Descrição do Produto: Nutrilite Rhodiola 110, 60 Comprimidos
O Nutrilite Rhodiola 110 é um suplemento inovador que combina a sabedoria da natureza com a ciência moderna para oferecer um suporte excepcional ao seu desempenho físico e mental. Com 60 comprimidos em uma embalagem que pode variar, este produto é formulado com extrato de Rhodiola rosea, uma planta adaptogênica reconhecida por suas propriedades que ajudam a maximizar a resistência física e o foco mental durante atividades esportivas. A Rhodiola é conhecida por sua capacidade de apoiar a resposta do corpo ao estresse, o que pode resultar em uma recuperação mais rápida após exercícios intensos.
- Nutrição Esportiva: O Nutrilite Rhodiola 110 é ideal para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam melhorar seu desempenho. A fórmula ajuda a aumentar a resistência física, permitindo que você treine mais intensamente e por mais tempo.
- Foco Mental: A combinação única de ingredientes promove uma clareza mental superior, essencial para manter a concentração durante treinos e competições.
- Recuperação Acelerada: O suporte à resposta do corpo ao estresse contribui para uma recuperação mais eficiente, reduzindo a fadiga e preparando você para o próximo desafio.
- Equilíbrio Emocional: A Rhodiola também é conhecida por ajudar a equilibrar o humor, o que pode ser benéfico em momentos de alta pressão e estresse.
- Versatilidade: Adequado para diversos estilos de vida, o Nutrilite Rhodiola 110 pode ser integrado facilmente à rotina diária, seja você um atleta profissional ou um praticante ocasional de atividades físicas.
1. Aumento da Resistência Física: Melhora a capacidade de realizar exercícios prolongados, ideal para atletas.
2. Melhora do Foco Mental: Ajuda a manter a concentração durante atividades exigentes.
3. Recuperação Rápida: Reduz o tempo de recuperação após treinos intensos, permitindo um retorno mais rápido às atividades.
4. Suporte ao Equilíbrio Emocional: Contribui para um estado mental positivo, essencial em momentos de estresse.
5. Fácil Integração na Rotina: Pode ser facilmente adicionado à sua dieta diária, sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Nutrilite Rhodiola 110, recomenda-se a ingestão de dois comprimidos por dia, preferencialmente antes das atividades físicas ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água e manter uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo. A consistência no uso é fundamental para maximizar os benefícios do produto e garantir que você esteja sempre preparado para enfrentar seus desafios diários.
linda l larson –
This is how I have been starting my day for about the last 10 years. It allows me to focus and gives me the added umph I need to achieve my best performance in the gym without heart thumps and jitters and it never just drops you when it wears off. It is a natural substance that most anyone can benefit from. My husband and daughter also like it. If you want to get all you can from a product that is safe and effective without taking dangerous energy drinks than this could be what you need.
Tim Iuculano –
Like the product. Definitely notice a difference in my performance at work. More alert, energized and focused. I do have my concerns because apparently this is not something meant for long term use. Also I definitely get pretty bad hangovers even If I have just a couple drinks. Pro’s definitely outweigh the cons.
Alana –
I absolutely LOVE Nutrilite Rhodiola 110, have been taken it for years but on my last order, i received something called XS Energize with Nutrilite approved rhodiola in it. I went online and saw that Amway now has 2 brands Nutrilite and XS, and i DO NOT appreciate that when ordering my regular Nutrilite Rhodila, i received their new brand without any notice. Not sure why am i being forced new brand formula. I did not appreciate that what so ever. At least they can do is market their new formula first or put some sort of disclaimer on here that “hey, you are ordering one formula but we are sending you a different one”. This is a great way to lose customers for sure. Very disappointing… not sure what to think of this, since ive been so happy with Nutrilite Rhodiola 110 for years.
Karina –
It works super well, I use it to help me have energy for the Gym and my work and I am able to perform all day.
Inspired Aging –
Wow, Wow, Wow, what an experience trying this for the first time was for my husband. A friend bought these for me because I was telling him how “low energy” I was feeling. Well I ended up not taking them, but I gave some to my hubby. He went out and about doing his daily stuff, and later in the day he says to me….”Hon, I can’t tell you how much energy, clarity and focus I had today…it was like I was seeing things intensely clear…and at the gym I worked out like never before…” Well, at first I had forgotten about the fact that I gave him the rhodiola, but then I put it all together. He kept taking it and he was amazed by it. When we ran out, I bought another brand “in a pinch” at Mothers, and it was NOT the same! Spend the extra, and get these, you do get what you pay for. I know there is caffeine in these, but it’s not enough to cause a reaction, it’s like a cup of coffee. I told my mom about it, and she bought some for my dad, and she called me the next day adn todl me how he was out side hammering and fixing fences, and he was hammering away, not missing a nail, he’s 81 years old, and he had not felt so energetic and clear in years. Those are my two stories about this. I just reordered this brand again, it’s worth it! Do some research and read about rhodioloa, it must be “Siberian” Rhodiola. Hope this helps! PS..I am NOT an Amway rep….. Laura from
Alana –
Love this. I struggled more and more with focusing on things, my husband call it my “squirrel” moments, which was negatively impacting my work along with my home and self maintenance. Not any more! I take one of these a day when I first wake up and I feel my brain “turn on.” I am able to focuses and sustain my energy while being in an overall better mood. Squirrel moments are no more
Aquariusense –
I work overnight and nothing is worse on your body than completely throwing off your sleep cycle. I was tired of going out for coffee every night gradually moving from a 12oz to two 48oz a night. The coffee was staining my teeth, caused diarrhea and only gave me the tired jitters and an odd chest pain. I came across Rhodiola in my search for a energy supplement. I tried a couple brands from GNC and Vitamin Shoppe but they had no effect. I gave it one more go with the Nutrilite brand and BAM! I DIDN’T SLEEP FOR A WEEK! It does take a couple days to build up in your system but when it takes effect boy does it ever! I purchased the 60ct and thought I’d be through them by now but I had to back down my dosage to every other day. It’s a different energy. It’s more of a wide awake focus deep thought kind of energy, which is exactly what I needed to clear the fog of overnight shift work. I almost feel like a normal person now besides everyone else still being asleep when I’m awake. Also, an unexpected benefit is it’s mood altering ability…NO MORE PMS! I’m just super relaxed and chill. The first time I took it was before getting in a hot tub shortly after and thought there was no way this stuff is legal and I need to buy more now! But I’m good, I use it when needed. There’s no dependency, crash, or withdrawal like I had with coffee! BUY IT!
Amanda –
Love Everything about it. More energy and focus. Value for money . Helps me perform well. Easy enough to take.