O NutraMedix Samento é um suplemento único de suporte imunológico criado a partir do extrato de unha de gato. Graças à nossa fórmula exclusiva, o Samento pode aproveitar os benefícios da unha de gato em um suplemento líquido eficaz.
Os benefícios do Samento são numerosos. Reconhecido por promover um sistema imunológico equilibrado, o Samento também é um incrível suplemento antioxidante e suplemento cerebral que também oferece suporte à memória e ao sistema cardiovascular.
Uma Unha de Gato Acima das Demais – Embora o Samento seja frequentemente conhecido como Unha de Gato, o Samento da NutraMedix, derivado da casca da unha de gato peruana, não contém os alcaloides oxindólicos tetracíclicos (TOAs) encontrados em outros suplementos herbais tradicionais de Unha de Gato. A NutraMedix vai diretamente à fonte para garantir o extrato de unha de gato mais puro possível, enriquecido com o solo da natureza.
Combine o Samento com nossos outros suplementos de suporte ao sistema imunológico e gotas de tintura líquida para obter um poder sinérgico da natureza. As gotas de Samento da NutraMedix são tão simples quanto sempre para incorporar em qualquer rotina diária, basta adicionar água e sentir a diferença. O Samento é um suplemento vegano, assim como a maioria dos nossos suplementos imunológicos e tinturas líquidas.
O Negócio de Retribuir – A NutraMedix doa no mínimo 50% dos lucros para ajudar a alimentar os famintos, construir escolas para os menos afortunados e retribuir àqueles que mais precisam ao redor do mundo.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte imunológico equilibrado
- Potente antioxidante
- Suporte cerebral e melhora da memória
- Suporte cardiovascular
- Produto vegano e de alta qualidade
Recomenda-se tomar 30 gotas de NutraMedix Samento, diluídas em água, duas vezes ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
Jenn Blazek –
Easy to take and definitely has helped my son.
Andrew G. –
Using Samento and Banderol together are literally the best protocol I have done for my Lyme symptoms. Extremely effective! There’s not much of a taste when mixed in water. Definitely worth a try. It took a few months of daily use to cut through the fog and then it finally started to clear me up!
Linda kangas –
Careful. I had a bad reaction to this. These nutramedtic meds/tincture are not one size fits all. I go to a specialist who gives me meds/tinctures to fit my lyme .
Cecelia –
This is a fierce tincture – I used it in my Lyme protocol after intensive researching. I knew it was going to be of major help when both of my docs told me (under the table because its such a political disease) to absolutely use this along with Banderol. I didn’t use a cheap knock off from overseas, this Samento has the TCA removed which takes it to a whole new level. Together they are the Mighty Duo.
Lyme has 3 stages (spirochete, cyst, cell-wall-deficient) antibiotics can only kill Lyme while its in the blood stream. Lyme cycles, so I continued to use all the medicines for a good 6 weeks after I healed. When taking antibiotics (short or especially long term) you need to take “enteric” probiotics (with at least 7+ strains & at least 30 billion). Enteric means the capsule or pill has a protective coating to survive your stomach acid. If you’re take regular probiotics your wasting your $ since the bulk will be killed by stomach acid. These tinctures can penetrate the cyst & dormancy abodes of this disease, along w/ a rotation of antibiotics, key supplements & eating cleaner you are hitting the critters from all angles. You will have a Herxheimer Reaction. Good. It’s proof you’re killing the invaders. You will also heal & get your life back much faster. I also take Samento & Banderol for sinus infections or if I accidentally ate some contaminated food. I haven’t had the flu or cold in years.
Andrew G. –
Seems to be alleviating Lyme symptoms quite a bit after two months. It was hard to build up to the full dose. I herxed pretty hard and had to cut back twice. But I am optimistic that I will feel a lot better at six months and I sure would be pleased if I could be rid of all the “sleeper cells” by twelve months. This product is much, much better than antibiotics have been for me.
Asttarte Deva –
I ordered this product from a recommendation of a friend who also has Lyme disease. She suggested it may be the last product I have to get before I heal the Lyme symptoms completely. That was not exactly true, however, it was the beginning of a new protocol that I believe is the last protocol I need to go through to heal it completely. I learned this is through the Cowden Protocol, and this protocol is for people who have late stage Lyme disease, and hard to detect, and hard to heal. I ordered this first, and then got Banderol, then Cumanda, then Burber and Pinella. I plan to also order Emula, and Parsley next. With Samento, I noticed my muscles getting stronger, healthier and the ability to do yoga came back. My ability to dance without stomach discomfort or less discomfort, and less pain happened. I was less exhausted, and less in pain. It’s only been a month, and I did try to order another bottle and the package got lost In the delivery. I have to get another bottle, but whenI was taking it all of my symptoms improved, and I’m deeply grateful! It is recommended to stay on these bottles for a year, so I will put them in my budget to get two weeks before the bottles are empty. They truly help!
Tribe –
Arrived on time and in good condition.
MKChic –
Has helped me tremendously with burning on my right hip that wakes me up at night. Even if I switched sides the other side would burn. I wish I hadn’t had to find this gem on my own & my LLMD (Lyme Literate MD) had told me about it. I was taking Burbur but this is so much better. I did so much research on Late Stage Lyme after I first found out that I had it & it had basically ruined my life for that past 25 or so years. The longer I have been battling it the worse my memory is so I have forgotten so much of what I learned so I figured at this point it’s kind of useless. I was wrong & I do have to at least read a little at a time so I can find anything that will help like Samento! I paid so much more for my first 2 bottles because another Nutramedix product I use is cheaper on another site I use & did I really over pay!!! Thanks for the great price! Any little bit helps because this is one expensive never ending nightmare at this point & saving about $10 a bottle is HUGE!!!