Nuvia Trim – Café Gourmet Instantâneo para Perda de Peso
Descubra o Nuvia Trim, o café gourmet instantâneo que não apenas satisfaz seu paladar, mas também auxilia na sua jornada de perda de peso. Cada caixa contém 30 sachês de 3,7g, prontos para serem preparados a qualquer momento. Este produto inovador combina a riqueza do café com os poderosos extratos de Garcinia Cambogia, cetonas de framboesa e grãos de café verde, criando uma bebida deliciosa e funcional.
O Nuvia Trim é totalmente livre de açúcar e laticínios, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para veganos e pessoas com diabetes. Sua fórmula única foi desenvolvida para ajudar no controle do apetite e na manutenção de níveis saudáveis de açúcar no sangue após as refeições. Além disso, é perfeito para preparar um café gelado refrescante, que pode ser misturado facilmente com leite de coco ou leite de amêndoa com chocolate, sem a necessidade de aquecer.
- 1 Caixa (30 Sachês de Café – 3,7g cada).
- Sem açúcar ou laticínios, vegano, bom para diabéticos.
- Café gourmet instantâneo combinado com Garcinia Cambogia, cetonas de framboesa e extrato de grão de café verde.
- Suporta o controle do apetite e níveis saudáveis de açúcar no sangue após as refeições.
- Ótimo para café gelado, com leite de coco ou leite de amêndoa com chocolate, mistura facilmente, sem necessidade de aquecer.
1. Controle do Apetite: Ajuda a reduzir a fome, facilitando a adesão a dietas de emagrecimento.
2. Níveis Saudáveis de Açúcar: Contribui para a manutenção de níveis adequados de glicose no sangue, ideal para diabéticos.
3. Praticidade: Fácil de preparar, perfeito para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
4. Versatilidade: Pode ser consumido quente ou gelado, adaptando-se ao seu gosto e clima.
5. Ingredientes Naturais: Combinado com extratos naturais que potencializam a queima de gordura e a energia.
Para preparar o Nuvia Trim, basta adicionar um sachê em 200ml de água fria ou quente, conforme sua preferência. Para um café gelado, misture com leite de coco ou leite de amêndoa com chocolate para um sabor ainda mais rico. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para melhores resultados, consuma uma a duas vezes ao dia, especialmente após as refeições, para maximizar o controle do apetite e os benefícios para a saúde.
Residency –
probably a good product but does taste bitter.
xmarc999 –
Did not use on its own so can’t comment on that.
Used with low carb diet, and it seemed to “supercharge” the weight loss, which is a big help trying to stick with a diet. My scale broke so can’t report results, but I like my looks in the mirror.
Taste is very good, though you won’t mistake it for Starbucks. (just different) I combine one cup of regular coffee (Starbucks Via works) with one cup of this in the morning. Love it.
BC –
Prefer regular brown box Nuvia (not white box Trim). Mild appetite suppression is about the same as regular Nuvia.
Taste- sweet raspberry fragrance is immediately noticed like a top note in perfume. This was slightly off putting for me. If you like Berry flavored coffee, it should not be an issue. However, to me, the taste and scent is reminiscent of artificial berry from old school Captain Crunch Crunch Berry cereal- a bit of a nauseating scent. Scent diminishes with preparation and leaves a sweet mild artificial raspberry jelly-ish taste. No problems mixing- no sludge at the bottom as some reported- this mixes very well and very easily with boiling water. It is a fine powder. Convenient, quick, great for travel or office. I’ve put this into my morning coffee as well as plain water. Taste was not bitter to me at all but I like dark espresso (generally considered a bitter coffee). I’ve added whole dairy milk, flax milk and oat milk to this- all blended very well and minus the artificial berry flavor, it was palatable. No weight loss or change in energy level noted.
Letitia Lambert –
I love this product! It curbs cravings and helps me immensely when I am limiting calories. I cannot honestly say that drinking this product without making other changes in your lifestyle will cause weight loss. What I can tell you is that when I compare the times when I have limited calories WITHOUT the coffee to the times when I have limited calories WITH the coffee, I do typically lose more weight while taking the coffee.
It has a light raspberry flavor. I sometimes add a little chocolate flavored stevia when I want to have a “great.” It’s good stuff, y’all. If you like coffee…and you like raspberries…give it a try!
Joe –
I was so exited to try this new coffee. I already loved the Nuvia Cafe and looked forward to trying this. I have always cringed at the thought of instant coffee but Nuvia has changed my mind. It taste wonderful and really helps surpress my appetite. When I drank regular coffee I could easily drink a pot myself, now I have only 1 – 2 cups of my Nuvia Trim and feel great. I also have added a pack to my protein shake for great added flavor and benefit. The individual packages are a plus. My husband is a pilot and is always on the go. He does not like the hotel room coffee or the airplane coffee and most mornings they depart so early in the morning, nothing is open. He now packs a few packets in his flight bag and knows he can have a great tasting, good for you coffee anytime. Thanks Nuvia!
Shila –
Doesn’t work as promised; tried two boxes, and although it’s got a good coffee taste, is way overpriced for what is inside the box.
Bree –
I enjoy the taste of this coffee, it’s not like your average instant coffee taste. (I am not able to drink it plan, just as regular coffee I need to add a little bit of creamer). I’ve made this both hot and iced and it dissolves nicely for both. I’ve noticed my energy levels are up and I feel more alert when I drink this coffee. I have noticed a decrease in my appetite, and I feel like I’m not craving as much food or as much sugar. But as far as actual weight loss goes, I have yet to notice a difference.
M. Downey –
I’m loving this product. I was already a big fan of Nuvia Cafe (their original blend). Last week, I started another round of the HCG Diet 800 Calorie Protocol and decided to try this new blend for my morning coffee. I drink 1 cup about 30 minutes before having my breakfast (yep! you get breakfast on the 800 calorie protocol). I was pleasantly surprised by week’s end … In total, I lost 2.2 lbs more my first week using this product than I did on my previous round before there was Nuvia Trim or Nuvia Cafe available. WOW!
A quick note about the original Nuvia Cafe. Though it makes a stellar cup of coffee, my favorite thing to do is put one packet into my protein veggie smoothies. So delish blended with spinach, strawberries, and Sun Warrior vegan vanilla protein powder. Both Nuvia products give me a noticeable boost in energy without making me feel jittery. This is really nice! I do not like to have the jitters from my coffee.
The flavor I would probably classify as bold. I do very much like strong coffee and this satisfies my taste buds with no bitter aftertaste. Strength of flavor can easily be adjusted either direction to suit your preference. If you want it a little stronger, use 6 oz water instead of 8. If you want a little weaker, then add 10 (that’s what my mom likes.) Me? The 8 oz is just perfect.
Now, I know this next part is going to sound silly to some folks but I just have to say that Nuvia’s logos on their products make me feel happy inside when I look at them every morning. I don’t have any other product in my pantry or my fridge I can say that about!