NutriBiotic – Sodium Ascorbate Buffered Vitamin C Powder, 8 Oz | Vegan, Non Acidic
Descubra o poder do NutriBiotic, um suplemento de vitamina C em pó que combina eficácia e suavidade, ideal para toda a família. O Sodium Ascorbate, uma forma altamente absorvível e bioativa da vitamina C, atua como um poderoso impulsionador da imunidade, fortalecendo o sistema imunológico e ajudando a manter a saúde em dia. Com a NutriBiotic, você pode se sentir seguro sabendo que está fornecendo ao seu corpo uma defesa robusta contra os desafios diários.
Além de ser um aliado na proteção do sistema imunológico, o NutriBiotic é um antioxidante potente que apoia a produção de carnitina, colágeno e neurotransmissores essenciais. Esses componentes são vitais para a produção de energia ideal, a manutenção de uma pele saudável, a reparação de tecidos e a saúde cerebral. Com o uso regular, você notará uma melhora significativa na sua disposição e bem-estar geral.
Uma das grandes vantagens do NutriBiotic é sua facilidade de mistura. O pó se integra perfeitamente a smoothies e sucos, e seu sabor suave torna-o mais palatável para crianças e adultos, em comparação com formas ácidas de vitamina C, como o ácido ascórbico. Isso significa que você pode garantir que todos em sua casa estejam recebendo a dose necessária de vitamina C sem o desconforto de sabores azedos.
Além disso, o NutriBiotic é mais gentil com o sistema digestivo. Ao contrário de outros suplementos de vitamina C que podem causar azia, refluxo e desconforto estomacal, esta forma tamponada é fácil de digerir, mesmo em doses mais elevadas. Isso a torna uma escolha ideal para quem busca um suporte nutricional eficaz sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados.
Com mais de 43 anos de confiança no mercado, a NutriBiotic foi fundada com o princípio de que todos merecem boa saúde. Inspirada pelas pesquisas e recomendações de Linus Pauling, PhD, o primeiro laureado com o Prêmio Nobel duas vezes e pioneiro na pesquisa nutricional da vitamina C, a marca se compromete a oferecer produtos de qualidade que promovem o bem-estar.
Amazon Customer –
It works miracle for your immune system
Carlsr007 –
Very easy way to get your daily Vitamin C. One quarter teaspoon in glass of water is about 1000mg. If a larger amount is needed sometimes, as for an allergy or cold benefit, it is easy to get 5000mg. The taste is a little stronger but in that case I just put it in my orange juice. Have used this for many years, and it works great.
meghan –
Great product, non GMO vitamin c is great for so many things, I just discovered this great health hack recently and my only negative is that I didn’t know about high dose vitamin c sooner, it’s a wonder why since it helps so many things why everyone doesn’t know about this is a shame, my most recent use was for my family getting a cold and it barely touched us as I usually get hit pretty hard, before that I used it for my tooth ache along with clove oil ect and it did wonders, wow is there anything it can’t be used for, my only thing is this is made from corn I wish I could find a decent priced vit c powder that’s not made from corn but this is next best thing as it is non GMO. If you found any of this helpful please let me know thanks!!! Also research high dose vitamin c for more info also Suzanne humphries is a good place to start
Very good product. Neutralizes chloramine and chlorine in drinking and bath water and doesn’t alter the ph as much as much as ascorbic acid. My stomach has been feeling better since using it. My hair and skin are in much better shape. Chloramine is the water treatment used where I live in San Francisco and in many places now and it’s very caustic and it doesn’t evaporate like chlorine so it stays on your skin and hair. It degrades and dries it out. Both chlorine and chloramine can cause digestive issues. Plus it’s good to take it internally to boost immunity. It doesn’t take much to neutralize a bath – about a 1/2 teaspoon. For showers, theres also shower heads and other products out there that use vitamin c powder to neutralize.
Margarita –
Can put in anything to dissolve
Frank Miniaci –
I LOVE having the ability to regulate how much Vitamin C I take with just a simple 1/4 teaspoon per serving delivering a nice 1100 mg. It absorbs and doesn’t cause the discomfort of taking a citrus form of of Vit C. So many servings and a great price. I will never go back to capsules after using this product. Grateful to have found this brand
Christine I –
no taste! who knows if the supplements actually work or if its a placebo, but were trying it out
Mike A. –
Seems very good. It’s a fine white powder, tasteless, mixes immediately into my health mix I make every day. I add it every other day or so. And I can definitely feel a great boost from it. Plus as a powder you can choose your amount. I usually do an eighth of a teaspoon for about 550mg (instead of the 1/4tsp for 1100mg on the label). I don’t have experience with any other brand, but this one seems great. I’ve been hearing about sodium ascorbate and cancer in particular which is fascinating. Research it! Books on Amazon too on it. (A good mention of it is a CHD bus tour video – “A Bold Nurse Practitioner”, search it!, which finally convinced me to give buffered vitamin C a try.