Produto Importado dos EUA

Óculos Inteligentes Hion para Adultos Anti-Movimento, Alívio de Náuseas Portátil Ultraleve, Óculos para Enjoo em Carros, Aviões e Barcos, Essenciais para Viagens/Cruzeiros

*R$129.95 Em até 6x de R$21.66 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$21.66 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$129.95 sem juros2x de R$64.98 sem juros3x de R$43.32 sem juros4x de R$32.49 sem juros5x de R$25.99 sem juros6x de R$21.66 sem juros

As Hion Adult Anti-Motion Sickness Smart Glasses são óculos inteligentes portáteis e ultraleves que aliviam náuseas causadas por movimentos, como enjoo em carros, aviões e barcos. Esses óculos são essenciais para viagens e cruzeiros, proporcionando alívio imediato. Suas principais características incluem tecnologia inteligente, design leve e portátil, e alívio eficaz contra enjoo.

(8 avaliações de clientes)
Óculos Inteligentes Hion para Adultos Anti-Movimento, Alívio de Náuseas Portátil Ultraleve, Óculos para Enjoo em Carros, Aviões e Barcos, Essenciais para Viagens/Cruzeiros *R$129.95 Em até 6x de R$21.66 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$21.66 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$129.95 sem juros2x de R$64.98 sem juros3x de R$43.32 sem juros4x de R$32.49 sem juros5x de R$25.99 sem juros6x de R$21.66 sem juros
SKU: 83FFB772 Categoria: Tag: Marca:

Óculos Inteligentes Hion Anti-Movimento para Adultos – Alívio de Náuseas Portátil e Leve

Os Óculos Inteligentes Hion Anti-Movimento para Adultos são a solução perfeita para quem sofre de enjoo durante viagens. Com eles, você pode desfrutar de passeios de carro, avião, barco, trem e praticamente qualquer outra situação em que possa sentir enjoo. Esses óculos são extremamente eficazes no alívio de 95% dos sintomas de enjoo causados pelo movimento, incluindo enjoo em alto-mar, enjoo em carros, enjoo em aviões e qualquer outro tipo de enjoo relacionado a viagens. Além disso, eles também ajudam a aliviar a tontura causada por experiências em realidade virtual ou 3D. Esses óculos são essenciais para suas viagens, cruzeiros e passeios de carro.

Princípio de Design

Os óculos para enjoo em carros possuem uma armação composta por quatro aros circulares, dois na frente e um em cada lado. Esses aros são preenchidos com líquidos coloridos, não tóxicos e ecologicamente corretos, que garantem uma visão completa dos olhos e previnem o enjoo causado pelo movimento. Eles não possuem efeitos colaterais. As hastes flexíveis e ecologicamente corretas são especialmente projetadas para adultos. As almofadas de gel macias e ergonômicas com design antiderrapante reduzem o desconforto no nariz e evitam marcas vermelhas.

Material Premium e Design Estiloso

Os óculos anti-enjoo Hion são extremamente leves, pesando apenas 35 gramas, e possuem armações flexíveis feitas de TR91, o que os torna duas vezes mais duráveis do que os óculos de plástico convencionais. Eles são à prova de choque e não quebram facilmente, garantindo segurança durante o uso prolongado. Disponíveis em uma variedade de armações emocionantes combinadas com cores vivas e seguras de líquidos não tóxicos. Seu design único e moderno mantém você sempre cheio de paixão. É o presente perfeito para a família e um item essencial para viagens.

Design Profissional para Adultos

Nossos óculos para enjoo foram desenvolvidos com materiais macios, duráveis, ecologicamente corretos e não poluentes, sem causar reações alérgicas na pele humana. O material flexível anti-alérgico garante alívio de náuseas em qualquer condição, permitindo que você aproveite a viagem sem preocupações. Esses óculos são adequados para adultos de ambos os sexos.

Agradecemos por escolher nosso produto. Priorizamos sua experiência de compra e valorizamos sua satisfação. Nossa equipe está comprometida em responder dentro de 24 horas e dedicada a resolver quaisquer problemas da melhor maneira possível.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Alívio eficaz de 95% dos sintomas de enjoo causados pelo movimento
  • Design inovador com aros preenchidos com líquidos coloridos para prevenir o enjoo
  • Material premium e design estiloso, leve e durável
  • Desenvolvido especialmente para adultos, com materiais não alérgicos
  • Excelente atendimento ao cliente e suporte dedicado

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para usar os Óculos Inteligentes Hion Anti-Movimento para Adultos, basta colocá-los no rosto antes de iniciar sua viagem. Certifique-se de que as almofadas de gel estejam confortavelmente apoiadas no nariz e que as hastes estejam ajustadas corretamente atrás das orelhas. Os óculos são leves e flexíveis, proporcionando conforto durante todo o trajeto. Aproveite sua viagem sem preocupações com enjoo!

