Óleo de Abacate Puro Life-flo é um produto excepcional, extraído a frio da polpa do abacate, que se destaca por suas propriedades hidratantes e nutritivas. Ideal para cuidados com a pele, cabelo e massagens, este óleo é uma solução natural para quem busca hidratação profunda e suavidade. Sua composição rica em proteínas, ácidos graxos e vitaminas A, D e E torna-o um aliado poderoso no combate à pele seca e unhas quebradiças. Além de ser um excelente hidratante facial e corporal, o Óleo de Abacate Puro também pode ser utilizado como um removedor de maquiagem suave, proporcionando uma limpeza eficaz sem agredir a pele.
A versatilidade do produto se estende aos cabelos, onde pode ser adicionado ao condicionador para proporcionar hidratação extra, suavidade e brilho. Como óleo de massagem, ele oferece uma experiência relaxante, sendo ideal para momentos de autocuidado. O Óleo de Abacate Puro Life-flo é produzido em instalações certificadas e nunca testado em animais, garantindo a pureza e qualidade do produto. Com uma garantia de reembolso de 60 dias, os consumidores podem experimentar sem riscos.
- Hidratação Profunda: Proporciona uma hidratação intensa, ideal para peles secas e desidratadas.
- Nutrientes Essenciais: Rico em proteínas e vitaminas A, D e E, promove a saúde da pele e unhas.
- Cabelos Saudáveis: Hidrata e revitaliza os cabelos, conferindo brilho e suavidade.
- Óleo de Massagem: Perfeito para massagens relaxantes, ajudando a aliviar tensões musculares.
- Puro e de Qualidade: Produto 100% puro, prensado a frio, sem aditivos prejudiciais e fabricado em instalações certificadas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Óleo de Abacate Puro Life-flo diretamente na pele após o banho ou sempre que necessário, massageando suavemente até a completa absorção. Para uso nos cabelos, adicione algumas gotas ao seu condicionador ou aplique diretamente nos fios úmidos, garantindo uma distribuição uniforme. Para massagens, aqueça uma pequena quantidade de óleo nas mãos e aplique na área desejada, realizando movimentos circulares suaves. Aproveite a versatilidade e os benefícios deste óleo natural em sua rotina diária!
M.M.M. –
I have had my first bottle for six months. I use it on my hair (on the ends mostly), in my oil-cleanse face wash and as a moisturizer. It stays in my bathroom cabinet and is still perfectly fresh. There is a small amount of vitamin E added to help it keep fresh and it sure works. I chose to buy this product again over the 100% avocado oils as I don’t want to deal with it going rancid and it has worked great for me all along! I plan to use it in my homemade hand lotions this winter too.
Jason –
I bought this Avocado Oil about 6 months and have used it almost everyday at night before goin to bed (too oily for daytime, unless mixed with moisturizer which I do if my face is feeling extra dry). These are my results. (I’m a guy btw 24 years old)
1) cleares my breakouts
2) SOFTENS my skin and its glowing every morning.
3) makes my skin more firm and elastic
4) bags/ Lines under my eyes aren’t as visible
5)I’m extremely picky with the chemicals I use on my face so the fact that this is 100% natural…you can’t go wrong
6) Didnt break me out at all.
7) this could replace a serum for sure and is sooo cheap and this bottle lasts forever! (Still have about 1/8 of bottle left)
8)I’m hooked on avocado oil for life I think.
Anyone that is thinking of trying Avocado oil on your face. Try it, you have nothing to lose. I tried it 6 months ago and have been using it ever since. You’re putting a natural oil on your face so unless you are allergic, nothing bad should happen vs. putting products with tons of chemicals in them. let me know if you guys have any questions. Id be glad to share my experience with Avocado Oil.
alicia –
Avocado oil is one of the oils I add to my hot oil treatment mixture because of its benefits to the hair, no problems at all.
Nicolynn –
This is my new heat protector.
1. Made my hair shiny.
2. Doesn’t take a lot to get hair straight.
3. Hair came out soft.
4. Hair feels weightless/not weighed down by grease. Not as stiff as with other products.
5. Didn’t feel TOO greasy after straightening it.
I usually use BB Super Gro when using a straightening comb on my hair. It’d have the same benefits BUT it’d make my hair heavy, REALLY greasy, and it’d take more work to straighten it.
I swear, I can’t keep my hands off my hair right now! I’m 3/4 Afro A and 1/4 Puerto Rican. I’d say my hair is 4A and relaxed (haven’t had a touchup in 3 months, really need to hit the salon). Despite the erm nappiness of my new growth, what usually takes me an hour to straighten, only took 30 minutes. I have NO IDEA how! I only put a little oil on each part, ran the comb through once and it came out stock straight! Then I did another run through just to be sure, but my point, BUY THIS PRODUCT. It’s worth the price!!! Another great thing, I was scared my hair would burn or at the very least come out feeling stiff and hard, xD it didn’t!
1. Smells like omega 3 oil (fishy) when applying, and if i hold my hair against my nose, I can still smell it. This obviously sucks, but if you don’t have a man putting his nose in your hair, no one will even notice.
Besides that, it’s a perfect hair care product.
Michael G. Gentner –
The product itself is fine, but when I received the box from the post office, the bottom was soaked through with oil. Brought it home and found out the top of the bottle is not on all the way. I only lost a few ounces, but this shouldn’t have happened in the first place. It should have had some sort of seal to prevent leaks.
baf –
This is what I finally bought after trying commercial moisturizing bubble baths that DON’T work. Highly reviewed, works very well I’m a ath, following guidelines, & using between 1-2 oz. only–no more. Adding some relaxing oil essences (15-20 drops)/lavender or chamomile, for example, is a nice idea for a relaxing, moisturizing, delicious bath experience. Oil has no smell–pure & natural & produced for using as a skin moisturizer. Really pleased w/this
Ur chase–it’s a keeper.
Connie Givens –
My high school granddaughter introduced me to this product – my skin was very dry. “Try this grandma,” she said, “It cleared up my acne. It is organic and the way it is processed all the emollients and healing properties are kept intact.” I tried her oil on my skin (a very little goes a long way) and my skin became soft and supple “without” a greasy feel in just a few minutes. So I ordered my own bottle. I’ve noticed that my patches of dry skin are healing back to normal, even the redness is fading. I like it that it is NOT greasy after a few minutes and the softness of my skin is evident.
Carlos Fabricio Hernandez –
I really liked the product for quality, I have not had any adverse reaction, but I just did not like is that it has little aroma, which is very important for me
MoonFlower –
I purchase this oil for my skin and hair. I have yet to use it on my hair but my skin loves it. It absorbs fairly quickly, a little goes a long way, and my skin is super soft afterward. Just beware if you have dogs to not let them around this, as avocado is toxic to them.
I wanted to use this on my face for OCM but I still have sunflower oil for that. This oil is making my skin soft and seems to be improving texture and lines though, so I imagine it would be wonderful on the face. I haven’t broken out anywhere else from it.
I took off one star only because the bottle, as others posted, does not ship well. I received my package and the box was soaked with oil that had leaked from the bottle. It was only a little bit of oil and the bottle was still sealed and usable so I decided to keep the bottle rather than returning it. I only wish that they would package it more so it wouldn’t move around as much and wind up leaking every where. The sunflower oil I have is the same size, type of bottle and by the same company and that did not leak in transit.