Descrição do Produto: NutraMedix Houttuynia – Gastrointestinal, Sistema Imunológico
O NutraMedix Houttuynia é um extrato de ervas com inúmeros benefícios para a saúde. Sua fórmula à base de extrato de Houttuynia Cordata possui propriedades de limpeza e desintoxicação, promovendo um intestino saudável, além de oferecer suporte ao sistema imunológico e defesa contra micro-organismos.
Essa fórmula altamente biodisponível de tintura de Houttuynia foi estrategicamente desenvolvida para fornecer um suplemento líquido altamente absorvível para a saúde imunológica e suporte intestinal. Pode ser facilmente incorporado à rotina diária juntamente com outros suplementos veganos da NutraMedix.
Os suplementos veganos da NutraMedix para mulheres e homens são compatíveis e podem ser usados em conjunto para benefícios sinérgicos. Descubra mais suplementos para a saúde intestinal e produtos para suporte ao sistema imunológico na loja da NutraMedix na Amazon.
Nossas tinturas líquidas facilitam a incorporação de diversos tipos de suporte à vida diária, desde a desintoxicação intestinal até o suporte imunológico diário. Basta adicionar algumas gotas em um copo de água para obter um impulso imunológico natural.
A NutraMedix se preocupa em retribuir. Doamos no mínimo 50% dos lucros para ajudar a alimentar os famintos, construir escolas para os menos afortunados e ajudar aqueles que mais precisam ao redor do mundo.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Benefícios para a saúde gastrointestinal
- Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico
- Fórmula altamente biodisponível
- Compatível com outros suplementos veganos da NutraMedix
- Contribuição para causas sociais e humanitárias
O NutraMedix Houttuynia oferece uma série de vantagens que podem transformar sua saúde e bem-estar. Primeiramente, suas propriedades antimicrobianas ajudam a combater infecções, promovendo um sistema imunológico mais forte. Em segundo lugar, suas características anti-inflamatórias contribuem para a redução de inflamações no trato gastrointestinal, melhorando a digestão e o conforto intestinal. Além disso, o produto é rico em antioxidantes, que combatem os radicais livres, promovendo uma saúde celular ideal. A fórmula líquida e altamente biodisponível garante uma absorção rápida e eficaz, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária. Por último, ao escolher o NutraMedix Houttuynia, você também está contribuindo para causas sociais, ajudando a fazer a diferença na vida de pessoas necessitadas.
Recomenda-se tomar 20 gotas do NutraMedix Houttuynia, diluídas em água, duas vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. A dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme a orientação do seu médico, garantindo assim a máxima eficácia e segurança do produto.
Rg –
Delivered completely and within 48 hours, as promised. Seller has great communication skills. Product effectiveness proven through objective testing. Thank you!
stephanie mendoza –
My naturopath doctor recommended me to use Houtiunya as part of my Lyme Disease protocol. It is especially used to treat Bartonella. It works amazingly and I highly recommend to those who suffer from the horrible effect of Bartonella. Within days my burning feet subsided. I used this during my treatment and will continue to use for maintenance as well
SurferDude –
I cannot thank NutraMedix enough for this product. To begin the story, I was raising kittens from the ASPCA for a few months. About 3 month later I started showing very scary neurological symptoms; electrical zapping, tinnitus, extreme anxiety, memory problems, air hunger, very bad stomach problems, nerve and eye pain etc. I began to see numerous doctors with little to no help. After a long 3 more months of no results I some how ended up at a LLMD. What a life safer.
Though all blood work showed negative I did get clinically diagnosed with Bartonella. I had every symptom in the book and was very very sick. Bartonella had really taken over my body and I was super toxic. The doc gave me antibiotics and an entire protocol list of detoxing and life style modifications. While much of it was great the antibiotics were not. After much research I started taking A-BART while it seemed to work I wasn’t getting much better. After 6 months on A-BART I had enough. After more research I found Stephen Buhner herbal protocol. Reluctant to try, I did anyway.
