Suplemento de Vitamina B12 para Gatos e Cães Pequenos Nutramax Cobalequin, 45 Comprimidos (Embalagem de 1 unidade)
O suplemento Nutramax Cobalequin é uma excelente opção para fornecer vitamina B12 para gatos e cães pequenos. A cobalamina, ou B12, é essencial para o funcionamento de muitos processos metabólicos dentro do corpo dos animais. Seu veterinário pode recomendar o Cobalequin caso seu animal de estimação precise de suplementação de B12.
Uma das vantagens do Cobalequin é que ele é administrado oralmente, eliminando ou reduzindo a necessidade de injeções de B12. Os comprimidos podem ser triturados ou administrados inteiros, facilitando a administração a longo prazo em gatos e cães pequenos.
A Nutramax Laboratories Veterinary Sciences é a empresa líder em suplementos veterinários, sendo a marca número 1 recomendada pelos veterinários*. Com mais de 30 anos de experiência em saúde animal, a Nutramax Laboratories oferece suplementos para apoiar a saúde das articulações, saúde digestiva e bem-estar geral dos animais de estimação.
Todos os suplementos da Nutramax Laboratories Veterinary Sciences são formulados por veterinários, utilizando ingredientes de alta qualidade para garantir a segurança do seu animal de estimação. A empresa possui um compromisso com a ciência e a pesquisa, garantindo que seus produtos sejam eficazes e confiáveis.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suplemento essencial: O Cobalequin fornece vitamina B12, que é essencial para o funcionamento metabólico do seu animal de estimação.
- Fácil administração: Os comprimidos podem ser triturados ou administrados inteiros, facilitando a administração a longo prazo em gatos e cães pequenos.
- Recomendado pelos veterinários: A Nutramax Laboratories Veterinary Sciences é a marca número 1 recomendada pelos veterinários, garantindo a qualidade e eficácia do produto.
- Seguro e confiável: Todos os suplementos da Nutramax Laboratories são formulados com ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo a segurança do seu animal de estimação.
- Empresa líder em saúde animal: Com mais de 30 anos de experiência, a Nutramax Laboratories é uma empresa confiável e comprometida com a saúde dos animais de estimação.
O Nutramax Cobalequin oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar a saúde e o bem-estar do seu animal de estimação. Primeiramente, a reposição de vitamina B12 é crucial para a saúde do sistema nervoso e a produção de células vermelhas do sangue, promovendo uma melhor oxigenação e energia. Em segundo lugar, a facilidade de administração dos comprimidos torna o processo menos estressante tanto para o tutor quanto para o animal. Além disso, a recomendação de veterinários assegura que você está optando por um produto de qualidade. Outro ponto importante é a segurança dos ingredientes, que minimiza riscos de reações adversas. Por fim, a experiência da Nutramax em saúde animal garante que você está escolhendo um suplemento confiável e eficaz.
Para gatos e cães pequenos, recomenda-se administrar 1 comprimido de Cobalequin por dia, de acordo com as orientações do veterinário. Os comprimidos podem ser triturados e misturados com a comida ou administrados inteiros. É importante seguir as instruções do veterinário para garantir a dosagem correta e a eficácia do suplemento. A administração regular é fundamental para maximizar os benefícios da vitamina B12 e promover a saúde geral do seu animal de estimação.
Adquira agora o Nutramax Cobalequin e proporcione uma suplementação de vitamina B12 de qualidade para o seu animal de estimação!
*Baseado em uma pesquisa de mercado conduzida em fevereiro de 2021.
Steve807 –
It’s just about impossible to get a pill down my cat. I am so grateful that since the vet diagnosed my cat with a B12 deficiency this is so easy to get him to take one.. He enjoys the flavor so I can either put a pill on top of his food or just put a pill on a plate in front of him and he gobbles it right down.
SavvyCat –
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I cannot express how awesome this supplement is. I’ll try to keep this short, but forgive me if I don’t. Still, it’s worth reading.
