NutriCumin – Curcumina Lipossomal 1000mg com Tecnologia NovaSOL
NutriCumin é um suplemento inovador que combina a potência da curcumina com a tecnologia avançada NovaSOL, proporcionando uma absorção e biodisponibilidade excepcionais. Com 185 vezes mais biodisponibilidade do que a curcumina padrão, esta fórmula de ação rápida garante que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo os benefícios da curcumina, oferecendo suporte duradouro para a saúde das articulações, alívio da inflamação e bem-estar geral. A curcumina, um dos principais compostos ativos do açafrão, é amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, tornando-se um aliado essencial na luta contra o estresse oxidativo e na promoção da saúde celular.
NutriCumin também se destaca por sua proteção antioxidante poderosa, neutralizando radicais livres prejudiciais e combatendo o estresse oxidativo. Essa fórmula não apenas protege as células contra danos, mas também promove o bem-estar geral e melhora o sistema de defesa natural do corpo. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas gelatinosas fáceis de engolir, com uma dosagem recomendada de 2 cápsulas por dia, acompanhadas de água ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Além disso, as cápsulas são livres de alérgenos, gluten, lactose e não contêm organismos geneticamente modificados (não-GMO), garantindo pureza do produto e uso de ingredientes de alta qualidade.
Na Nutritunes, a saúde e o bem-estar são nossa prioridade. Nossos produtos são formulados com ingredientes respaldados pela ciência e fabricados em instalações certificadas pela GMP, assegurando qualidade, segurança e eficácia. Com NutriCumin, você pode ter certeza de que está recebendo o suporte nutricional adequado para suas necessidades.
– Absorção Superior: A tecnologia NovaSOL proporciona 185 vezes mais biodisponibilidade, garantindo que você aproveite ao máximo os benefícios da curcumina.
– Suporte às Articulações: Ideal para quem busca alívio da dor e suporte para a saúde das articulações.
– Proteção Antioxidante: Combate o estresse oxidativo, protegendo suas células e promovendo um envelhecimento saudável.
– Fórmula Livre de Alérgenos: Sem glúten, lactose ou ingredientes geneticamente modificados, adequada para diversas dietas.
– Facilidade de Uso: Com 60 cápsulas fáceis de engolir, é simples incorporar NutriCumin à sua rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas gelatinosas de NutriCumin diariamente, acompanhadas de um copo de água. É aconselhável seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades específicas. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Bonnie –
I got this because I really like curcumin and I really like liposomal technology that offers the possibility of increased bioavailability. This increased absorption of curcumin will hopefully allow the body to use more of it. I personally like curcumin and turmeric for the antioxidant activity they both may have. After reviewing the numerous studies I prefer curcumin as my favorite curcuminoid and more than Turmeric. Realizing that yes curcumin does come from turmeric but once extracted in meaningful amounts it in some studies has shown noteworthy results that turmeric could not achieve. Now this seller is stating joint health with this and I totally agree and think it probably has helped quite a bit in diminishing my back pain over the years. I now only have notable back pain once or twice year now. I also take other supplements for that like MSM, Chondroitin, Glucosamine and Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen. As mentioned I really like how curcumin has done in studies especially with some diseases.
Now when we look at the supplement facts it has 1000 mgs of NovaSol Curcumin- Curcuma Oleoresin of Natural Origin. I am not sure what this is and the only natural origin of curcumin I know of is Turmeric. I am very much aware of Turmeric Oleoresin and wondering if that was what it was supposed to be ? The reason is because the last ingredient is also NovaSol Curcumin but at 50 mgs which would be extracted from Turmeric as stated. So you can see it appears to be two of the same ingredients which makes me think the first ingredient was supposed to be Turmeric Oleoresin. If in fact it is indeed correct with Curcumin Oleoresin then I would think a brief description of what it is would be nice to say the least. If it does not say that anymore if when reading this review it has been changed.
This is a copyrighted ingredient that has some studies showing really good results IMO. It has been tested for purity and what not according to the Nova SOL website. I never feel anything taking curcumin and just trust it’s doing it’s job. For joint pain it usually takes a long time before any relief comes ( if any) like months and years. Especially if taking by itself . Curcumin does appear to help improve skin health pretty fast though IMO. With this being a liposomal perhaps it can do it quicker. As an antioxidant the studies used huge dosages so it’s yet to be determined conclusively the best healthy dosage for that. This dosage of about 1000 mgs is on the high side IMO which I like. These are easy to take and I had no sides. Good Luck and hope this was helpful.
Ellen P London –
I have used other products by this company and they are great so thought I’d try this one as well. I was not disappointed and it also worked quickly. It is easy to use and the pills were all in good condition.
AMDaniele –
This is one of the newest forms of tumeric curcumin on the market and seems to have the best absorption profile thus best effect. My experience with this form, however, is that it may take longer to see the results than with others. But so far this new formulation is the best at pain relief, and one of the least expensive.
VeeBee –
Did not notice any difference in my inflammation
VeeBee –
I’ve been taking a liposomal curcumin for a while. I decided to try this brand because it was a better price. I had no problem with the first bottle and ordered 2 more to stock up. I just opened and in both bottles all the softgels are stuck together in a big clump. I can’t even get them apart to get them out of the bottle. When I tried to pick apart in the bottle, they burst apart and stained my fingers and my counter. Not eligible for a refund? What a waste of money. Useless, defective product. Never had a problem like this with other brands.
Cody –
This is the best form of curcumin. Works great!
Raye –
I really like these small and easy to swallow soft gels which is not the norm when taking turmeric. I’m taking the suggested dose of two soft gels daily, I take this with a meal. I’ve not experienced any unpleasant digestive upset since starting this supplement.
I take turmeric to help with the aging joints and I feel it works for me. I find the current price of $19.99 for a 30 day supply to be a fair value. I do prefer these soft gels to the large capsules.
I would definitely this brand of turmeric again.
Raye –
This is clinically studied NovaSOL curcumin, offering 1000mg per 2 softgel serving.
Published research has shown that NovaSOL has 185x increase in bioavailability over standard curcumin. That being said, there are only 50mg curcuminoids per serving in this – so the high bioavailability is put into perspective with a low curcuminoid content.
That 1000mg serving of NovaSOL only contains 50mg curcuminoids, so if you compare that to something like 500mg curcumin + piperine, I’m no longer sure that you’ll get higher absorption from the NovaSOL.
Overall – this is another great curcumin extract, that claims the highest bioavailability of any I’ve seen. I’m not sure it would be my first choice over some specific curcumin extracts that have been clinically studied for pain relief or brain health – but it’s a science-based product and worth considering.