess, and this stuff is wonderful.
For the hair, it’s even better. Leaves your hair looking silky smooth. Promotes growth.
For those with pimples and blemishes, this has the ability to help promote quicker healing. I had a blemish the other day, so I put a dab on it, and rubbed it into the blemish. The next day, it was almost completely gone. All there was-was a very slight scab that disappeared the next day.
If you want a bargain for twice the amount other brands charge 12 to 30 bucks for, get this. If you don’t like the extremely slight smell (which is hardly noticeable), I recommend you mixing this with your favorite moisturizing creams. It enhances whatever it’s mixed with.
neelu –
It doesn’t absorb into hair or skin very well and makes hair greasy, I don’t know if this is how the good quality argan oil does, but I have used lot of argan oils, and this one doesn’t absorb into skin or hair very well. But it did help with my scalp issues, though it makes my hair greasy, it reduces flakey dry spots on my scalp, i get serious flaky patches on my scalp of quarter coin size, I have tried so many kinds of oils, I have to use prescribed shampoo else the flaky patches will flare up and be noticeable on my hairline on forehead and neck area.This oil helped surprisingly.
This was my personal experience.
juka –
Brandi –
I have a very sensitive face and products easily break me out. Not this! Works great all over my body including my face
Pammiem –
To be honest I had never heard of Emu oil – I was researching the best oils to add to a facial oil for dry skin and this little miracle oil kept popping up. After hours of research I knew I had to have it! Emu oil is an almost 100% triglyceride lipid, this type of fatty compound is so similar to the fatty acids found in human skin that it can absorb into the skin faster than other oils and creams. Emu Oil contains Emu oil also contains: Vitamin A, a known skin repairer and antioxidant, Linoleic acid, which helps to ease muscle aches and joint pain, Oleic acid, a proven skin cell regenerator and anti-wrinkle agent, Sapogens, proven skin softeners and Terpines, known antiseptics. Emu oil is great for dry, damaged skin – I added it to a facial oil for my sisters for Christmas (recipe below) – I of course I had to make a bottle for myself – testing purposes! It is amazing!
I highly recommend this oil for all of the benefits listed above.
Hydrating Facial Oil
2 tbsp Emu Oil
2 tbsp Jojoba Oil
2 tbsp Rosehip Oil
1 tsp Vitamin E
10 drops Carrot Seed Oil
1 tsp Hyaluronic Acid
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
10 drops Argan Oil
Nicolette –
I used this on my damp hair after getting out of the shower. It left no smell on my hands or my hair which is good. I proceeded to lightly blow dry my hair (not fully). My hair was left soft, shiny and healthy looking. Best hair product I have tried so far on my thick coarse hair. Nice size bottle and a good price compared to others. It’s good on the skin too. I tried it on my arms and legs. Not greasy.