NutriBiotic Essential Electrolytes: A Revolução na Hidratação e Performance
Em um mundo onde a busca por saúde e bem-estar se torna cada vez mais essencial, o NutriBiotic Essential Electrolytes surge como uma solução inovadora para aqueles que desejam maximizar seu desempenho físico e mental. Com 100 cápsulas de eletrólitos essenciais, este produto foi desenvolvido para atender às necessidades de quem leva um estilo de vida ativo, especialmente aqueles que seguem a dieta cetogênica. Cada cápsula contém 100 mg de vitamina C de grau farmacêutico, além de uma combinação poderosa de eletrólitos como cálcio, magnésio, potássio, sódio, cloreto, zinco e cromo, todos fundamentais para a manutenção da saúde e do equilíbrio eletrolítico do corpo.
Os eletrólitos desempenham um papel crucial na função do impulso elétrico do corpo, ajudando a regular a hidratação, a função muscular e a recuperação após atividades físicas. Com o NutriBiotic Essential Electrolytes, você pode reidratar-se de forma eficaz após exercícios, garantindo que seu corpo esteja sempre pronto para o próximo desafio. Além disso, a fórmula é vegana, livre de glúten e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs), proporcionando uma opção saudável e segura para todos.
Com mais de 40 anos de experiência, a NutriBiotic foi fundada com o princípio orientador de que todos merecem boa saúde. Inspirados pela pesquisa e recomendações de Linus Pauling, PhD, o primeiro laureado com o Prêmio Nobel em duas ocasiões e pioneiro na pesquisa nutricional da vitamina C, a marca se compromete a oferecer produtos de alta qualidade que promovem o bem-estar.
– Reabastecimento de Nutrientes Essenciais: A combinação de eletrólitos e vitamina C ajuda a manter o equilíbrio nutricional.
– Apoio à Performance Física: Ideal para reidratação e recuperação após atividades físicas, melhorando a resistência e a recuperação muscular.
– Adequado para Dietas Específicas: Produto vegano e livre de glúten, perfeito para quem tem restrições alimentares.
– Fórmula Confiável: Com mais de quatro décadas de experiência, a NutriBiotic é uma marca respeitada e confiável no mercado de suplementos.
– Facilidade de Uso: As cápsulas são práticas e fáceis de incorporar na rotina diária, garantindo que você esteja sempre preparado para qualquer atividade.
Para obter a resposta eletrolítica desejada, recomenda-se que adultos tomem 1 cápsula antes e 1 cápsula após a realização de qualquer atividade atlética leve. É importante lembrar que a ingestão adequada de líquidos deve ser mantida durante qualquer atividade física para garantir a máxima eficácia do produto e a saúde geral do corpo.
scutpuppy –
It’s premium quality product with a premium price. If you can afford it, then by all means buy it.
MB –
These work wonderfully. I take these before I workout, they seem to work better than Gatorade or other sports drinks. These are better than Gatorade if you are trying to cut down as well, as Gatorade is loaded with sugar. Your body does switch over to carbs as a source of energy once your body enters an anaerobic state (the burn), but for low intensity exercises, it will use fat as its go to source. Whether your body even has the time to absorb the carbs in Gatorade during a workout is questionable since your appetite and digestion is suppressed during exercise. Blood is relocated to the areas that are needed the most, and the organs that are needed during the exercises are prioritized. Your body uses what is readily available. It is better to prevent these problems in most cases.
I have a tendency to take months off of from the gym due to life reasons, but when I get back in, I usually exhaust myself to the point where I get headaches, nausea, and get close to passing out. Taking one of these before the workout alleviates all those problems. I also take one of these if I feel a headache coming on; 90% of the time, it relieves the headache. Must have for everyone.
I would also like the add that there is a similar product on Amazon. I ended up picking this one up since it’s half the price, I am not VIT D deficient(that product has Vit D, this has Vit C), and although that product is high is sodium and potassium chloride, I am certain I get those minerals in sufficient amounts in my daily diet….mmm…potato chips…
Darlene Wood –
The product is very helpful in preventing leg cramps.
June X –
with Vitamin C, more comprehensive than usual electrolyte, in a convenient pill form. I wouldn’t frequent dose on it.
Brian M –
Great stuff. I generally stick to a cyclic ketogenic diet each winter/spring, but the first week would always be absolutely brutal, no matter how much salt I was eating and water I was drinking. Dumping the “water weight” in this first week usually leaves me with a pounding headache, fatigue, and extremely powerful carb cravings. So after a bit more research, I decided to give these a shot as I just restarted keto, and my neighborhood pharmacy had nothing to offer besides sugar-laden Pedialyte.
Keep in mind, anything I mention on this review may be as a result of the combination of these capsules AND re-starting keto. I started taking these twice daily on my third day of keto, for reference. I normally drink about 120 oz of water per day, and don’t consume much caffeine, if any.
-Within an hour of taking the first dose, I noticed additional saliva production, nothing excessive, but enough to be noteworthy.
-The first night, had no symptoms of restless leg syndrome that normally necessitate an extremely hot bath just before bed. Hopefully these continue to keep this annoying problem at bay.
-Insane carb cravings and headache are nonexistent, usually very pronounced on days 3, 4, and 5.
-My frequent arch cramps have not happened since I started taking these.
-Felt less fatigued during training today (squats).
-Winter dry skin feels more hydrated, smoother, and less scaly.
It’s only been two days, and time will tell, but these things have already been worth the $10 for me. As a bonus, I’m a trainer. So it’s great to know that I finally have something simple to recommend clients who want to go ketogenic. Now they can sail through that crucial, often horrible first week with relative ease.
Avid Reader –
I take one capsule per day to ward off leg cramps. The product was available at a considerably lower cost at Costco for years. It disappeared from their shelves and became available here at three times the price. I still have to take them so I buy them regularly because they work.
Amazon Customer –
I use this product to help my immunity. I really didn’t notice a taste.
Thomas L Jensen –
It gives me the needed electrolyte replacement after long cycle workouts. No more muscle spasms in the night to wake me while I’m sleeping the evening after a hard workout.
Amazon Customer –
Equally effective as the other twice as expensive brand. As an advanced level road cyclist I highly recommend taking one capsule 15 minutes prior to starting a hard ride and then one every hour thereafter. This is critical for hot temperature rides that have you sweating a lot. On relatively cool days or when you’re not hammering then these are likely not needed. Just equate high output sweating with electrolyte loss and use these to maintain your electrolyte level. Equally important is to hydrate frequently during your entire outing. Again, equate fluid intake with your sweating rate.
On an hourly basis you should also eat a power (carb) snack such as one Clif Bar, Gu pack or similar. If you cramp at night after a workout then drink 1/2 quart of Pedialyte or CVS equivalent before retiring. No more night cramps!
kimalexandra –
I love this product! the way i realized it really worked for me is when i forgot to take it, i was super thirsty! and i’m just fine when i take them!