Nutricost HMB (1500mg) and Vitamin D3 (6000 IU) Supplement – 240 Capsules, 80 Servings – Gluten Free and Non-GMO
Apresentamos o suplemento Nutricost HMB (1500mg) e Vitamina D3 (6000 UI) – 240 cápsulas, com 80 porções, livre de glúten e não transgênico. Este produto é fabricado em uma instalação registrada na FDA, em conformidade com as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP).
Cada porção deste suplemento contém 1500mg de HMB, um composto que auxilia no ganho de massa muscular e na recuperação pós-treino. Além disso, cada porção também fornece 150mcg (6000UI) de Vitamina D3, que desempenha um papel fundamental na saúde óssea e no sistema imunológico.
A embalagem contém 240 cápsulas, o que é suficiente para 80 porções. Essa quantidade garante um suprimento duradouro do produto, permitindo que você aproveite seus benefícios por um longo período de tempo.
O Nutricost HMB e Vitamina D3 é livre de glúten e não transgênico, atendendo às necessidades de pessoas com restrições alimentares e preocupações com ingredientes geneticamente modificados.
Este suplemento é fabricado em uma instalação registrada na FDA, em conformidade com as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP). Isso garante a qualidade e a segurança do produto, proporcionando tranquilidade aos consumidores.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Ganho de massa muscular: O HMB presente neste suplemento auxilia no ganho de massa muscular, ajudando você a alcançar seus objetivos de treinamento.
- Recuperação pós-treino: O HMB também contribui para uma recuperação mais rápida após os treinos, reduzindo a fadiga muscular e promovendo a regeneração dos tecidos.
- Saúde óssea: A Vitamina D3 é essencial para a saúde óssea, ajudando na absorção de cálcio e fortalecendo os ossos.
- Sistema imunológico: A Vitamina D3 desempenha um papel importante no sistema imunológico, ajudando a fortalecer as defesas do organismo.
- Qualidade e segurança: O Nutricost HMB e Vitamina D3 é fabricado em uma instalação registrada na FDA, em conformidade com as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP), garantindo a qualidade e a segurança do produto.
– Recomenda-se tomar 3 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso deste suplemento, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver alguma condição médica pré-existente. Aproveite os benefícios do Nutricost HMB (1500mg) e Vitamina D3 (6000 UI) Supplement – 240 Capsules, 80 Servings – Gluten Free and Non-GMO e alcance seus objetivos de saúde e bem-estar!
Jackie –
Good price and value. This supplement takes months to see effects. My chronic kidney disease causes muscle breakdown. I have been losing muscle and strength. This product along with “Perfect Aminos” should slow down or arrest the muscle/strength loss.
mary c berchin –
Easy to use it works.
Jamie Moore –
This stuff is amazing, been using it for a while and have seen lots of great results.
brian –
I am in my late 50s (ouch, that hurts to say!). I have been taking this supplement for three weeks and I definitely have seen a difference in my energy. As a post menopausal female, there are a lot reasons for not having energy. With that being said, the added Vitamin D may also make a difference in the boost.
I recommend anyone feeling sluggish to try this supplement!
As for the size of the tablet, my secret to swallowing is to place tablet in your mouth, take a sip of liquid, stick out your tongue, then swallow. This coats the back of your tongue and allows the gag reflex to simmer down!! Tried and true method since childhood!! 🙂
Jamie Moore –
Been using it for about 3 months every day. Nothing has changed except my nails grow super fast. So if that’s why you want it it works great for that. I was under impression it turns fat into muscle.
Kelly S –
I didn’t know what to expect would happen. I am in my late 40s and I have spinal issues from being in the military. Spinal issues makes your hurt a lot and less active. I needed something. I seen this, looked at the ingredients and knew it wouldn’t hurt to try it. At first I was taking it mid day when I need to be more active and did have spurts of energy here and there.Then after a couple weeks I forgot it one day and took it when I was going to bed and noticed that I didn’t wake up as sore as usual. So I continued at night. I may soon start with 1 mid day and 1 at bed time instead of 2 at bedtime. But understand with any medicine it can take awhile to start taking effect. Or do what I did by accident and try different times of the day to see what works for you, which was a happy accident. The first bottle I bought had a taste I didn’t care for, but the second bottle didn’t taste as bad. Great quality, that I got a few other people who ordered this product. It’s easy to swallow and if you have troubles swallowing pills, you can open the capsules up. This product performs as it’s intended to do. A great value for your money. Some people have too high of expectations and this product isn’t a cure all, it needs to start slowly helping from the inside so you may not know it’s working if you don’t give it time to do it’s job your missing out. If it didn’t, I would not of ordered my 2nd bottle.
USTech –
Nutricost HMB with Vitamin D3 has been a welcome addition to my supplement stash. Each serving delivers a potent 1500mg of HMB and 6000 IU of Vitamin D3, which supports muscle maintenance and overall bone health. With 240 capsules offering 80 servings, it’s a convenient and economical choice. I’ve found that it helps with muscle recovery and energy levels, especially after intense workouts. The combination of HMB and Vitamin D3 works well together, making this supplement a powerhouse for fitness enthusiasts. Overall, it’s a great product that enhances my workout routine effectively.
flowergirl3 –
I like the potency and large bottle. Good price and I’d swear I can see more muscle mass…I’ll keep you in.