Óleo de Amêndoa Doce De La Cruz
Nosso Óleo de Amêndoa Doce De La Cruz é extraído por prensagem a frio das sementes da árvore Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis, nativa do Mediterrâneo. Sua textura leve é facilmente absorvida pela pele, deixando-a suave, nutrida e naturalmente hidratada. Além disso, o Óleo de Amêndoa Doce De La Cruz é super suave e não obstrui os poros, sendo um hidratante saudável e natural que mantém a pele com aparência mais jovem e limpa.
Se você está procurando por cabelos macios e hidratados, o óleo de amêndoa é a escolha perfeita! Basta aplicar um pouco de óleo de amêndoa para melhorar o brilho e o aspecto dos fios. Você pode usar após o banho ou nos cabelos secos para um rápido retoque.
Nosso óleo corporal de amêndoa não contém conservantes ou corantes artificiais, sendo não oleoso e deixando um aroma natural e sutil de amêndoa doce. Além disso, nunca realizamos testes em animais, pois amamos nossos amigos de quatro patas! Esse delicioso óleo de amêndoa não contém corantes artificiais, conservantes ou solventes. É prensado a frio e livre de hexano. Produto fabricado nos Estados Unidos.
- Hidratação natural: Proporciona uma hidratação profunda e duradoura, ideal para peles secas e desidratadas.
- Não obstrui os poros: Sua fórmula leve permite que a pele respire, evitando cravos e espinhas.
- Brilho e maciez para os cabelos: Melhora a textura dos fios, deixando-os mais saudáveis e com um brilho natural.
- Livre de produtos químicos nocivos: Composição pura e natural, sem aditivos prejudiciais à saúde.
- Cruelty-free: Compromisso ético com o bem-estar animal, garantindo que nenhum teste seja realizado em animais.
Para obter melhores resultados, aplique o Óleo de Amêndoa Doce De La Cruz na pele limpa e seca, massageando suavemente até a completa absorção. Para uso nos cabelos, aplique uma pequena quantidade nas palmas das mãos e espalhe nos fios, evitando a raiz. Pode ser usado diariamente, tanto após o banho quanto em cabelos secos, para um retoque instantâneo. Aplique conforme necessário para maximizar os benefícios de hidratação e nutrição, garantindo que sua pele e cabelos permaneçam radiantes e saudáveis.
Robin Brown –
If I haven’t said this before. I love oils. I really truly do. I use them for so many different things. In this case Sweet Almond oil in so rich in vitamin E and that makes this antioxidant rich oil absolutely perfect for hair skin and nails. I personally, have tried this almond oil as a mild hypoallergenic oil for my eczema. It does not, by any means, heal my cracked skin but it does soften it and keep it from itching.
Almond oil is also rich in zinc which makes it fabulous for inflammation and my poor hubby’s sunburns. Yeah, even in winter this poor man gets sunburn. I also like the zinc content in sweet almond oil for my hair to keep it growing healthily by mixing into my homemade hair cream. Also, when warmed up, it makes a fantastic scalp massage.
Sweet almond oil is also great for cooking. It has a high smoke point and leaves no taste behind. This is very different from a regular almond oil which is made from roasting almonds and tastes like almonds.
Okay, De la Cruz Sweet Almond Oil comes in a dark tinted bottle, which for me is essential. I like to know that the company I am ordering from cares enough to try to protect their oils for as long as possible. It has a slight nutty scent that is common with sweet almond oils. It is a clear pale yellow color. The viscosity is that of a loose oil. These are marks of quality almond oil.
Hope Scheimo –
I love De La Cruz Sweet Almond Oil. It not only is good for my aging, drying hair (just a little goes a long way) and for my skin as the air dries out in the winter, but it smells soooo good without acting up my asthma or allergies.
lillyjilly39 –
I use this after showering daily. I always get compliments on my skin. I layer a lotion of choice on top. The scent is so pretty when I open the bottle. It disapates after application. I recommend this. It is very hydrating and has healing properties.
NotAMuggle –
Ordered this product for testing with glycerin to make cream makeup. The scent is great and it smooths skin. After reading some of the other reviews for the product, I will need to try this product for my hair. All in all, this is a fabulous product and I will be buying more.
imablank –
I LOVE the sweet smell. I’ve been trying to find amazing smelling Sweet Almond oil since the one I used to buy, I can’t find anywhere and this is it! It moisturizes so nice! It’s nice and thick, a little goes far. I will buy this again!
Clarissa d. –
The stores only sale the small bottles and im glad i got this one so far so good would buy again love using it for moisturizing, like the texture and great on my skin.
Clarissa d. –
Love this stuff so much. I wish it came in a gallon size. Or 16 oz etc. it would be nice if there was a dropper too just to transfer it without cross contamination but it’s no biggie. This stuff smells like Burt’s Bees original baby lotion. The scent isn’t over powering at all but is noticeable. It does wear off after a bit, but that doesn’t effect the way it works. Seriously best smelling oil ever. This brand has a really nice lavender one too.
Deb Shopper –
I love the smell and texture of this Almond Oil. It is my favorite brand. I usually use to soften my skin and cuticles. I recently read that some people use it under their eyes at bedtime to help their puffy eyes so they do not have bags under their eyes in the morning. I have doing the under eye routine for two weeks and I do see a slight difference. I will use for my eyes for a month or two and either continue under eye routine or not. The oil itself is great when I use it at night it softens my skin and the scent is just lovely.