Descrição do Produto
O Nutramax Denamarin é um suplemento para a saúde do fígado de cães grandes, formulado com S-Adenosilmetionina (SAMe) e Silibina. Com uma embalagem contendo 30 comprimidos, este produto é essencial para proteger e melhorar a função hepática dos cães, promovendo um fígado saudável e eficiente. A S-Adenosilmetionina é um composto que ajuda a aumentar os níveis de glutationa, um poderoso antioxidante que desempenha um papel crucial na desintoxicação do fígado. A Silibina, por sua vez, é um flavonoide que melhora a absorção e eficácia em comparação com outros extratos de cardo de leite, oferecendo uma proteção adicional ao fígado do seu animal.
O fígado é um órgão vital que realiza funções essenciais, como a remoção de toxinas, armazenamento de energia, auxílio na digestão e suporte ao sistema imunológico. Com o Nutramax Denamarin, você pode garantir que seu cão tenha o suporte necessário para manter a saúde hepática, contribuindo para o seu bem-estar geral e qualidade de vida.
A Nutramax Laboratories Veterinary Sciences é uma referência em saúde animal, com mais de 30 anos de experiência e uma reputação consolidada entre veterinários. Seus produtos são desenvolvidos com ingredientes de alta qualidade e respaldados por pesquisas científicas, assegurando que seu animal de estimação receba um suplemento seguro e eficaz.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Suporte ao Fígado: O Nutramax Denamarin é o suplemento de suporte ao fígado mais recomendado pelos veterinários, garantindo a saúde hepática do seu cão.
- 2. Ingredientes de Alta Qualidade: A fórmula do Denamarin contém Silybin, que é absorvido melhor pelos cães do que o extrato padronizado de cardo de leite encontrado em outros produtos similares.
- 3. Saúde do Fígado do seu Cão: O fígado desempenha diversas funções vitais no organismo do seu cão, como a remoção de toxinas, armazenamento de energia, auxílio na digestão e suporte ao sistema imunológico.
- 4. Marca Veterinária Recomendada: A Nutramax Laboratories Veterinary Sciences é uma marca confiável e líder em suplementos veterinários, oferecendo produtos para a saúde das articulações, saúde digestiva e bem-estar geral dos animais de estimação.
- 5. Apoiado pela Ciência: Os suplementos da Nutramax Laboratories Veterinary Sciences são formulados por veterinários com ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo a segurança e eficácia do produto.
O Nutramax Denamarin oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar a saúde do seu cão. Primeiramente, ele proporciona um suporte eficaz à função hepática, essencial para a desintoxicação e metabolismo. Em segundo lugar, a combinação de SAMe e Silibina melhora a absorção de nutrientes e a resposta antioxidante, protegendo as células do fígado. Além disso, o uso regular do suplemento pode ajudar a prevenir doenças hepáticas, promovendo uma vida mais longa e saudável. Outro benefício é a facilidade de administração, já que os comprimidos podem ser dados com ou sem alimentos, tornando a rotina mais prática. Por fim, a confiança em uma marca recomendada por veterinários garante que você está fazendo a melhor escolha para a saúde do seu animal.
Administre o Nutramax Denamarin de acordo com o peso do seu cão. Para cães grandes, recomenda-se a administração de 1 comprimido por dia. É importante consultar o veterinário para obter orientações específicas sobre a dosagem adequada para o seu cão, considerando suas necessidades individuais. O suplemento pode ser administrado com ou sem alimentos, facilitando a inclusão na dieta diária do seu animal.
H.D. –
This made such a difference in our dog that has liver enzyme issues. Not sure how it is possible, but she went 4 months Wii’s seizure while taking this. Before it was 2-3 weeks. She had more energy and basically was a different dog.
H.C. –
I can’t say enough great things about Denamarin. In August 2014, I had a feeling I should have the vet run blood work on my 11 year old lab mix. She was acting fine, and had no real health issues, it was just a nagging feeling. We ran the blood panel, and it was a good thing we did. ALT is a liver enzyme that is released when there is damage occurring to the liver. A normal ALT value is ideally below 110, my dog’s was 390. Not good, that meant there was some serious liver damage happening. We ran a lot of tests to see what the cause could be. Ultrasound showed nothing abnormal. We did a few rounds of antibiotics in case it was some sort of hepatitis. Nothing really made a difference, and we couldn’t see what the issue was. So we started her on Denamarin. I really didn’t think it would do too much, but I was willing to try. Slowly her ALT values began to lower, I’ll post a little table at the bottom so you can see. By October her ALT was down to 147! Then in November we ran out of Denamarin for a couple weeks. Honestly, I wasn’t too concerned. I assumed she was just getting over whatever had been the issue, I didn’t think the key to her improving was the Denamarin. The next time we measured her ALT in December it was back up to 243. We never ran out of Denamarin again after that, and as of May 2015 her ALT value was 46! Thats right, from a high of 390, down to 46. I could not be happier. Given her age, I did not think that we would be back in the normal range for much. But not only is her ALT back to normal, but so is every blood value they tested. This has been worth every penny. Helpful tip: it is probably a lot cheaper on Amazon than thru the vet. I save $20 a box here.
–ALT Values on Denamarin–
Aug 2014 390
Sept 2014 290
Oct 2014 147
Dec 2014 243 (this is when we ran out of Denamarin)
Jan 2015 114
May 2015 46
hasselaar –
I foster dogs, but have chosen to specialize in the older and sicker rescued dogs. I have had many, many dogs with liver problems. But for a long time we were losing our precious furry friends, it was awful, there just was not really a very good treatment out there for an old dog with bad liver readings.
