O Óleo de Algas Marinhas Nutritivo para o Corpo RAYA Velvet 240 ml (S-105) é um tratamento inovador que combina a riqueza das algas marinhas francesas com uma seleção de vitaminas e minerais essenciais para a saúde da pele. Este óleo, com sua fórmula luxuosa, é projetado para proporcionar uma hidratação profunda e uma nutrição intensa, transformando a pele ressecada em uma superfície macia e suave. Ao aplicar o RAYA Velvet, você não apenas cuida da sua pele, mas também se entrega a uma experiência sensorial única, onde o aroma delicado e a textura sedosa criam um momento de puro prazer.
A composição do óleo é um verdadeiro tesouro de nutrientes. O óleo natural de algas marinhas é conhecido por suas propriedades hidratantes e anti-envelhecimento, que ajudam a melhorar a elasticidade e a firmeza da pele. As vitaminas e minerais presentes na fórmula potencializam esses efeitos, promovendo uma aparência radiante e saudável. Além disso, o produto é livre de parabenos e não é testado em animais, garantindo que você esteja fazendo uma escolha consciente e segura para sua pele.
– Hidratação Profunda: Proporciona uma hidratação intensa, ideal para peles secas e desidratadas.
– Nutrição Intensa: A combinação de óleo de algas marinhas, vitaminas e minerais nutre profundamente a pele, promovendo saúde e luminosidade.
– Sensação de Conforto: Oferece uma experiência relaxante, revitalizando a pele e proporcionando conforto ao toque.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produto livre de parabenos, cruelty-free e fabricado nos Estados Unidos, assegurando segurança e eficácia.
– Experiência Luxuosa: A textura rica e o aroma agradável tornam o uso do óleo um momento de indulgência e autocuidado.
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Para maximizar os benefícios do Óleo de Algas Marinhas Nutritivo RAYA Velvet, recomenda-se aplicá-lo após o banho, quando a pele ainda está levemente úmida. Coloque uma quantidade generosa do óleo nas mãos e massageie suavemente sobre a pele limpa e seca, concentrando-se nas áreas que necessitam de maior hidratação, como cotovelos, joelhos e pés. Para resultados ideais, utilize diariamente ou sempre que sentir necessidade de um toque extra de hidratação e nutrição. Aplique com movimentos circulares para estimular a circulação e potencializar a absorção dos nutrientes.
Elle Dickison –
I have been eagerly waiting for this to arrive, and after my shower tonight I covered my whole body. Here are my honest to gosh thoughts if you care:
1-The size. I have been searching far and wide for a body oil that actually came in a BODY oil size. I’m a curvy girl, k? And those tiny little oil bottles I see all over the internet with their cute little dainty droppers or itty bitty bottles ain’t gonna cut it for this girl and I would be out of that stuff in two weeks flat. Nobody got time for that! I love that this came in a big bottle that’s sure to last me for a while.
2-The Nozzle. Now THIS is a nozzle, people. Those cute little glass oil bottles you see are sweet and all but this gets it out and gives you a generous amount! Again, I don’t got time to dripper drop little tiny things all over my body until I feel covered. But just be careful, it DOES come out and you don’t need as much as you think.
3-The Color and Consistency. Beautiful. It’s a nice blue color which in the end doesn’t matter absolutely in the slightest but it’s a small edge over the others. The consistency though-this is where it’s AT people! It’s beautiful and silky and because I can actually get a decent amount out and actually COVER my body, my skin actually feels luxurious and so soft. It doesn’t feel dry almost like other body oils do after you apply.
4-The Smell. Now there’s a lot of reviews that say this doesn’t smell great. I was slightly concerned when I ordered as I’m a big smell person. I’m not gonna lie, it’s not great. It’s the ONLY complaint I have about this oil. But I decided to add some essential oils to it. Depending on the oil you add, it may take more or less. I added quite a bit of jasmine oil and it didn’t mask the scent, but made it more palatable. In the end though, once you put it on your body and it absorbs, you can’t smell it, so no worries in my opinion. I’ll sacrifice good smell for good quality ingredients any day.
All in all, this would get 5 stars from me if it smelled better. But I’m gonna keep coming back for more even if the smell doesn’t change because it feels SO good.
Thanks Raya!
Max –
It smells delicious!
Lisa Butler –
Love how it doesn’t stay oily and really soaks in to moisturize my skin
Nancy M –
It’s pretty good! I really don’t like the smell of this product! I really don’t think I will order again
*Chucks wife G* –
I have been really happy with my Raya products until I received this stuff. The smell reminds me of that part of the grocery store where they sell flowers near the fruits and veggies…that weird dried flowers smell…something about it I personally just cant stomach. *I am a very highly sensitive person with smells and other things that affect my senses. The smell seemed to linger all day til I showered it off. Very oily product, not very velvety. They are very nice at Raya and I appreciate them letting me return it. I will continue to enjoy their other products.
Casey Hamel –
I use only high-end skin care and I have tried all the expensive body oils but this is my favorite by far – someone else complained about the scent – I love it, it is light and fresh and clean. The price point is incredible – I’d pay twice as much for other quality products. I have paid as much as $70 dollars for good body oil before and this one beats all of them, hands down. I love body care with seaweed and greens in them, so beneficial and nourishing. Highly recommend.
P J –
Was looking 👀 for a spa fragranced skin oil. Used to help dry skin issues.
Pool Boy –
I am very pleased with this seaweed body oil. I love the texture and how wonderful my skin feels after I use it in the shower. However, the smell isn’t that wonderful.