Descrição do Produto: Optimally Organic Red Pine Needle Oil Caps
Os Capsulas de Óleo de Agulha de Pinheiro Vermelho da Optimally Organic são um suplemento de saúde inovador, projetado para oferecer suporte extremo ao sistema imunológico. Com uma rica história de uso na medicina oriental que remonta a mais de 4.000 anos, o óleo de Pinus densiflora é reconhecido por sua eficácia e segurança, não apenas para adultos, mas também para crianças e até mesmo para animais de estimação. Este produto é extraído de forma sustentável, sendo cultivado na zona desmilitarizada da Coreia do Sul, onde as condições naturais favorecem a pureza e a potência do óleo.
O óleo de agulha de pinheiro vermelho é o único óleo de pinheiro que foi testado e aprovado por reguladores governamentais, garantindo que seja seguro e eficaz como suplemento de saúde humana. Diferente de outras espécies de pinheiros, que podem causar danos ao fígado e rins, o Pinus densiflora é uma escolha segura para quem busca melhorar a saúde geral. Através de um processo de destilação a vapor, o óleo é extraído de forma a preservar suas propriedades benéficas, tornando-se uma opção ideal para suporte ao sistema imunológico, desintoxicação do corpo e auxílio durante a temporada de gripes e resfriados.
Além de seus benefícios imunológicos, o óleo de agulha de pinheiro vermelho também é conhecido por sua capacidade de atravessar a barreira hematoencefálica, promovendo a função cerebral, clareza mental e saúde celular. A permeabilidade celular, que permite que os nutrientes cheguem às células e que as toxinas sejam eliminadas, é crucial para a saúde ideal e o envelhecimento saudável. As cápsulas são veganas, livres de aditivos e conservantes, e são produzidas em uma instalação certificada pela GMP, garantindo a pureza e a potência do produto.
– Suporte extremo ao sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Melhora da função cerebral e clareza mental, ideal para quem busca foco e concentração.
– Promove a desintoxicação do corpo, essencial para a saúde geral.
– Aumenta a permeabilidade celular, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes e a eliminação de toxinas.
– Produto seguro e eficaz, testado e aprovado por reguladores, garantindo qualidade e confiança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Óleo de Agulha de Pinheiro Vermelho da Optimally Organic diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do suplemento. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Glynn –
I have used herbs and natural supplements for a long time now. One thing that I like to keep on hand is pine needle tea. It helps with a variety of respiratory illnesses and often works when other things don’t. I thought I would like to try this version.
This comes in a box and then a bottle with gel caps filled with liquid.
There is no doubt this is a pine extract. It is not repulsive at all- almost fruity.
The size of these is pretty small like a Vitamin E or A cap usually is.
I will say, I did burp this up. I don’t mind though. The flavor is fascinating and I like it so it was not an issue. After a half hour, my stomach calmed down and I was fine. I have been having issues lately anyway, so it was not the pills causing it.
Now that is the interesting thing. There is a really tough recovery I am going through after being put through horrible times with a local tower in our area. One of the problems was that when I went into certain areas with high concentrations of the same signals, I would get sick – very sick – in the middle of the next night. The funny part is I didn’t have to ever be in direct contact with another person- just in my car and then home.
I took this supplement after having to make one of those trips to one of those areas and I could feel it start to hit. Interstingly, this morning, I have felt great. Almost no issues all night- although I could tell it tried at first.
I will keep these on hand. As I recover from the physical challenges put upon me by a local tower, this supplement is helping build me up so I am not as affected as I have been.
FIVE STARS for this. I will keep this on hand and take it any time I have to travel in those areas that give me issues It really seems to be a game changer for me as I heal.
Colorgirl –
Giving credit where it is due is sometimes difficult with supplements.
For example: 1.) While on my daily 3.5 mile walk, I noticed my stride to be smoother. Why?
2.) At the gym, I felt my lifts (extensions and flexions) were more fluid. Again, why?
Then I realized my increased fluidity occurred after taking Red Pine Needle Oil. I feel like this product lubricates my joints.
Actually, it wasn’t until I burped one day that I realized it was the pine. TMI I know, but if you take this stuff, you will not only experience improved movement, but you’ll also feel as if you’ve eaten a whole Christmas tree. Those pine laced burps are crucial. But for better movement, it’s worth it.
Devan Moore –
Red Pine Needle Capsules are a dietary supplement recommended for a parasitic cleanse, amongst other things.
I am all about a good parasitic cleanse and was eager to try this supplement for that reason alone.
For a maintenance supplement : Take one capsule daily for one week, then increase the dose to 1-3 capsules daily with or without food as a daily supplement.
For a parasitic cleanse : Take 3 capsules, 3 times per day for 120 days. YIKES! So, just to clarify, I cannot do this due to having life & job obligations. This might be doable for someone who is home bound or works from home, but not for me.
Results: As a supplement & possible immune system boost: I didn’t notice any changes. I did not have any burping or belching with the capsules. I didn’t notice a pine taste either. Stools were softer than usual, but I only took one per day and so perhaps there wasn’t a parasitic cleansing effect at that dose.
If you really need a natural parasitic cleanse, you might want to try this product. Again, at the dose it recommends, you will have some seriously loose stools, which is what has to happen to rid your intestines of sticky parasites.
Devan Moore –
I tried this product and a few others from the same seller. I regretted the order soon after when trying to reach out to him, but there is no good way to try to deal with this seller if you’re purchasing outside of Amazon, which I wouldn’t recommend anyone do, even if they entice you with better prices. They’re just not into working well with customers, and if you have a problem with the product, good luck. Deceptive practices as well. There’s nothing here you can’t get elsewhere.
Pamela V –
I actually stopped using them right after the 2 week mark. Every time I used them somewhere between the 30-45 minute mark I had strong and unpleasant burps. The scent and taste after that was super strong. I am a herbal product lover, but this was waaaaaay too strong for me and the side effects were not pleasant. So now I am using them for my bath instead, I poke through the capsule with a needle and empty it in the bath water. I really wanted to like it and tried hard to use it with food, plenty of liquid etc, but unfortunately couldn’t finish up all 30 day process.
Glynn –
I have purchased this product for more than a year, from various vendors on-line. I have noticed that it improves my immune system. I can tell a significant difference in the “drop” in the “quality” of my health, when I have not taken it.
It is said that Pine Needle Oil is used “to PREVENT foreign invaders (in the body).” There have been many folk remedies using various parts of the pine tree, where pine trees 🌲 grew/grow plentiful in the U.S. and in other parts of the world.
The pine tree offers many BENEFITS.
The small capsule size makes it easy to take
(ingest). See size as compared to a part of a gel-pen.
I have recommended this product to several friends, who have continued to use it, and vocalized its benefits to me.
There are special 📍WARNINGS for: a woman who is trying to conceive, is pregnant, or is lactating.
I am highly impressed with this supplement. I am more than SATISFIED, and will continue to
purchased it. 😊 ❤️❤️❤️ ‼️‼️‼️
Well Done!!! ✅ ✅ ✅