Starting with one herb; houttaynia I began increasing dosages very slowly. The herxes were bad! One drop at a time I slowly built up while detoxing with sauna, and Epsom salt baths. After about 3 months of constant herxing the symptoms began to lessen, by this time my dosage was up to 5 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before a meal. This was the only ‘kill’ supplement I was using at the time. Then after 3 months of houttunyia, I added Sida Acuta starting low and quickly getting the dosage to 5 drops 3 times a day. This is now the dosage I stand at and still have some nasty herxes, but expect in 6 more months to be quite nicely recovered. I am finally functional, but not yet healed. Bartonella almost killed me. These herbs saved my life. Do not expect a quick recovery. In the beginning I thought it would take 3 months, now I feel it will take a solid 2 years to fully get these bugs out of my body. Though all tests I ever took came back negative I DID have a nasty bug or two or three, perhaps Lyme too. Anti-parasitic prescription drugs helped immensely though again all stool tests showed negative for parasites. Helped a ton with air hunger.
Milk kefir allowed my body to heal itself from ALL food allergies and digest foods once not imaginable to gain the nutrients and energy required to enhance the immune system and naturally kill these bugs. At one moment in time I specifically remember my immune system begin to take over and my body became warmer and I temporarily stopped all herbs while I herxed constantly for an entire week. Raw Milk (good quality milk be careful) also played a huge role in healing the stomach and providing key nutrients.
Also, some items that helped; homemade milk kerfir (herxed bad), ivermectin, bilitricide, MTHFR testing, sweating, multimineral from Carlsons, milk thistle, and so much more. Start slow and add in items. Forums help, but the key is to be relentless in your research and protocol execution. Not for one day can you give up, stay strong!
Good luck. I had experienced what I though were side effects from Houttuynia and almost gave up, but now they seemed to be linked to herxes. The first 3 month of houttuynia were brutal; extreme fatigue, 10x increase in all Bart symptoms…honestly some days scared me half to death and left me incapacitated. I thought the disease was bad but killing the disease was even worse!….slowly though these abated with proper detox and were more than necessary to happen for me to heal and appreciate a healthy life 😉
Linda –
I’m taking this for the treatment of chronic Lyme. I think there’s an improvement in cognition and clarity while I’m taking it, more so than the other Nutramedix herbals. I take a minimum of 20 drops twice a day, two weeks on, two weeks off, all under my LLMD’s supervision. As you know, with chronic Lyme, symptoms are severe, and treatment effects can be subtle. Generally, I think it’s doing me some good and will continue to order it.
Hal A. Jeffords –
I’ve been diagnosed with a chronic bacterial infection that has caused chronic pain for about 15 years; the past 2 years the pain has been nearly debilitating. I recently started taking antibiotics and have been steadily improving, but the improvement has been very slow. After about 7 months of taking just antibiotics, my Dr recommended Banderao & Samento (paired together) and Houttuynia. I started taking Samento and Banderol and experienced a rapid improvement over a 2 week period. I started taking the Houttuynia 7 weeks after the Samento and Banderol. I didn’t experience the same response to Houttuynia as I did with the Banderol & Samento. I can’t say I’m better since I’ve started taking the Houttuynia; however, its only been a week and the supplement needs time to weaken the bacteria – and then the bacteria will die. I’m continue the Houttuynia for at least a month and then decide. If I remember, I’ll update my review appropriately.
Brianna –
I buy this for a friend with a bad case of bartonella. He herxes off of a few drops so he has to slowly work up. It’s definitely helping him but he has a long way to go since he’s been undiagnosed for years.
Tina M –
So far it’s been tasteless (in 4 oz of water like the directions say) and adding an addition drop each day has been working with very little to no Herx. I’ve had some release of Bartonella as I ached a bit, but it’s doing it’s job and I just stayed at same amount of drops until it was bearable to increase again.
Michael –
I’m an herbalist. Houttuynia is an incredibly useful plant. But this company is ABUSING YOU.
1 oz should cost NO MORE than $16. Houuttunyia is an invasive plant. It grows easily everwhere, including very cold climates. SO it’s abundant-not difficult to obtain.
Shame on Nutra Medix for exploiting consumers. Find your local herbalist!