The problem was that the old dogs all had arthritis, many had been brutalized and abandoned by previous owners, and there were some things that could not be fixed. However, finally we had access to a wide canine assortment of NSAID’s. This was wonderful, the previous only hope was aspirin, with many associated bleeding risks, or dangerous steroids for their poor inflamed, badly healed, and otherwise painful limbs. They were always so good, even though I knew that they were suffering.
Then, we suddenly had access to the wonderful mom-steroidal pain relievers. This was magic stuff. Dogs that could barely walk were bouncing around, dogs that could not climb stairs were bounding up, two steps at a time. However, there was a dark side to all of this joy…as we soon discovered. These miracle NSAID’s were pretty rough on the livers of the old dogs. So much so that I was faced with the awful choice of continuing that medication, knowing that it was destroying their liver, but it was also keeping the dogs joints pain-free. My other alternative was no good alternative – no NSAIDS, just heavier and heavier doses of narcotics for the pain……helplessly watching the failing test results of my poor old pups.
I lost quite a few that way, it almost killed me. Then Denamarin, and Marin came along. I use both on my old pups and it is another miraculous thing to witness. This is a nom-prescription item that magically lowered bad liver numbers, sometimes within a three or four week period.. It is very expensive, but Amazon has the best price of all.
My dogs are living now, and not teetering on the edge with failing livers. It is possible to use NSAID’s in conjunction with Denemarin, and the liver numbers are far better, and the dogs are not doped-up on narcotics, but can enjoy their last days. I am amazed by the breakthroughs that I have witnessed in the veterinary world over the last ten years that I have been fostering. Sometimes it is pretty magical, old dogs frolicking around my ankles each morning, demanding a treat, just like a bunch of pups.
I am not a vet., I wish to make that crystal clea. I have no connection whatsoever with this company, indeed had never heard of them before my vet mentioned this drug. All that I can say is that I have had dogs my entire life, and I have witnessed far too many agonizing decisions that have had to be made. Watching an agonized old dog, painfully hobble around, or give the drug that will help with the arthritis…and have very negative effects with their livers. In the.end, we usually just tried to keep them out of pain, but they good quality of life.
Again, to be perfectly clear, with MY old dogs, under MY care, eating the very best of dog kibble, no fatty treats, no people food, and someone around at all times to give the drugs at the appropriate times, I have seen rapidly discernible improvement in my older guys. Not every dog reacts the same way, doses can be tricky, and.require a lot of blood testing’ and fiddling with dosages, my dogs have definitely improved. Not all have a glorious outcome. But If they are willing to get out of their beds, and follow me to the kitchen to beg for food, my heart is happy. When you are working with old, injured, and sick dogs…little things matter a lot.
Denemarin, along with another supplement : Marin, have made the lives of some of the older fur kids better, and happier. This will not save your old dog, there will be heart problems, cancers, and other issues upon which Denemarin has no effect. But for the dogs in the specific conditions that I have outlined, I have seen a definite difference in both the quality of life for the dog, as well as better liver readings on their blood tests.
Again, it is expensive, this makes for a very hard decision for every pet lover. But, it is effective on many dogs. And that is a miracle for me. We are saving dogs that we would have lost ten years ago, and this supplement has had a lot to do with that.
It is up to the pet owner, but under the conditions that I have stipulated, this is a worthwhile addition to the supplemental diet of old dogs.
Oma –
Finn’s Veterinarian recommended this product last November when a scan showed a mass in his liver! There is no problem with him taking one capsule a day with peanut butter. We have had an additional eight months and counting. I highly recommend!!!
I think this is a great product for dogs. But be prepared to slice your fingers open and have them throb all night due to the very very sharp metal packaging.
Oma –
This took my 12 yr old 68lb pit bull’s elevated liver enzymes from 305 to 162 in less than a month. I Was elated to say the least. My vet recommended it and after we got the results back I gave her another month supply. It is a lil pricey but the results were fantastic. Vet cost was like $100. So I bought the 2nd round of denamarin off the internet and got it around $75. Price tag is lower for smaller dogs. She feels so much better. Is more playful and sassy like she use to be. I also started giving her Cosequin made by the same company Nutramax for hip/joints and have seen a big difference in her mobility. Would def buy Denamarin again if her enzymes were to elevate again.
Amazon Customer –
Arrived in a timely manner. My lab/doberman had copper storage disease, diagnosed at 3 years old. The vet gave her 2 weeks. Along with Zinc, homemade food, and distilled water, it seemed to have helped, and I was able to give her 3 more months.
Only the finest –
Much cheaper than the vet. Excellent product.
NY –
Good price. Fast delivery
greeneyes –
I read all the reviews for this dog supplement after my Veterinarian suggested it for our 10 year old Rottweiler. She had stopped eating, lost a few pounds, and she just wasn’t feeling well. Our Vet also prescribed Prednisone to help her start eating again, it took a while, I had to force-feed her with a syringe. I mixed up some plain no sugar Cream of Wheat. She also had to take an antibiotic, with food, that is why I force fed her. It took about 5-6 days before she started eating on her own. I had to wait until she was eating on her own before giving her the Denamarin as these are large pills. After a few days, we saw an improvement. I am hoping her liver enzymes are lowering or at the least, not rising. I will keep using this as I believe it really works.