Descrição do Produto: Nutricology Magnesium Chloride Liquid – Suporte Ósseo
O Nutricology Magnesium Chloride Liquid é um suplemento inovador que oferece uma solução eficaz para a saúde óssea e o equilíbrio de macrominerais no corpo humano. Com 66,5 mg de cloreto de magnésio líquido por porção, este produto é formulado para garantir uma absorção superior, permitindo que o corpo utilize o magnésio de maneira eficiente. O magnésio é um macromineral essencial que desempenha papéis cruciais em diversas funções corporais, incluindo a manutenção da saúde óssea e o suporte ao equilíbrio geral de macrominerais.
Além de seu papel fundamental na saúde óssea, o magnésio é conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes. Ele ajuda na redução do estresse e promove a regularidade intestinal, contribuindo para o bem-estar físico. A presença deste mineral no organismo é vital para o funcionamento adequado dos sistemas cardiovascular e gastrointestinal, apoiando a pressão arterial, o ritmo cardíaco e a produção de energia.
A forma líquida do suplemento Nutricology garante uma alta absorção de magnésio, sendo bem tolerada pelo trato gastrointestinal, o que potencializa sua eficácia. Desde 1979, a NutriCology se destaca por desenvolver suplementos nutricionais hipoalergênicos, e, sob a liderança do Dr. Stephen Levine, a marca continua a inovar, criando produtos que promovem a saúde e o bem-estar.
– Suporte à Saúde Óssea: Contribui para a manutenção da densidade óssea e saúde geral dos ossos.
– Relaxamento e Redução do Estresse: Ajuda a aliviar a tensão e promove um estado de relaxamento.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: Apoia a regulação da pressão arterial e o ritmo cardíaco, essencial para a saúde do coração.
– Melhora da Função Gastrointestinal: Promove a regularidade intestinal, contribuindo para um sistema digestivo saudável.
– Alta Absorção: A forma líquida do suplemento garante que o magnésio seja rapidamente absorvido pelo organismo, maximizando seus benefícios.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) do Nutricology Magnesium Chloride Liquid uma vez ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. O produto pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água ou suco para facilitar a ingestão. É importante seguir as instruções de uso e não exceder a dose recomendada. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Aaron hachez –
I received my order quickly..I started taking this right away. In just 5 short days my pvcs came down to less than five noticeable ones a day!! I didnt have any test done or go to the Dr. after the first time i went to the E.R. thinking I was having a heart attack. They told me I was having pvcs and would be ok. They told me to lay off the caffeine and get good sleep. They gave me some iv drip for about an hour maybe two i was stressed and not paying much attention to that. Which I should have because a friend told me they probably gave me a magnesium solution, not sure though but after I did feel much better .. So I did stop caffeine and get more rest BUT.. about 3 months later they came back but not quite as severe. So naturally I took to the net to find out what I could do. Almost evrything I read led me down the path of a magnesium deficiency. So I searched for what was the best type and best absorbed which led me to this excellent choice.. Its only been five days and although I cant prove it was this product alone my pvcs became less and less frequent every day. Which was after dealing with the return of them for 2 weeks. I am happy customer and will buy again!
jimmy mexico –
My wife suffers from a congenital form of arthritis and had been experiencing terrible lumbar pain. We first heard about magnesium chloride from a brother-in-law, who suggested my wife try a powdered form (which you mix with water) available in some Mexican pharmacies. Indeed the powdered magnesium chloride, dissolved in water, did afford her relief from the constant back pain. However, the liquid form available through Nutricology is an absolutely superior product. A spoonful morning and night (and a program of daily exercise) has kept her pain-free for many months now.
Mi esposa sufre de una forma congénita de artritis y han estado experimentando un dolor grave en la región lumbar. Oímos por la primera vez de las virtudes de cloruro de magnesio de nuestro cuñado, que sugiere una forma en polvo (que se mezcla con agua) a veces disponible en las farmacias de México. El dolor de espalda se sintió aliviado por el polvo. Sin embargo, el líquido de cloruro de magnesio disponible a través Nutricology es absolutamente superior. Una cucharada mañana y noche (y ejercicio diario) le ha mantenido sin dolor durante estes muchos meses. Este es un producto excelente.
J.oli –
So, there is pretty much nothing to this product except what is on the product page. It is magensium chloride diluted with water (you wouldn’t want a full dose of it). I won’t go into the details about what magnesium chloride is or how it is beneficial to you since that can be accomplished via google. Basically, this is a supplement.
The bottle instructions say to take 1/2 tsp anywhere from 2-3 times a day. I’ve been varying the dosage amounts (from 1 to 4) to see if there are any side effects but have not noticed anything so far. Make sure you keep the bottle refrigerated after you open it.
The taste is bad, there is no denying that but there’s no avoiding it either. Some people get used to it and some don’t. I recommend buying one bottle, see if you can get used to it and then buy in bulkd.
– My opinion but easier to take than the pill version.
– No fillers/extra ingredients
– No side effects (as of yet)
– Pretty terrible taste but you can get used to it
jason m. –
i bought this because the picture shows the ingredients list without potassium sorbate.
the bottle i recieved has potassium sorbate on the label.
Azangel1 –
Best product for your magnesium intake. I take one teaspoon with a bit of juice every day. Definitely see & feel the difference.
K Medlar –
I’ve only used it for three days, but it’s impossible to get it to pour without wasting about half of it. It dribbles along the side of the bottle. I’m going to see if I can get a spout (which I don’t have) or use an eyedropper, (which I do have but it will be a pain). Because it has to be refrigerated, this will make it even harder. It seems the manufacturer should have designed the bottle differently, rather than customer finding work arounds.
I got this because it was recommended by consumerlab, and tested by them independently. So that’s a plus.
Sorry to see the extra ingredients. I always look for the purest forms possible.
Another plus is that it’s much easier to swallow than the Mg Glycinate pills that are big horse pills. I take many other large supplements, but those are the worst. Magnesium glycinate helps me not get leg cramps at night. I hope this can do the same but too early to tell. I did get them last night, but will try to up my dose.
Karen Cogsdill –
I started taking this product on the recommendation of a friend who has a chemistry degree and an ongoing interest in alternative healing. I was having knee pain as well as arthritis pain in my fingers, shoulder and leg pain. In addition I had been struggling with anxiety and an inability to sleep. Magnesium deficiency effects many systems in the body. This product worked wonders for me. It’s not a “quick fix” so you need to have patience but it will pay off. I took two doses twice daily. I’m older so I probably had a severe depletion of magnesium. It took 2-3 weeks for the pain to clear but while I waited a slow diminishing of the pain was noticeable. Sleeping became much easier and if my anxiety ramped up it has turned into my “go to” to calm down especially before bedtime. Magnesium chloride is a salt, and this tastes like salt. The taste could be worse, but it was worth it.
Julie –
Ingredients list is not accurate. When received it will have a carcinogen in it.