Descrição do Produto: Nutrex Hawaii, Pure Hawaiian Spirulina 500 mg
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Nutrex Hawaii, Pure Hawaiian Spirulina. Este superalimento original, cultivado de forma natural em nossa fazenda no Havai, é uma fonte rica de nutrientes essenciais que promovem a saúde geral. Cada comprimido contém 500 mg de spirulina pura, um alga azul-verde que é reconhecida mundialmente por suas propriedades benéficas. A Pure Hawaiian Spirulina não apenas apoia o sistema imunológico, mas também contribui para a saúde do coração, das células e para o aumento da energia.
A Pure Hawaiian Spirulina é um aliado poderoso no processo de envelhecimento saudável, pois fortalece o sistema imunológico e fornece a nutrição necessária para um estilo de vida ativo. Além disso, ajuda a manter perfis normais de colesterol e lipídios, promovendo um bem-estar duradouro. Com uma combinação impressionante de vitaminas A, K1, K2, B12, ferro, aminoácidos, carotenoides, antioxidantes e phycocyanina, este suplemento é uma excelente adição à sua rotina diária.
Produzida em um ambiente sustentável, nossa spirulina é cultivada sob a luz natural do sol havaiano e com água filtrada por lava, garantindo um produto saudável em um ambiente saudável. Além disso, a Pure Hawaiian Spirulina é vegetariana, vegana e livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs), glúten, lactose, soja, pesticidas, herbicidas e solventes, tornando-a uma escolha segura e saudável para todos.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a manutenção de níveis saudáveis de colesterol e lipídios.
– Energia Sustentada: Aumenta a vitalidade e a disposição para atividades diárias.
– Nutrientes Essenciais: Fonte rica de vitaminas e minerais que promovem a saúde geral.
– Produto Sustentável: Cultivado em um ambiente natural, livre de contaminantes e aditivos químicos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 6 comprimidos de Pure Hawaiian Spirulina diariamente, podendo ser consumidos com ou entre as refeições. Após a abertura, armazene o produto na geladeira para preservar sua frescura e eficácia. Incorporar este suplemento à sua rotina pode ser uma maneira prática de garantir a ingestão diária de nutrientes essenciais, promovendo uma vida mais saudável e ativa.
mario –
ممتاز جدا
J. McDonald –
Product works well, but I received a bottle with only 100 pills when I should have received 400! What?!
Lana –
This stuff is so good for your body. I take 6 pills every morning and I feel the difference in my energy when I don’t take them. I feel they are very effective. Pricey for the size but definitely worth it!
Sue Ross –
Spirulina is a natural “algae” (cyanbacteria) powder that is incredible high in protein and nutrients. When harvested correctly from non-contaminated ponds and bodies of water, it is one of the most potent nutrient sources available. It is largely made up of protein and essential amino acids, and I typically recommend it to clients who decide to remain vegetarian for its high natural iron content. It is often touted for its high B-12 content, though there is a lot of debate about if this particular form is a complete and absorbable form of B-12 and I don’t recommend it completely in place of animal products.
The high concentration of protein and iron also makes it ideal during pregnancy, after surgery, or anytime the immune system needs a boost.
• Spirulina is 65% protein and amino acids including the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which has gotten a lot of attention for its anti-inflammatory properties, especially when taken with other quality Omega-3 supplements like Fermented Cod Liver Oil. (I suspect that the benefits of GLA in Spirulina are even more than what the studies have found since these studies often use vegetable oils for their GLA source, and the other inflammatory compounds in vegetable oils can interfere with the anti-inflammatory ability.) It contains all essential amino acids.
• Spirulina contains Omega 3-,6 and 9s and is especially high in Omega-3s.
• Spirulina is extremely high in Chlorophyll, which helps remove toxins from the blood and boost the immune system.
• Spirulina has a very high concentration of bio-available iron and is excellent during pregnancy and for those with anemia and will not cause constipation.
• Spirulina is a great source of other nutrients including (according to Wikipedia): “Spirulina contains vitamins B-1(thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3(nicotinamide), B-6 (pyridoxine), B-9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin E. It is also a source of potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc. Spirulina contains many pigments which may be beneficial and bioavailable”.
• Spirulina is also incredibly high in calcium with over 26 times the calcium in milk, making it excellent for children, the elderly and during pregnancy.
• Some research has suggested that Spirulina may be helpful in allergies and allergic reactions.