My cat, Tyson, is an interested, intelligent, ingenious cat. I don’t say that because he’s my cat, because my other cat, Sagan, is dumb as a box of hair. Tyson has always been intensely curious, playful, calculating. See attached video of him checking out why Sagan couldn’t open the cabinet, and fixing the problem.
He started vomiting regularly, and lost a bunch of weight. The vet suggested he was allergic to poultry, and I changed his diet to a basic fish formula. He stopped being the pukemaster, but he stayed very thin and, as a large-framed cat, dropped to 8 pounds. The options were a ultrasound to check for lumps/cancer, blockages, etc., a VERY expensive blood test by a specialist to see if he has pancreatic insufficiency, or exploratory surgery to inspect all of his organs. FYI, this went on over a span for two or so years. I was really worried he was losing whatever battle. I did the ultrasound, but all she said they found was some enlarged lymph nodes, which could mean anything.
The vet said if it’s his pancreas there is a supplement that can be added to his food, so I asked if we could just try that without the expense. She said if it’s NOT that, it would be harmful. I asked if there was anything I could give him while I figure things out, and she recommended a B12 formula to aid absorption of nutrients. So I bought this.
At first, I had to “pill” him with it. Luckily, he’s really super good about it. It increased his hunger, so I tried dropping it in his morning wet food (to get him interested in eating) to see if he’d eat it. He did! One day, I set it on the counter while I opened a new can of food, and when I turned around it was gone! Since then he insists he gets his pill FIRST.
After a little over a month, and thinking I felt a little more meat on his xylophone ribs, I took him for a weigh-in. He has gained 1-1/4 pounds!!! I know that doesn’t seem like much, but he’s more chipper than he’s been in a long time, and I almost cried when he got the zoomies again!
This is clearly an excellent product, depending on the need. We still don’t know what Tyson’s issue is, but he doesn’t appear to be in extreme danger anymore. He’s nearly back to his old genius self. We bought some time when we bought this supplement.
DogMom007 –
My vet recommended this supplement for my small dog due to her Vit B deficiency. She gets one tablet daily. She is very persnickity so I crush it with a pill crusher and mix it with a little bit of “PureBites Creamy Treat Topper” for dogs. Easy Peasy.
Amazon Customer –
My pup is 10 years old and this pill is an easy once a day gift of energy. I give it in a pill pocket every morning and I’m amazed by how he seems like he’s years younger. The zoomies are back!
Bruce B. –
I just put the little tablet in an empty dish and present it to my cat first thing in the morning when he’s hungry. He eats it with reasonable enthusiasm. No mixing it in food or hiding it in a pill-pocket is needed. Easy to confirm that it has all been ingested.
Apparently, the flavor in the tablets fades a little a few days after the bottle has been opened, even if re-capped tightly. This was evidenced by my cat’s reduced enthusiasm for eating the tablet in the dish when I presented it to him. I reasoned that maybe just like a wet dog has a stronger odor than a dry dog, maybe a wet pill has more odor/flavor than a dry one. So, after placing the tablet in the dish, I dip my finger in water and touch it to the tablet. The tablet absorbs the water and expands. I may do this 1 or 2 more times, until the entire tablet appears moist and expanded. Don’t add too much water as it will cause the tablet to disintegrate. After doing this, I present it to my cat, and he eats it with about the same enthusiasm as he did when the bottle was first opened.
I can’t attest to how well the tablet is working, as I haven’t been back to the vet for another blood test since the one that revealed my cat to be deficient in vitamin B-12.
Patricia –
My cat’s vet recommended that I buy these from my senior cat with GI issues. He absolutely loves them!! He gets one a day and gobbles it right up. No need to swaddle him and fight with him to take it. Winning!!
Pamela –
A very easy way to get B12 into your cat.The pills are tiny and easy dissolve in wet food.
My cat can detected most things.
These are flavorless and completely dissolve into wet foid.Great product.Greatbway to get B12 into a Senior picky cat.
laf –
Chewable, easy to chew, tastes great. My cats love them.