8 avaliações para Óculos Inteligentes Hion para Adultos Anti-Movimento, Alívio de Náuseas Portátil Ultraleve, Óculos para Enjoo em Carros, Aviões e Barcos, Essenciais para Viagens/Cruzeiros

  1. Zoe

    Double check you can return when you’re making your selection. They felt cheap, but to be fair, they are cheap. I thought I would give these a try and they did nothing for me. I figured no big deal, I’ll just return them. Nope. Maybe I just don’t have the ‘right kind’ of motion sickness, maybe the reviews saying it works for them are real. But they did nothing for me or anyone I let try them and now I’m just stuck with them.

  2. YourRoyalMajesty

    I have SEVERE motion sickness. I get sick even when I drive sometimes. Yeah, it’s that bad. I was dreading my 6 hour trip in my husband’s truck, for many reasons, motion sickness being high on that list. Well, I can tell you with 100% certainty that these WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am currently , for the first time ever, looking at my phone screen and not feeling dizzy, or like I’m going to be sick! It’s a miracle!!!!!! These glasses do make you look like Bubbles. If you know who I mean, then you know. But I will be recommending these to everyone. I’m going to look silly, but I’ll be wearing these in public tomorrow as charter a boat! Oh and fit wise I have a HUGE head and these are very comfortable! Buy them. Now. Thank me later. Best $10 I’ve ever spent.

    UPDATE: I wore these things on a large boat (Pictured Rocks Boat Tour) for 2 hours. At one point we were dealing with 5ft Lake Superior waves. So many people got sick. But guess who didn’t? That’s right … the girl with the weird glasses! For the first time in my life … I enjoyed myself on an open water boat. These should be sold everywhere. Do not hesitate. Buy them. I am buying a second pair. Maybe a third. Heck I might just get all of the colors and styles so I can match outfits. Absolute miracle they are.

    For reference I bought the black rim/purple liquid ones.

  3. Rachael Patascher

    These are a game changer for long car rides! I took the risk with them because I figured even if they didn’t work, it would at least get a laugh out of everyone in the car because they look so ridiculous.

    I still find that on windy mountain roads I get a little queasy even with them on, but it’s not nearly as bad as it usually is without the glasses, and the feeling goes away much faster after too. I’m the kind of person that gets car sick even on a flat, straight road, and with these on I can at least handle those well enough to read or play games on my phone!

    I only knocked a star off because the frames are pretty flimsy, so these things frequently slide off of my face. I find that I’m adjusting them the entire car ride.

  4. RageQuitKitty

    We had a long car ride (4+ hours) which we make periodically and after a few hours she always got too warm and started feeling sick… when she told us she was feeling too hot we could turn on the AC and try to help her, but usually she forgets to tell us before it’s too late, so it’s rough going for that last half hour almost every time…

    More than once she’s gotten really carsick and her unicorn stuffie has taken the brunt of it… and when we bought these glasses we also got her some disposable “sick bags” just in case.

    This last trip she was happy and bored, but not sick — the whole drive!

    She also loved that the ones we got had her favorite color (purple) for the liquid and that she could wobble her head and watch the liquid sway… so she thinks the glasses are silly fun and said they helped a lot and her tummy didn’t feel yucky at all!

  5. Ari McKellin

    I don’t typically get motion sick, but someone I know recommended these before I did a study abroad in Ireland. People on the bus, when there were lots of turns and going up and down, got motion sick. When I started to get motion sick, I put these on, and I felt completely fine. Same for the boat we were on.
    They are compact, don’t leak, and are incredible, especially for the price.

    They might look funny, but they truly do wonders. Highly recommend

  6. Amazon Customer

    My kids didn’t like them said they were weird and uncomfortable

  7. frank h manibusan

    As someone who gets carsick every single time I ride in a car, these are a must have. To fully test these I sat in the back seat of my friend’s car that has horrible suspension and feels bumpy even on smooth roads. I sat in the backseat and read on my phone. I normally can’t read more than a couple sentences before getting carsick, but these dumb looking glasses changed that. We went off roading on an open field with tons of holes in it. It felt like the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland. Miraculously, I did not get carsick at all while wearing these glasses. I just wish they looked more stylish so it wouldn’t be embarrassing to wear infront of others.

  8. Kimberly Scudder

    I struggled to be able to just sit in the car without feeling ill if I’m not the one driving. I wore these on a 10 hour road trip and an 8 hour road trip. I could not only sit in the car, but I could also read and watch videos with no issues or nausea at all! Warning: Your family will probably laugh at you because you do look silly, but I’d rather look silly than be uncomfortable for long road trips!

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