• Spirulina’s phosphorus content makes it helpful as part of a tooth remineralization regimen.
• Emerging evidence suggests that it binds with radioactive isotopes and may be useful for radioactivity exposure or radiation therapy.
• The protein in Spirulina is highly usable and has a net protein utilization rate of between 50-61%
• Spirulina can bind with heavy metals in the body and help remove them.
• Spirulina can increase fat burning during exercise.
I always add Spirulina to my veggie smoothies each day and take extra during pregnancy. It is best to get in about 2 teaspoons per day, and 2 or more tablespoons during illness, after radiation exposure, or during pregnancy. It does taste horrible though! You can also mix into water and drink straight, though many people have trouble with this. The phosphorous makes it useful for the tooth remineralizing regimen, and it is best taken with an Omega-3 source like fermented cod liver oil. It’s anti-inflammatory properties have been helpful to some of my clients with joint pain or other types of inflammation.
Those with PKU should consult with a doctor before taking, as it does contain that amino acid. Those on any type of anti-coagulation medicine should consult with a doctor before beginning (or stopping) taking Spirulina.
penname –
Spirulina, classified as a microalgae, is great stuff and this is a particularly good brand. Slightly more expensive than NOW brand , but much better tasting. I’ve been using spirulina in one form or another for many years. Some of things it has done for me are improve my vision, at night and during the day, greatly increase my energy and stamina, help me breathe better, speed up my reaction time, lift my mood, stabilize my blood sugar and the list just goes on. . It makes me generally feel younger. Not to g et too scatological, but it can also make your poop green due to the high chlorophyll content, so don’t freak out if you see that. Chlorophyll is actually a great substance, very detoxifying. It’s the equivalent of our blood, in the plant kingdom.
Personally, I do not go by the suggested serving size on the bottle of ‘six tablets’. I might have in the beginning, but that was many years ago. I’m what you might call a ‘power user’ now, so I often take fifteen or more tabs at a time, and might do that more than once a day. After all, spirulina is a whole food as opposed to an isolated, synthesized supplement’, so I don’t see any problem with taking it in such amounts. It’s safe enough to do so, and you will really notice its benefits more dramatically by doing so. Since your body recognizes spirulina as a food, it is much better assimilated (“bioavailable”) than supplements per se. . And yes, it may turn your poop green, but not to worry, that’s just the chlorophyll at work. Chlorophyll is a great detoxifier, and spirulina has a lot of it.
Personally, I do not chew up the tablets, nor do I swallow them with water. Instead I suck on them and let them dissolve in my mouth. Strange as this may sound, over the years I’ve been taking spirulina, I’ve found that for me, at least, it seems to be the most effect way of maximizing its benefits. It may be because doing it this way allows some of the salivary enzymes in the mouth begin to absorb the nutrients in the spirulina before it gets to the stomach, and some of the nutrients are probably absorbed by the many blood vessels in the mouth in a sublingual, trans-buccal fashion, like when you take a homeopathic remedy, for example.
. Whatever the explanation, I find this works best for me. I also actually like the taste of spirulina, which I’im sure helps. . I take them between meals, because I think that like some herbs and other substances, they’re more effective that way. One warning: If you dissolve them in your mouth as I do, the chlorophyll will make your lips, teeth, tongue, etc. very GREEN. I once was sucking on my spirulina tabs while driving on I-95 and got pulled over by a state trooper, and after he was finished with me, I realized that my lips, teeth, etc. had been totally green the whole time I was talking with him. This guy must have seen everything, because he never even batted an eyelash or said anything. Or maybe he just thought he was hallucinating, I don’t know. Anyway, I can’t really say enough about spirulina as a valuable source of nutrition that will give you astounding energy, without the various issues of coffee, etc.. (even though I indulge in coffee a bit). The only thing I ever had which gave me more energy was blue-green ‘Klamath Lake’ algae,, by CellTech, but I started working about the reported significant pollution in Klamath Lake and stopped taking it. But spirulina is grown in carefully controlled man-made ‘ponds’ so contamination is not an issue.
I’ve worked in the vitamin departments of health food stores and taken a panoply of supplements of all types in my life as well as doing quite a bit of research into such things, and I can honestly say spirulina is at the top of my list of ‘supplements’ that really work. You just cannot take it and NOT notice its benefits. .
asmaa –
منتج موثوق به بالفعل
Fatemeh –
Write 100 tablets but it is wrong. And it doesn’t have 100 tablets
Ramona Nita –
It goes well with my body