Old School Labs Ultimate 2 Stage Pré-Treino para Energia Explosiva e Pumps Incríveis – 2021
O Old School Labs Ultimate 2 Stage Pré-Treino é um suplemento inovador que promete transformar sua experiência de treino, oferecendo energia explosiva e bombas musculares intensas. Com uma fórmula de duas etapas, este pré-treino é projetado para fornecer um impulso contínuo de energia sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados, como a queda brusca de energia. A liberação cronometrada de cafeína garante que você mantenha o foco e a intensidade durante todo o seu treino, permitindo que você alcance seus objetivos de forma mais eficaz.
Um dos destaques deste produto é seu poder de aminoácidos em tripla ação. Com L-Citrulline Malate, Beta-Alanine e D-Aspartic Acid, o Old School Labs Ultimate 2 Stage Pré-Treino melhora a resistência, reduz a fadiga e acelera a recuperação muscular. Essa combinação premium de aminoácidos é ideal para qualquer nível de condicionamento físico, desde iniciantes até atletas experientes, garantindo resultados otimizados para todos.
Além disso, a fórmula é meticulosamente desenvolvida para atender às necessidades metabólicas e musculares únicas de homens e mulheres, tornando-se uma escolha versátil para todos os que buscam maximizar seu desempenho. Ao escolher o Old School Labs, você não está apenas investindo em sua jornada fitness, mas também apoiando uma marca que valoriza a qualidade e a tradição, com produtos formulados na Califórnia do Sul e fabricados nos EUA.
- 1. Energia Contínua Sem Queda: A fórmula de liberação dupla de cafeína proporciona energia constante durante todo o treino, evitando a sensação de cansaço repentino.
- 2. Aumento da Resistência: A presença de L-Citrulline Malate melhora a resistência, permitindo treinos mais longos e intensos.
- 3. Redução da Fadiga: Beta-Alanine ajuda a minimizar a fadiga muscular, permitindo que você treine com mais intensidade e por mais tempo.
- 4. Recuperação Acelerada: D-Aspartic Acid contribui para uma recuperação mais rápida, ajudando a preparar seu corpo para o próximo treino.
- 5. Sabor Agradável e Mistura Fácil: O produto é formulado para evitar sabores químicos desagradáveis e garantir uma mistura suave, tornando a experiência de consumo mais agradável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher do Old School Labs Ultimate 2 Stage Pré-Treino com 250ml de água fria. Consuma cerca de 30 minutos antes do treino para maximizar os efeitos energéticos e de desempenho. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de usar este produto, especialmente se você tiver alguma condição médica pré-existente. Mantenha-se hidratado e combine o uso do pré-treino com uma dieta equilibrada para resultados ainda mais eficazes.
LP –
I rarely write reviews but when something is absolutely great then I think it’s worth a share. I sampled two other brands from a local store and almost concluded that preworkouts weren’t for me since I’ve never tried them. One had no increase in energy and came with a stomach ache. Both gave me tingly face and that was highly annoying b/c I didn’t know what was going on. First timer with preworkouts
I went out on a limb and ordered vintage blast without sampling and I’m beyond pleased.
I’ll start with the texture/and flavour. The taste is FANTABULOUS (fantastic/fabulous). I was like wow what a treat, I think I entered a high from the taste alone. It’s the most wonderful lemonade with a hint of blueberry that you’ll ever taste, it mixes effortlessly as well. I threw mine back about an hour before my workout. Entered the gym and now it’s time to go at it. I start with 4 sets of walking lunges and I’m sometimes weak by the second rep. I also add 30lbs total, dumbbells to intensify things. Well on the second set I looked at my legs like I must not b doing something right. I finished the last set and had no burn when I normally feel it around the 2nd set. I would guess and say 20 steps equal 1 set. So I’m impressed and on to squats. Well I’m psyched and sd this is the day that I’m gonna see if I can improve. Well I did and impressed myself with my first two sets of 140 squats. Yay me. On to leg press, knocked out with ease, no burn. Deadlifts, I always feel those but increased my weight by 10 for a totally of 75 lbs I think. I’m stoked!! Then I increase my cable kickbacks and on to extensions, curls, abductors and adductors. Never finished a leg routine with so much energy. I was super excited and knew that my future workouts would only improve things. Next day was shoulders, back, and biceps. I’ll spare u the routine but I do about 16/17 exercises. So I’m there for a whole. I increased the weight on several and finished surprisingly strong. Been in the gym for almost 4 months, only been working out for a year.
OVERALL: this product is great, no tingly face no rush, just this unexplainable energy like you’ve been renewed and ready to work. Absolutely no comedown and I slept as usual.
Thanks for making an awesome product and I’m looking forward to trying others.
Tariq R. –
I’m a person who has switched between different pre-workout supplements over and over again. Some left me feeling too jittery, to the point whereI became nauseated & it was difficult to focus on my workout. Others became weak over time as I built up tolerance to them. All the while, I hadn’t been paying too much attention to what I was actually putting in my body. Many of the pre-workout supplements on the market are not much more than an overload of caffeine and beta-alanine which gives you a temporary rush of energy, followed by a major crash. In addition, the majority of them contain proprietary blends, meaning you don’t truly know the amount of each ingredient.
In my search for a “cleaner” pre-workout, I came across Vintage Blast. The price was right, there were no proprietary blends, and it had a great ingredient profile. The main ingredient is L-Citrulline Malate, which has been shown to improve blood levels of Arginine even better than supplementing Arginine itself. It also contains D-Aspartic Acid, a natural testosterone booster.
I used the product for the first time today, and felt a world of difference compared to the pre-workout supplement I was previously using. Upon taking it & driving to the gym, I felt no jitters or uneasy feeling which is something I was used to with all pre-workouts. Once I stretched out and was ready to begin excercising, the energy and focus was there. After about 45 minutes, I still had a sustained level of energy, but would get additional “bursts” which I assume is the 2nd stage taking effect. I was able to push my workout harder with shorter rest periods in between.
Vintage Blast is an excellent pre-workout that tastes amazing, and Old School Labs has undoubtedly gained my trust as a consumer. I look forward to trying out the rest of their product line.