Descrição do Produto: Nutrex Hawaii Pure Hawaiian Spirulina 1000mg – 360 Tablets
Nutrex Hawaii Pure Hawaiian Spirulina é um suplemento alimentar de alta qualidade, que oferece 1000mg de spirulina pura por comprimido, em uma embalagem com 360 unidades. Originária das águas cristalinas do Havai, esta spirulina é cultivada em condições ideais, garantindo um produto livre de contaminantes e rico em nutrientes. A spirulina é uma alga azul-verde conhecida por seu perfil nutricional excepcional, sendo uma fonte concentrada de proteínas, vitaminas, minerais e antioxidantes. Cada comprimido fornece uma dose poderosa de nutrientes que podem ajudar a melhorar a saúde geral, aumentar a energia e fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, este suplemento é uma maneira prática de incorporar superalimentos na dieta diária.
1. Aumento de Energia: A spirulina é rica em proteínas e nutrientes que podem ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia e resistência física.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Com suas propriedades antioxidantes, a spirulina fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
3. Desintoxicação Natural: A spirulina auxilia na eliminação de toxinas do organismo, promovendo uma desintoxicação eficaz.
4. Saúde Digestiva: Contém enzimas e fibras que favorecem a saúde intestinal e melhoram a digestão.
5. Controle de Peso: A spirulina pode ajudar na sensação de saciedade, contribuindo para o controle do apetite e, consequentemente, do peso.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 6 a 10 comprimidos por dia, preferencialmente com água, durante as refeições. Para melhores resultados, pode-se dividir a dose ao longo do dia. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades nutricionais.
brian –
I dont write reviews as much for Amazon anymore but I fully understand the importance it can have for someone suffering from a health condition. For me this is one of those times where I wanna say that the forum on Amazon helped heal something that $3000 Antibiotics were struggling to get rid of. So below Im pasting the review I wrote for the combo of supplements. I thank this brand of Spirulina and Amazon for making it available.
I’ve been horrifically suffering from a wretched case of Gastritis and SIBO for the past year. I drank some rancid juice I squeezed in the dark which taught me a lesson about squeezing pomegranates outside at night. I have done multiple rounds of antibiotics and changed my diet completely. All to very little success
I think the diet changes are an important and necessary step. Little Fats, NO SUGARS, Un Processed, Matcha Tea / Less Coffee and Organic?Non GMO as much as possible. The Xyfaxan Antibiotic I took twice helped while I was on it and then everything would rapidly get worse when I was off of it. I became completely depressed and felt truly hopeless and financial broke from trying the vast orray of supplements and medications.
A friend had mentioned that he had cured himself with a super food green drink but I knew I didnt want any sugar from fruit. So I ordered Spirulina by itself to see if it would help AND IT WAS SUPER GROSS!!! BUT It Helped Almost Instantly. Couldnt handle the nasty taste so I ordered the 1000mg Hawaiin Sprirulina tabs. The majority of the pain, belching, and bad breath ceased in a weeks time except wasnt fully going away. My doctor suggested Heathers Tummy Savers and its helped finish the process along with Gaias Oregano.
How I look at it is that the Heathers Tummy Savers are essential at keeping my digestive track moving correctly to remove the bacteria. The Oregano is the Antibiotic, and the Sprirulina creates an environment that allows for the healing of tissue and stops the reporduction of the germs that are affecting me.
Hope this review helps someone out there.
Charles Norman –
I purchased this brand of spirulina, because I read that spirulina from Hawaii is grown in the cleanest waters and is of the best quality. Most spirulina is grown in China. I have tried some of the spirulina grown in China — not only does it taste gross, it gave me indigestion and runny stools. This spirulina, grown in Hawaii, tastes delicious and causes no stomach upset. The tablets are easy to swallow, but I prefer to eat them because they taste so good!
Pam Marciante –
I can tell when I miss a day or two. Works great!
Thomas Mackley –
This stuff is fantastic! I used to get the smaller tablets but I ended up taking about 15 a day, these are much larger, I can now just take 2-3 per day. Really helps my energy throughout the day.
Karen –
Nutrex Hawaii Pure Hawaiian Spirulina 1000mg Excellent Product!
Thomas Mackley –
I do like the effects on my body, but these are big and smelly. I dont get fish breath with them though.
Erik Altemose –
This is serious bottle of Spirulina. The bottle is glass and real heavy duty. The Spirulina is compressed into small tablets. Small for 1000 mg. They are easy to swallow and I take less due to the 1000 mg. They are a little pricey. Might go another direction next time. I like the Lina! Flavor? You don’t buy these for the flavor. There is not stomach taste either.
Cheryl Rogers –
I feel as though I cannot get sick when I am taking the Spirulina regularly. You will experience an increase in energy; a level that remains constant throughout the day. This has been a supplement I firmly believe has improved my health and one I will continue to take for the rest of my life. Research has indicated where your Spirulina originates and is processed makes a Significant difference. I am completely sold on the Nutrex Hawaii brands. My husband has also experienced increased immune function…hasn’t gotten sick for 2 years now; when he was getting something once or twice a year before.