Descrição do Produto: Nutri-Diem Agrisept – L Antioxidant 30ml (1 oz) 3 Frascos
O Nutri-Diem Agrisept – L Antioxidant é um suplemento alimentar inovador que combina a potência dos antioxidantes com a praticidade de uso em frascos de 30ml. Este produto é formulado para ajudar a combater os radicais livres no organismo, promovendo uma saúde celular ideal. Com uma composição rica em ingredientes naturais, o Agrisept – L Antioxidant é ideal para quem busca uma forma eficaz de fortalecer o sistema imunológico e melhorar a qualidade de vida.
Cada frasco contém uma mistura equilibrada de extratos botânicos e nutrientes que atuam sinergicamente para oferecer proteção antioxidante. O uso regular deste suplemento pode auxiliar na redução do estresse oxidativo, contribuindo para a saúde da pele, do coração e do sistema nervoso. Além disso, sua fórmula concentrada permite que o usuário obtenha resultados visíveis em um curto período de tempo, tornando-o uma escolha popular entre aqueles que buscam otimizar sua saúde de forma prática e eficiente.
Informação Técnica:
– Volume: 30ml (1 oz) por frasco
– Validade: 07/2022
– Ação Antioxidante Potente: Combate os radicais livres, protegendo as células do corpo.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Ajuda a aumentar a resistência do organismo contra doenças.
– Melhora da Saúde da Pele: Contribui para uma pele mais saudável e radiante, reduzindo sinais de envelhecimento.
– Suporte à Saúde Cardiovascular: Promove a saúde do coração, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol.
– Praticidade de Uso: Frascos fáceis de transportar e usar, ideais para o dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Nutri-Diem Agrisept – L Antioxidant, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 ml (aproximadamente 20 gotas) do produto, diluído em água ou suco, uma vez ao dia. É importante agitar bem o frasco antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade da fórmula. Para pessoas com condições de saúde específicas ou que estejam em tratamento médico, é aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso do suplemento.
AuntieCoco –
I bought this as a recommendation from my Chinese Medicine Doctor (highly recommend for all of your health care needs vs. western medicine) I am a kindergarten teacher and was catching every bug every other week! It was awful. I have suffered with recurring UTIs for years, sinus infections, candida and parasites. This kills all of that and more plus it boosts your immune system. My Son In Law recently came down with a bad case of Strep Throat, he wouldn’t take these drops because of the taste and his throat was in horrible pain. So I gave my daughter the drops three times a day to keep her healthy. She took them religiously for a week and never got it. When normally those two are always sick together. My throat started hurting but I kept on these drops and it disappeared the same day. My skin is also looking much better. I give to my younger children as preventative and they’ve been healthy and happy. One of them did pass a parasite from these drops and I’m just thrilled over that!
LouAnn Boatwright –
I hide the taste in a flavored drink. It is an excellent product. I used it instead of antibiotics to cure H-Pylori, and my husband was able clear an infection from a spider bite. I even used it topically on my dog who got a rash on her chin from licking her puppies! At the first symptoms of a cold or flu, a few drops a day staves off the disease or shortens the duration. I’ve used it for years and recommend it to others.
Alice –
Our chiropractor recommended this product to us several years ago. We’ve been using it daily since then. We have not had so much as a sniffle in years. Definitely recommend getting it!
helpful rater –
I use this at the first sign of the common cold. It seems to knock it out or at least lessen its impact. I have used it for years and always have some on hand for my family and me. The common cold is a type of coronavirus. I have stocked up recently because of fears of Covid 19. My reasoning is that since it is a definite aid in fighting the common coronavirus, it may be a tool to fight the Big Kahuna of coronaviruses, Covid 19. It’s an idea for others to consider. Hopefully you won’t get Covid 19 and you will be able to use this instead for your next common cold or as a vegetable rinse to clean your food.
Recently, I just caught a cold (maybe something worse?) and I used this to kick it and I thought that, as a helpful rater, I would suggest this to others. I usually put 8 drops in 8 ounces of water and chug it down 2 to 3 times a day until it is pretty much gone. I think it is okay to use more if you have to – check the manufacturer’ recommendation. Add a comment if you have had similar experiences that could recommend this use to others (or not). Meanwhile, Please wear your masks and peace out 🙂
UPDATE: I developed a cough slowly, over months, that I think was walking pneumonia. I started taking agrisept for it too late. It works best in the early stages. Anyway, it did seem to be slowly helping but then I caught Covid – I think the BA-5 because of the searing sore throat. There was no way agrisept was going to touch this Covid thing so I discontinued it. I took Paxlovid and heavy duty over the counter cold and flu for that and it resolved in about 9 days. But not the cough. I went back to the agrisept and it seemed to loosen the cough and congestion as soon as I started it again. Still took about another 3 months to clear. I still count on agrisept for (preferably early onset) of a scratchy throat, cough or cold. Hope this helps:)
D. Mckenzie –
Have used Agrumax for several years now – is powerful source of bioflavonoids. Can be taken orally but be prepared- not a nice taste at all.
I use 4 drops mixed with saline solution daily as a nasal rinse. When used consistently, has kept sinus infections under control.
Sebastian –
Works well and enjoy the results
Sebastian –
Great product.
Lissa –
I drink 10 drops of this in a glass of water every morning while I am traveling overseas and I have never gotten sick from anything. I go to Kenya and spend a month at a time and I’ve never had a problem with my stomach while using these drops.